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Loose MDD3 Knee Joints?

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Does anyone have advice for fixing loose knee joints on the MDD3 body? I can't seem to find any info on it! Thanks!

spencer, he/him, doll dad to pero (DDH01) :classic_love:

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I saw your question in the chat room but you'll see why I couldn't give you suggestions in there.


Method #1: Tightening the screw and nut holding the knees together.

This is the obvious answer and you likely already did this. If you did and the knees are still loose, the plastic of the frame might be worn. Go to method number 2.


Method #2: Using Masking Tape

I don't have an MDD frame myself so I'm only guessing as to where the plastics touch one another. My guess is marked in red. (I got the original photo from doing a Google search.)


You can see what I did with DD3 ankles below to increase friction. I used masking tape. Instead of describing what I did, the pictures should explain everything. (The photos below are 100% mine.)







By using masking tape, I increased the friction on the ankles without damaging anything. This method only increases the friction by a small amount.

If you need a more extreme suggestion for your MDD knees, go to method number 3.


Method #3: Use super glue and let that dry.

If the plastic around the screw holes are extremely worn, the masking tape method won't do anything significant. Instead, dab super glue in the screw holes of the disassembled frame. Do not let anything touch the wet super glue until it completely dries and stops being tacky. Super glue tends to not dry quickly in open air compared to sticking two objects together. Sprinkle baking soda onto the glue and use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process. Be 100% sure the super glue is dry and solidified completely before reassembling the frame.

Once you confirm the super glue is dry and not tacky, reassemble the frame. When you try, the screws shouldn't go in smoothly because of the hardened super glue around the walls of the screw hole. Try to screw in the screw anyway so you'll create a new thread into the dried super glue. (If the super glue is not dry, it will bond itself onto the screw and the knee won't bend at all.)

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For Method #3, an option would be to use what I think they call accelerator on the super glue. It's a spray that does what the name suggests, accelerates the drying, and as a bonus I believe makes the super glue harder than drying it normally.

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I've got an older MDD body and her knee joints sometimes just slide completely out by themselves. Would wrapping it in tape and sliding it back in help?

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@growcian i do see why! thank you so much for taking the time to put that together!! i'll definitely try those out and see how they work out for me, i think the masking tape should do the trick. i've been too scared to do anything with her to be honest, so i'll see what i can do now that i know what to work from. :-)

spencer, he/him, doll dad to pero (DDH01) :classic_love:

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