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  1. chef_mai

    Pure Neemo Characters

    This is a topic for keeping up with the licensed character dolls in Azone's 1/6 line. --- Azone just announced a third character for its 1/6 line of Gochiusa dolls after wrapping up the 1/3 line a couple years ago. First, there was Chino, then there was Sharo. And now there's Cocoa. Hopefully, they'll do the full gang of 7 since I'd love to get a Maya one. (Previously)
  2. AshbelEro

    Azone Pureneemo2 Emotion Unboxing

    I got home pretty late yesterday to find that we had a package sitting on our front step. It had been raining all day. I wish they'd have knocked or something. People were still home. Oh well. My Creatable World dude, Jun, will be helping us look inside. At this point I wasn't entirely sure if this was the doll or not because it was addressed to my husband and the package wasn't due until Tuesday. My desk is always a dang mess. A very, very eclectic mess. Well, let's dive right in. Yep. That's a doll. I was fascinated to see the shipper had kept her from rattling around by simply taping the package to the inside of the box. Brilliant. Jun helped. She's smaller than I thought she'd be. I always have trouble visualizing size. She came with a standard Obitsu head and an extra pack of hands. Not a bad deal for $65. At least I think. SHE LIVES. kinda. Straight out of the package, she stands pretty well. But she takes a lot more effort to stand than Jun does. Then again, he does have wider feet, and that's really only when he's wearing shoes. Without shoes, he can hardly stand at all. Full of surprises here... Jun was actually bigger than I thought he'd be, too. The new girl is also very heavy considering her size. Her vinyl or plastic or whatever is very dense. I like it. Really my only issue is with those holes in the backs of her legs, but that's so she can fully kneel, and with that in mind it doesn't bother me at all. First doll I've ever had who could do this. Posing her is pretty easy. She's very good at action poses. Bonus hands, so she can do a little of this! Or that. I felt bad for her so I doodled her a quick face and gave her some of my Creatable World clothes. Obviously they're a little big on her. The face comes right off, don't worry. Her head is way squishier than I imagined. This is going to be a tough project. Creatable World pants fit on her perfectly. So there's a saving grace. So there's my new Pureneemo girl. I'm really excited to have the Emotion, her posing is amazing. Can't wait to see what I can do with her.
  3. So my first vinyl doll, a Pureneemo Emotion with a standard eyehole-less Parabox head in white skin, is on its way to my place. And as I was sketching ideas for her, I thought... well, why make her boring? So I thought about what I could do with her. I really love the Smart Dolls with vitiligo... But they've bothered me for a while, as have most vitiligo dolls. Why do they only ever have a splotch on their face? The Barbie Fashionistas girl is the only one I've seen besides OOAK dolls that have it anywhere else on the body. And also never near the mouth, where I've noticed most people get it pretty prominently. It's always just one over the eye. So I've decided my Neemo deserves better. When I first get her, I'm probably not going to be able to do much, so the left image is a tentative design I'll be giving her while I get better at faces and doll modding. For the vitiligo mod, I'll be masking her body in specific places with tack or masking fluid, while she's assembled, then disassembling her entirely, finishing up the masking so that it's seamless, and then spraying her down with a deep brown vinyl dye. I'll then be using a dilution or acetone to get her palms and the soles of her feet to a proper, accurate color - this has always bothered me about black dolls, too. I haven't decided if I'm simply going to paint her eyes on or modify the head to feature eyeholes and a sculpted mouth. I'd really like her lips to be nice and full. The skin pattern above is just a tentative design and will probably be changed - I'd like it to stay true to the typical patterns you'd see on a real person, even though it's impossible for two to be the same. I was able to find a vinyl dye that will work on both the plastic and vinyl parts of the Pureneemo, so no visible joints should be mismatched with her body color... But if, after some testing, I find that the plastic won't match the color, I may just incorporate all the visible white plastic into her "spots". I also have a pack of extra hands, so hopefully I can get all her extra pieces to match each other. Very excited for my girl, and if she works well, I may start selling dolls like this. edit: I'd like to state for the record that I am neither POC nor do I suffer from vitiligo and this is not me attempting to be woke. I just think it'd be cool to do. If you believe I shouldn't be making a POC doll if I'm not POC, well... Noted. But I can't change myself any more than you guys can.
  4. Hi DollDreaming members , My name is Rajke, nice to meet you all. My interest for BJD's date's back a year of three ago and in late 2018 i ordered my first vinyl doll (Azone's Rem). The result of that was simple: I was impressed by the quality and wanted to ad more which results in Smart Doll Kizuna which i named Kizuna (Why changing a fitting and nice name anyway). When she arrived i had two thoughts: 'Wow, what a high quality' and 'Why didn't i dive in the BJD world sooner'. I collect figures (which also explains my avatar) and because of that hobby i discovered the Dollfie Dream line. I was impressed by the photo's i found (and depressed by the price) about those dolls. Besides collecting i like to do some DIY projects which can vary a lot. Personally i think wood is a great material to make things with. Having creativity in my hobby is important to me. I think that BJD's like Smart Doll and Dollfies with changeable eyes and wigs are really inspiring with their possibilities to be creative. Currently i am thinking to buy a BJD and customize her with a custom outfit, other eyes and wig. But that is now in the planning and research stage. To keep it short: i want to create a BJD with looks that is close to my favorite character Calne Ca. Well guess that is it about me for now. Well an introduction wouldn't be complete without introducing my dolls too. Pictures are under the spoiler. Rem: Kizuna: Thank you for reading and see ya around. Greetz, Rajke
  5. mizya

    mizya's neemo photos

    Now with the new forum it's easier to share from twitter, so I figured I could make a photo thread for my Azone Pureneemo and Picconeemo. I won't spam absolutely everything that I post on twitter, but I think sharing a few favourites every once in a while could be nice. :3 I've been playing with my Picco D/Lil' Fairy dolls the most lately and on the weekend I took a group shot of my current chibis: They're from left to right --> Aru (Neko no Te mo Karitai Lipu), Eru (Neko no Te mo Karitai Erunoe), Iru (Neko no Te mo Karitai Vel), Alisa (Sweets a la Mode Marron Parfait Alisa) & Iku (Chiisana Otetsudai-san Will). I originally had the first Chiisana Otetsudai-san Erunoe and Purimyure Yousei Kyoukai Vel but sold them and didn't plan to buy any Lil' Fairies again as the old bodies frustrated me a lot... but then they came out with the renewed Picco D bodies and the kitty maids trapped me again. I also had to get Will because I adore tsundere boys. And then the Picco D versions of Sweets a la Mode series tugged my heart strings as it's one of my top favourite Pureneemo series, although eventually I only ended up getting Alisa because I was picky about the others, ahah... ^^; Well, I did like Maya but I don't have her Pureneemo counterpart so I enabled my friend to buy her instead. xD I also took a photo of chibi Alisa with her Pureneemo counterpart (who's been renamed Akemi): I did a matching photo with Sweets a la Mode Cream Anmitsu Yuzuha (renamed Yumei) & her chibi version (that belongs to my friend @Yenna) earlier: I've got character profiles up for my neemos in my blog, in case anyone's curious about their backstories. :'3
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