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  1. lossychan

    Newbie MJD Raising Project

    Hello! A little while ago I made the decision I wanted to have an MJD project alongside my BJD project. I want to shell my two characters- Licot and Terry- as AP with DDH ^^. This is so I can have Licot and Terry interact with each other easily without there being too extreme of a scale difference. I was inspired by http://xhslink.com/a/rVaE5bVlQzk5 , who posts pictures of their DDH/AP hybrids. I really like the idea of customizing a DDH as well, since I have peculiar taste. Right now I just have the beginnings of Terry, as well as Licot’s head. I’m planning on buying an AP I for Licot, but the recent tariffs on CN and HK parcels worries me about buying from FaithZ. However FaithZ usually buys extra dolls for after the preorder window closes, so I am hoping to buy Pink Drops Mieri around April. Here’s some pictures of Terry so far: She’s a Pink Drops Mikuru H-type body in Whitey, with the DDH-10 head in Semi-White. I’m slowly amassing AZO2 and other clothes for her. I have her wig on the way! And some shoes… socks… Here she is wearing Azone gym clothes.Here she is wearing Azone sukumizu. She now has H2 hip, but I accidentally bought tan 😭. I need to buy her a skin cover so she can wear dark clothes. I’m thinking of buying her C legs and maybe a C lower torso as well, so she appears a little thinner. Here is old concept art of Terry- Hopefully she looks a little like this someday.
  2. Angered-Icon

    Angered-Icon's Phila Pics

    Soooooo. What I decided I'll do, since I don't have a ton of images for my dolls to warrant separate galleries for each, I figure I'll put them all in one place so both Mayumi and Joo-si don't have to be in two diff places. Plus if I happen to get another I won't have to make a new thread. At some point I may merge Mayumi's old pics into here but for now I'll start this one with some ... Juicy shots of Joo-si in Space! Queue the Space channel 5 theme ...
  3. I'm struggling to attach a resin “boy” part (it was sold as “Tommy’s special parts” on Quarantotto, which really cracked me up) to an Angel Philia I lower torso. I tried hot glue and it really didn’t work at all. Putty only worked if I used a lot (and it looked really ugly around the edges). I even tried E600, which worked for weeks until it came loose a few days ago. (Shockingly the E600 didn’t hurt the blushing on the vinyl torso which surprised me) I’m most likely going to try E600 again, but part of my initial problem was there isn’t a great way to clamp the pieces together… Any suggestions for the best adhesive to use or even if there’s a quick acting adhesive that pairs well with E600? Obviously I’m OK with something permanent 🙂, I just could use some ideas.
  4. babybluebunnyboy

    Angel Philia Clothing Help!

    hihi! Im making this thread cause I am absolutely loosing it trying to find clothes for angel philias specifically. I know that their bottoms can be on the SD side, and tops 1/4 in regards to general sizing but I have had such little luck finding artists that make clothes for them and their measurements exactly. It seems they died in popularity over the past year from what I've seen online.. I know about Codenoir, FaithZ, Mandrake, Facebook, Mercari, and just about every website a doll collector could know of to regularly check for sales. If anyone knows of Etsy/Booth sellers and any websites that fit those measurements besides what I've already mentioned it would be great :,3 (Feel free to also share any Obitsu retailer sites cause I don't know too many being a Volks collector mainly!!) And if anyone knows exact measurements for the Type-H HARD Vinyl body type would also be awesome!! I don't know why their not listed on FaithZ/Mandrake's descriptions unlike other brands/retailers like Alice Collections :,3
  5. angelphilic

    1st (successful) AP faceup!

    Hey y’all! I impulsively decided to try my hand again at doing an AP faceup and i’m pretty content with how it came out ^_^. Modeled her after Babydoll from Sucker Punch!
  6. chantelle

    AP Bust on DDS?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure if I should've put it in the DD or Obitsu section but I went with DD since it made more sense to me. I was wondering, would anyone happen to have any pictures of a AP bust on a DDS? I've seen a pic of AP busts on a DD but not a DDS. I am especially curious about how the G bust and C2 bust compare to the DDS M bust since I like the shape of those the most.
  7. angelphilic

    The girls!!

    Realizing i’ve somehow never posted on this part of the forum even though I primarily own AP! So here’s a couple pics I took and edited for my insta ^^. I was such a fan of this entire aesthetic when I was a teen (between you and me i’m still stuck in the 2010s lol).
  8. Hi, I was wondering if there's some kind of guide available for which Angel Philia busts fit which torsos? I have an AP Natsuka, and according to Faitz, she has a type C-3 bust and type H torso. The C-3 bust is too big and low to fit into any of my current clothes, so I was wondering if the type C-1 bust would be able to fit the torso instead? All the busts and torsos are the soft skin type, so I would assume they would be somewhat pliable, but I just wanted to make sure before spending the money on the bust that it would fit somewhat decently. Thanks!
  9. Hey! I have an angel philia girlie that i’d really like to dress in some darker clothes but i don’t wanna stain her :< Does anyone have any tips on how to protect her from staining? I’ve thought about making thin lining for the interior of the clothing that’s a white or nude color but i don’t know if that would work well…
  10. Emi_memi

