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How do you decide what doll to buy?

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I’m having the hugest dilemma I really want to get Sakura Miku but I’m concerned that if I commit to getting Miku. That Volks might make Raphtalia a doll. Which I would love if they did that. How do you decide on a doll if there could be a chance of getting one of your favorite characters?

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This Raphtalia? https://shield-hero.fandom.com/wiki/Raphtalia

She's cute, but have you heard something specific about Volks having a license for the doll you are looking for? It's really hard to say what they will make, and it usually surprises the heck out of everyone when they announce them.

The first answer through my head was you don't have to just get one.

Ok, I know it's not really that simple, but I wouldn't not get a doll I wanted because Volks might make a doll that to the best of my own knowledge they have never said they are making.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I personally wouldn't make any bets on Volks making, well, ANY doll unless they already have plans to make a character from the same series. However, it's super common for people to make custom character dolls. So, depending on how you feel about that, it's more of a decision of immediacy (Sakura Miku will be shipping out late June this year), or taking the time to get all the pieces together for a custom doll.

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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Well if it means anything reselling a Sakura Miku shouldn't be that tough.

If you really want a Raphtalia, I would work on getting all the parts for a custom doll instead of settling for another that's more immediate. I regret doing that all the time.

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While anything is possible that Volks might make, they have only once before made an "animal girl" and that was 10 years ago:


Raphtalia doesn't even have any scale figures other than the child one coming from Pulchra...which will no doubt suck because it's Pulchra.


Edited by cfx

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2 hours ago, cfx said:

While anything is possible that Volks might make, they have only once before made an "animal girl" and that was 10 years ago:



There was also Millhiore F. Biscotti out of Dog Days...  https://www.volks.co.jp/jp/dogdays/

But again that was 7-8 years ago.

Both milly and mashiro suffer from the clear plastic band attached ears, which might be a contributing factor why they dont make more ear'd character dolls, since setting them up so the band doesn't show is a bit of a pain in the butt...

As far as a raphtalia doll from volks ... Shield Hero as an anime is relatively recent, and Volks does not tend to do any quick moves in terms of releases of from anything thats gained recent popularity. (Logistics reasons. Prototyping, tooling for props, making the patterns mass producable, etc..)

(Out of Isekai style series, My personal money would be on a Ram / Rem DDS combo out of Re:Zero if they still have the license in order.)

Edited by finnleo
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I only look at which dolls Volks is confirmed making, and never think about who they MIGHT make -- you'll drive yourself crazy that way AND miss out on dolls you really want because you were waiting for some "maybe" doll that never materialized.

Remember Volks generally only puts out 5-10 collab (characters from other properties) dolls PER YEAR. Now think about all the potential collab dolls they could make -- hundreds, if not thousands, every year. The likelihood that 1 of those collab dolls is going to be the specific character you want is INFINITESIMALLY SMALL.

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Volks has been using a different system for animal eats lately, the recent ninetails set ears have hairclips.  For a DD character doll with animal ears, like Raphtalia, I'd prefer Volks just use magnets.  That won't happen, though.  


If there's a character you really want as a DD, you're better off making a custom instead of waiting for Volks.  Ginger Tea, Cherry Milk and From-Sen make many DD outfit sets based on popular anime characters, or you could find someone who makes doll clothes on commission.  I know Cherry Milk outfits run about $200 on Mandarake, but a new DD tends to be $700-$800 from Volks these days, 


The only unannounced DDs I'd be confident in expecting right now are Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter.  Beyond that, more Fate characters are a sure thing, but as to which ones?  It's anyone's guess.  Volks released Emilia, but no Rem, after all.  They like to keep us guessing.  

Edited by Galvatim

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Is this your first DD?

When I was in the process of getting my first DD, what I really wanted was either a Ranka or a MOMO.  

Ranka was a pre-order at the time.  I didn't want to wait a year between my order and my first doll.  Then as I was struggling with my decision, the pre-order period ended.

As for MOMO, she wasn't available from the Volks webstore at the time (or since to my knowledge).  She was only available through resellers, and my knowledge of where to get second hand DDs was limited to ebay at the time.  On ebay MOMO was running about $1200 or so around then.  That was out of my price range and I didn't know of any other options.  So MOMO was off the table.

I had long looked at Standards, but none of the old standards really appealed to me, although I did consider a Mayu at one point.  But Volks had just released the Candy and Mirai Memorial Editions.  I liked Mirai, and I even had her in my cart ready to go.  Then as I checked out, Mirai went out of stock.

