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"Base Body" price change??

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Sure like many, noticed that Volks USA has announced that they will soon be selling the DDS optional parts.



Separate the prices seem reasonable (considering one would be buying them to say replace a broken part) but for those that want to buy a "base body" DDS together the price is quite the sticker shock coming in at $342 before shipping. Base body DDdy is $253, DD2 is $231, and MDD is $218...so DDS is quite the markup.


But this got me thinking also, with the release of Saber Extra and Saber Alter, whom have DD3 body types, could Volks plan on releasing just option parts for DD3 also. If so, then this could mean that price of acquiring DD3 body could be higher compared to current DD2 body. Not to mention in the recent DD Fan Book looked like Alna was sporting a body similar to DD3, which could be a resigned DDdy v2 body.


I could see the benefit for Volks to go with just selling option parts. With DDdy and DD2 bodies, arms, legs, hands, and feet parts would be the same. So they wouldn't have to produce extra of these and this would allow consumer to create the body type they want for their dollfie. Sure there may even be some savings in packing and shipping as sure parts are easier to ship separate compared to when assembled as base body.


Granted, this is just my opinion. Volks could plan on still doing base body for the various types. It was just a thought I had after adding up all the prices for the DDS parts and thought I would open it up for discussion.

Edited by Guest

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I noticed that too. I wonder if the same thing is done with DD3. Then it would be more cost effective get a whole new version Aoi or Yukino if their prices stay the same and the parts also add up to around $350 for a DD3.


I agree about the possibility of a DDdy version 2. It can be that just the arms and legs are updated. I am not sure how they would increase mobility but still maintain the body line. Look at how much longer or more narrow the DD3 body looks compared to DD2.



This Alna's arm joint looks like a DDS or DD3 type. The rest of her still looks like DDdy. They may have just changed out the arms.

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I noticed that the character models Aoi and Yukino went up in price when the renewal models were released as DD3's.


The old DD2 character dolls were 39,900yen; now they are 44,100yen. I'm guessing this is to cover the cost of materials (new vinyl?) and a bit due to inflation perhaps?


There's pros and cons to Volks releasing the DD3 body in pieces (the way the DDS body is only available now) since it would make it easier to customize what pieces you want (hands, bust, head) right from the get-go. I love that the DDS pieces come with the internal skeleton mechanism already in them so it's a simple switch & go if you need to replace something.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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I haven't noticed prices of the V2 Aoi and Yukino.


I actually like the idea of option parts as like mentioned does allow to create body type you want. Just have to hope Volks keep their part supply stocked or will end up with incomplete body ^^;

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