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  1. cinnabunroll

    Mods for DDb

    Hi all! I know I don't post or comment on here very often, but hopefully this doll project will change that? I'm gonna try my hand at shelling a character I really like in DDb form; but I have an issue, because the character has 4 arms. I have a rough idea of how I want to do this, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm not confident. My initial idea was to take an extra set of arms and (carefully) cut arm holes out of his waist area, then mod the arm pegs so that I could drill some of those little o-ring screws (I guess they're called Screw Eyes?) into them and use some elastic to hold them in place. After thinking about that for a bit, though, I realized that there might not be enough room in the abdominal area of these dolls for that (though maybe I could cut the pegs down a few mm). So my next best idea is to 3d print something for them to sit in, like the shoulder sockets they come with, but a cylinder. The problem with *that* is that I don't know how 3d printing works. I mean, I have access to a 3d pinter at my local library (woo), but again, I have no idea how it works or how to design stuff to print out... so I'd need to commission someone to make me that cylinder thing, then send me the file to print. I might end up making a new topic post when he arrives, at which point I'll also tell everyone which character I'm making. I'm not keeping his identity secret out of shame or anything, I just don't want to jinx myself and end up being unable to do this project by telling everyone my exact plans. The only reason I'm making *this* topic post is because I was hoping to hear some ideas, or potentially cast a net and find someone who is good at 3d print/design so I can shove money at them and beg for help lol Anyway, have a lovely day!
  2. How would one go about adding vampire fangs to an AP? I'm thinking about getting a type N that's painted but I'm not sure where to start with the mod. Would I risk damaging her faceup if I tried to add them? What type of clay would one use to make the fangs? any help is appreciated!!
  3. Sharing is giving, and I'd like to share a (quite) effective method of additive modifications to dollfie dream heads! It may possibly work for other vinyl doll heads but it needs more effort due to getting the right skintone color. Sculpt used: Dollfie Dream DDH28 - Eyeholes Closed Tools used: Gaianotes Colored Instant Adhesive in Flesh - can be bought here: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10772010 Cyanoacrylate Glue Activator Spray - this is necessary so that the glue will cure in seconds. CA glue is runny, and if you don't use this spray, it will take longer to cure and be uneven. Mini dremel/rotary tool (you can use what Volks has or what you can find in Amazon) Exacto knife Sandpapers of different grit (I used 150, 180, 400, 800) Polymer clay for 3D mouth parts Process: I only cut the eyeholes partially so that there's support underneath the additive mod. Applied the colored adhesive on the eyelids and some underneath the right eye. I kinda screwed up cutting out the eyes on that side. Sprayed activator immediately after applying glue. It only took about 30 seconds for the glue to fully cure. Sanded the glue using the rotary tool and sandpaper. Rinse repeat, until I got a more even finish. Not the cleanest mod, I also screwed up with the mouth opening and used some more of the colored adhesive. But I would say that with more practice, this method of modification is easier to do than melting vinyl scraps. The only disadvantage to this method is that colored adhesive is not flexible, and can eventually crack if you accidentally drop or apply a lot of pressure. The rightful owner of this cutie will be @battrastard ! He voluntarily accepted to adopt my mod experiment to salvage this head.
  4. Hey there! I'm working on dolls of my ocs who are a cat/dog kemonomimi couple. I'm waiting for the imomodoll 75 to come out for Zephyr (my dog girl!) since the proportions/bodytype is perfect. However, I've decided to get to work on my cat girl (Her name is TBD, but I'm thinking Ruomei is cute.) I've had these OCs for a very very long time (since childhood!) and now I really want to make dolls of them as an adult since they're so special to me and have grown with me. Originally, they were aliens, but I thought it would be nice to make them into kemonomimi for a fresh start and redesign. I don't have much recent art of their kemonomimi redesigns but this is a good start to show off what they look like a bit. What it doesn't picture here is Ruomei's new legs- which are digitigrade legs! (Think like an actual cat's legs' joints.) Here's a quick shotty/chibi visual of what her build is like along with the kitty legs: She's a bit more on the pudgy/chubby side which is really hard, if not impossible, to portray in a vinyl doll due to what's available on the market atm Here's where the fun comes in!! I'm a 3d artist (hobbyist, kinda.) and I recently (Just today, actually) ordered a 3d printer along with a flesh-tone resin that, from the looks of it, is at least a good match for the obitsu 50 skintone!! My idea is to not only 3d model her a new bust piece and a fuller abdomen piece, but also create a special foot piece to mimic how a digitigrade cat leg would bend. I'll be using the obitsu 50 skeleton for my frame, and AP H2 thighs for her thighs. I would also like to 3d print my own heads so they resemble my artstyle. (Zephyr on the left, Ruomei on the right.) Here's a quick mockup of my leg idea: and lastly, the "mechanism" I'll be using for her legs (pre-trimming! I have to shorten a lot of things, but this is how the joints will work.) I will probably have to print (or fashion) a separate rod that will fit into the "foot" or paw piece at the end so everything connects. Anyways, all that out of the way, I'm planning on posting future updates here as well for when I start sculpting everything in blender. I hope this doesn't across too overly ambitious lmao! (I say this despite this being incredibly, INCREDIBLY ambitious.) thanks for reading this far ^^
  5. Hi! I am going to be buying a new DD soon and with the customisation I was considering modifying the DDH-07 face to have slightly smaller eyes, I have seen hemi's doll room on youtube use a method where she uses cut vinyl from the back of the doll head and uses a soldering iron to melt the vinyl and modify the eye holes smaller, she does this in this video here. Now I am aware melting vinyl can produce fumes (i have an adequate respirator) but I wanted to know your thoughts on this method because I like the results and the fact that I wouldn't have to repaint the head like you would with epoxy clay. I have also seen a face-up artist on instagram use a UV resin from BOOTH japan that is colour matched to the dollfie heads, this would be my second option if I buyee does indeed ship UV resin to where I live. Has anyone here used or seen these methods and have any thoughts on them :D Thank you
  6. Hello there! I haven't made a topic in quite some time so bare with me if this is in the wrong place or something. I'm currently working on an (extensively) modded Obitsu 50 which is my first vinyl doll. I have a specific body type in mind that I'd like her to have, which is going really great so far (!!) except for her shoulders, which are too wide for my idea... Her current set up is the Obitsu 50cm chest skeleton with the 50cm L bust from Parabox. Is there a way I could cut out some of the vinyl around the arm holes so the shoulders would be less wide? Alternatively, I also read that MDD busts can fit the Obitsu45. Since that shares the same chest skeleton part, could I buy an MDD bust and use that instead of modding the 50cm L bust? Would that even fit? I know I'd have to modify the neck hole for the Obitsu neck peg but that's doable for me! Any help is appreciated and I hope I was able to explain myself clearly! If you need any more information or clarification please let me know haha Thank you! 😄
  7. Dolliquent