So, I researched some more.  I wanted a DD.  It didn't seem I was going to get one of my highly desired models like Ranka, MOMO, KOS-MOS, or Saber Lily due to lack of availability and/or prices out of my desire to pay.  I also missed out on my next pick of Mirai because she sold out before I comitted.  I learned that Candy and Mirai would be restocked in a Standard Edition as opposed to the Memorial Edition which had just sold out.  Due to numerous factors, I decided to "settle" for a Candy Standard.

So, that's how I decided on my first DD.  You might think I'd be disappointed.  After all, it wasn't like that Candy doll was anywhere near my first choice.

But then I unboxed her and fell in love.  I named her Amber.  Even though I now have a dozen Dollfies, Amber is still my best girl.  I'm sure everyone here is completely sick of me gushing about her.


OK, but what about later?  What about when the DD in question wasn't my first?  What about when I knew of other options beyond ebay for the dolls I wanted?

Well, what Volks MIGHT make has never been a criteria for me.  I mainly pay attention to what is actually available.  Failing that, I don't go beyond what is officially announced.

Then, I've just gone for the dolls I want that are actually within my willingness to pay.  So, sadly, I probably won't ever have a Saber Lily unless she gets a re-release, but I do have a Saber Extra, which was the faceup I wanted anyway.


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1 hour ago, Gabriel said:

Then, I've just gone for the dolls I want that are actually within my willingness to pay.  So, sadly, I probably won't ever have a Saber Lily unless she gets a re-release, but I do have a Saber Extra, which was the faceup I wanted anyway.

Lies! His dolls ordered some of those dolls while he wasn’t looking. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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On 5/8/2019 at 5:14 PM, Missy said:

I really want to get Sakura Miku

If you really want her, then you've decided: get her! It's very unlikely that there will be a Raphtalia doll because the title has very little merchandising and it doesn't seem to be treated as a media franchise (the publisher is a relatively small company edit: it's now published by Media Factory which is part of Kadokawa). I do <3 Raphtalia though.

Edited by foo

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I only buy a doll if I become absolutely obsessed with them. My only current doll is a head I purchased off Yahoo Auctions that I couldn’t take my eyes off. I went to the auction and browsed the images multiple times a day until she arrived and now she’s my phone wallpaper and all these years later I still find myself enthralled.

I also preordered 2B. I was obsessed before we even saw images but it just got worse after that. I almost missed the start of the Nier concert as I desperately wanted to see her in person (and then ran back out right at the end to avoid lining up for her again). I stuck the promotional flyers on my fridge (they are still there), hung around the display in store so much I think the staff thought I’d run off with her. Took hundreds of pictures (some of those became my phone wallpaper for a bit and I felt guilty about my other girl lol). Lined up day one to preorder. 

There are many, many other dolls I’ve really liked over the years but I don’t want to buy a doll and sell them later. It just doesn’t feel right to me. So if I don’t obsess over them in some way I say no to the purchase. So basically if I love something enough I buy it as I know I’ll regret not having them. If a character I really love gets released later and I obsess over that doll I’ll buy it too. As an important note, loving the character doesn’t mean you will necessarily love the doll Volks makes of them.

If you really love Sakura Miku and feel you’d regret not buying her, then buy her. If you aren’t sure if you should buy her, then don’t.

I think the chances of Raphtalia becoming a doll are very low so I’d say make a custom Raphtalia. I just ordered some customs fox ears and tails from a Japanese designer who happens to also have Tanuki ones:  https://asainu.booth.pm/items/746232 https://asainu.booth.pm/items/746217(it says sold out but they are actually made to order, I’ll be waiting two months for my fox sets)

Edited by Beani
Added Tanuki ears link
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11 hours ago, Galvatim said:

The only unannounced DDs I'd be confident in expecting right now are Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter.  Beyond that, more Fate characters are a sure thing, but as to which ones?  It's anyone's guess.  Volks released Emilia, but no Rem, after all.  They like to keep us guessing.  

My money is on Jupiter and Venus too, but I would add that I think more IM@S collabs will happen, with Azusa Miura and Hibiki Ganaha just being a matter of when does Volks want to make more 765 Pro girls.

Other than Jupiter and Venus maybe being Christmas I think new dolls going to be sparse this year just because Best of the Best is going on. Not sure when the next Volks News is due, but we should know pretty soon what the summer holds in store.

Edited by BeyondTime

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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@BeyondTime Next Volks News is early July (probably July 1st cos it’s a Monday) and I expect the August Dolpa dolls revealed will be Best Selection like you say. 

I personally don’t think it’s likely for this character to get made, especially not this year. If it did happen, I think you’d most likely get ample notice about it. 