    Angel Philia Riko

    Hi! I recently purchased an AP Riko! Below is the exact look I am hoping to achieve. Soft Girl Makeup I am hoping to take her to my bimbo aesthetic dream of dressing a doll! She's russian/japanese who moved to the states at a young age and got stuck in the Southern states (similiar to me!) I really cannot wait to show everyone my new girl 💗
  11. Hey there! I'm working on dolls of my ocs who are a cat/dog kemonomimi couple. I'm waiting for the imomodoll 75 to come out for Zephyr (my dog girl!) since the proportions/bodytype is perfect. However, I've decided to get to work on my cat girl (Her name is TBD, but I'm thinking Ruomei is cute.) I've had these OCs for a very very long time (since childhood!) and now I really want to make dolls of them as an adult since they're so special to me and have grown with me. Originally, they were aliens, but I thought it would be nice to make them into kemonomimi for a fresh start and redesign. I don't have much recent art of their kemonomimi redesigns but this is a good start to show off what they look like a bit. What it doesn't picture here is Ruomei's new legs- which are digitigrade legs! (Think like an actual cat's legs' joints.) Here's a quick shotty/chibi visual of what her build is like along with the kitty legs: She's a bit more on the pudgy/chubby side which is really hard, if not impossible, to portray in a vinyl doll due to what's available on the market atm Here's where the fun comes in!! I'm a 3d artist (hobbyist, kinda.) and I recently (Just today, actually) ordered a 3d printer along with a flesh-tone resin that, from the looks of it, is at least a good match for the obitsu 50 skintone!! My idea is to not only 3d model her a new bust piece and a fuller abdomen piece, but also create a special foot piece to mimic how a digitigrade cat leg would bend. I'll be using the obitsu 50 skeleton for my frame, and AP H2 thighs for her thighs. I would also like to 3d print my own heads so they resemble my artstyle. (Zephyr on the left, Ruomei on the right.) Here's a quick mockup of my leg idea: and lastly, the "mechanism" I'll be using for her legs (pre-trimming! I have to shorten a lot of things, but this is how the joints will work.) I will probably have to print (or fashion) a separate rod that will fit into the "foot" or paw piece at the end so everything connects. Anyways, all that out of the way, I'm planning on posting future updates here as well for when I start sculpting everything in blender. I hope this doesn't across too overly ambitious lmao! (I say this despite this being incredibly, INCREDIBLY ambitious.) thanks for reading this far ^^
  12. Hi everyone, I wanted to share my hybrid ! I 'm obsessed by the AZO2 curves and wanted to give my angel philia a body update Things to know : The AZO2 is not in soft vinyl and my angel philia is. I try dif configuration as i wanted to keep at least the tummy/tight or tight in soft vinyl but that wasn't possible 😕 the pieces wasn't really compatible with the tummy/tight or just tight of my angel philia, proportion was way off or just wasn't even fitting 😕 Anyway, i decided to then change bust, torso and tight and the end here is the final result. I think it actually look super good on both 😄 Left is the azone with Angelphilia bust/tummy/tight and right is my AP with the AZO" bust/tummy/tight hope that help I don't own the left one anymore but if you have question for the right one let me know ^^ Here is:
  13. dilfslayer

    What heads fit on VMF50 body?

    I have just lucked out on a rly well priced white/normal? angelphillia body but it has no head :/. I know about the obitsu 50 heads and the parabox heads but i not that excited by then mmm and don’t see a lot of face ups of them that rly fit my style I was wondering if there are any other hybrids, or places to get replacement AP heads
  14. Karamiah

    Modded DDH05/Obitsu/Angel Philia Hybrid

    Hi, I'm new here and wanted to Share photos of my DD/OB/AP Hybrid. Her name is Morgan. Head: DDH05 modded with miliputt (both subtracted and additive modding) Body: Obitsu50 with AP F bust and C torso. All mods were done by me (wig too!), Head was color matched and painted by local Artist Lilyan.
  15. The_Folktale_Fox

    Androgynous body

    hey everyone! I'm currently contemplating trying to make one of my own characters into a vinyl doll. I only own an angelphilia at this moment. I love her so much but I am happy to branch out to other brands/sculpts. I am looking for a more androgynous looking body. The actual gender of the body isn't relevant as long as it has a flat chest (ish doesn't need to be perfect flat). The aim is for it to look genderfluid/androgynous underneath clothes. Any help or redirection to pages would be wonderful! I tried looking for this topic but I am still learning about this forum 😅 Thanks! PS if you have a doll like this feel free to add pictures! I love seeing other people's dolls. Edit: I forgot to mention that I prefer something 50cm + somewhere around the 60cm would be perfect.
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