    Obitsu/AP Nail Art?

    I've been wondering if there is anyone who does nail art or long acrylic nails for Angel Philia's? I see them for DD a lot but never Obitsu and AP. I have seen the straw method tutorials so I might just try that if all else fails.
  8. Greta

    Obitsu male modification?

    Hi! I’m getting 2 obitsu bodies for my 2 ddh heads, one is male and one is female, i’m switching the girls upper and lower torso with angel philia parts because i really like detailed bodies, does anyone know any detailed male parts? x~x Does angel philia make male parts? Or is there any mod artists who maybe does it? Sorry if this sounds weird x-x . I really like ( NSFW WARNING NUDITY) https://www.instagram.com/shuishengwune/ creations but i don’t think they do commissions or work on vinyl 😵
  9. Greta

    DDH and obitsu Hybrid?

    Hi i’m VERY new in vinyl dolls i purchased 2 ddh heads recently and planned on buying an obitsu body soon, but i have read that doing the trick where you unscrew the neck piece and inserted the base into the head without the spring and put the top part against it can result in cracks.. Is there any good neck adapters ? i was thinking of getting this one https://www.shapeways.com/product/76VWLL36J/obitsu-to-dd-neck-post?optionId=66623972 but i don’t know if it poses any good.. I would like to buy one that can pose good but i can’t find any reviews on the shapeways neck adapter ;( Also is there anyone living in sweden that has any other better option than buying from japan for a obitsu body? The customs in sweden is killing my wallet so i don’t know if there is maybe a store in europe selling obitsu bodies? I found one in french i think but they only sold 20cm bodies or it was obitsu heads they only sell i don’t remember :p
  10. CalicoCollection

    MDD wrist joints

    So I'm new to Dolfie dream dolls and I just got my first MDD, I bought them knowing one of the wrist joints was wonky, I managed to get it out and sanded the peg to be slimmer so now it goes into the arm socket and stays put but I can pull it out and twist it much easier. I decided to mod the other wrist this same way but I can't get the wrist peg out. My question is is it normal for MDD wrists to be super difficult to remove or even turn in the socket? I've also had my partner try to pull it out since they have more hand strength and they couldn't get it all the way out either. I'm going to continue trying to get it to move without damaging the arm joint or lower arm casing but definitely struggling. Any and all tips are welcome.
  11. Warning: The wording of my post might look strange to you as I’m sleepy and have a question! Hi! I want to buy a blank DDH-07 to permanently modify in order to create a custom look for my first BJD, a female Obitsu 60 (unnamed), to use for when she finally arrives at her new home in 2-3+ months. 😓 However, I’m having issues finding guides on permanently modifying DDH (or even Parabox-Obitsu) eye sockets by reshaping and resizing them with a craft knife and sandpaper. Is it possible to reshape and resize eye sockets without messing it up to the point it becomes unusable in the first place?
  12. RikunFrances

    Horns For MDD/Dollce Heads

    I'm looking for makers of horns for MDD/Dolice sized heads and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on where to go to (specific Etsy sellers, etc.) Otherwise if someone has made their own horns, how did you do it? Any tips and tricks? Additionally...how do you put them on? Do you tape the magnets, or maybe use hot glue??
  13. I spent today modding my DDH-10! the mouth piece is “3D” and can be removed. Also opened her eyes, Pointed her ears, and softened her chin! Will be painting her soon! 🙂
  14. I bought a wig off of booth for my snow miku and it’s too big it’s a 9-10 I tried a head cap and because the pigtails are so heavy it just slides back is there any way to mod it so she can wear it? It’s so pretty and I’m bummed she can’t wear it.
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