The thing is that basically everything in this hobby is a gamble. Deciding to buy any doll, unless you’re reasonably wealthy, can mean not buying another doll if the release is too close together. It’s worse for me because I’m into a lot of other doll brands besides DDs and am always having to make judgement calls as to whether I should buy a limited from X company or wait and see what the new DD release would be. I had to miss out on a kid delf centaur I wanted because I was convinced 9S would be released in may last year - it turned out to be Luka of course but I wouldn’t have been able to get her if i’d gone for the centaur. Im taking a huge risk in putting my money towards building a custom DD of a character I am confident will never have an official DD release atm, because for all i know Arle is getting a rerelease this August or December which means I likely won’t be able to afford her. (Not to mention I still gotta pay for the 9S preorder!!)

There’s not really any clear answer to this. This hobby is just stressful like that - but in your case I’m like 99% sure you don’t have to worry and can just get Sakura Miku.

Edited by Monty

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I’m having the hugest dilemma I really want to get Sakura Miku but I’m concerned that if I commit to getting Miku. That Volks might make Raphtalia a doll. Which I would love if they did that. How do you decide on a doll if there could be a chance of getting one of your favorite characters?


Normally I focus on price and power formula and second hand market plus customization to lover the dueites and the whole cost of a doll as much as possible. 


But your question is hypothetical lets see. You mentioned that they might make. It is not sure. Sakura Miku is sure. I do not go for unannounced things that are not official. So for me it must be official. Lets imagine that I am in alterantive universe where Volks gonna release Lina Inverse, Ecliar from Kiddy Grade, Asuna, Alice Madness, Anna from Shaman King, Miku... etc. Hard to choose for me. Maybe memories and my past with characters? also face-sculpt might be a point of choicing. Maybe a personality of the character. Also It is question-able if licensed doll would be a really that character or a cosplayer. Miku would allways stay singer for me. What about story line and interactions with my other dolls? Accesories. Are there some interesting items? Alice has her knife. Asuna has a sword. Lina? A book she was trying to obtain the whole anime? Perhaps anyway I would choose for Miku. Because I am in cult of Vocaloid. 


Finally I would think about a purchase more than a twice even a million times. And make self analysis. It is like a strategy game. You must not only plan but also to think more steps foraward. 

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I would love Lina, but she would not be a pretty doll. XD. 

Volks actually has a Slayers license for PVC, so there is greater potential for Lina to happen imo, but still she won’t. They’d make Naga before they made Lina  


The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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If the remote possibility of something else you want coming out in the [what would be VERY distant] future is the only thing stopping you from getting Miku, I say go for it! She looks adorable in person, and the photos of her in pink are great so far. Shes highly customizable still, and there will be plenty of outfits available due to how much gets released for her.


I decided what my first doll would be pretty haphazardly. I placed my order for 2B and eventually ended up with parts for another doll second-hand! I'm not unhappy with how things worked out, but it was definitely an unexpected path. :)

Edited by Moonsour

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Mega Negi

for me, the answer was rather simple: my favorite character is Miku, so it was just a matter of waiting for her to become available.

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I would go for miku. You can always save up to have someone do a custom face up of Raphtalia down the road.

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I like to have a doll "emergency" fund, money I've saved and set aside in case a got-to-have-it doll appears unexpectedly. 😃

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On 6/12/2019 at 12:08 AM, Juxtaposition said:

I like to have a doll "emergency" fund, money I've saved and set aside in case a got-to-have-it doll appears unexpectedly. 😃

Iguess I will need exactly something like that for future.

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9 hours ago, AmaFromEU said:

Iguess I will need exactly something like that for future.

I've been really thankful to have it! Best wishes on saving up, and when the time comes, I hope you find the doll you love! 😊

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6 hours ago, Juxtaposition said:

I've been really thankful to have it! Best wishes on saving up, and when the time comes, I hope you find the doll you love! 😊

Well i like all my 3 dolls already. I am more interested in recovering my barbie custom characters. (for example Hell Low Kitty, Robot Girl or create new ones like: Derpy Hooves or Starlight Glimmer and who know who everybody) Also Tsunemi wants to creat a 1/3 doll republic. (see my sign) :) 

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Usually I go with what has a faceup I like, or an eye colour that I enjoy since I rarely keep them as the character they’re designed after with the exception of my Nemu. 


That said, if I had more money and they made an Aoba from dmmd or any of the boys from like, Show by rock or something? I’d enter to get them in a heartbeat. I just got into the hobby though so I don’t know what others do. XD;

(also Miku is so cute, get her for sure!)

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