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Has your taste in dolls changed over time?

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So, I changed up my Miko's wig since it was starting to fall apart at the top, and also removed the lashes that I've had on her for quite a bit since I didn't like how I couldn't move her around much without worrying about them falling off. I originally put lashes on her years ago since I had difficulty bonding with her when I first got her, despite having wanted her for years before I finally bought her. I remember I just thought her eyes were kinda plain, but now I think they look really cute! (Although after having her in huge falsies for a long time, it took me awhile to get used to her! She looked kinda...bald at first 😅)

This got me thinking about how much my tastes in dolls have changed since then! I used to always dislike the look of dolls with the "moe" style puppy-dog eyes like Moe, Mariko, Millihiore, etc, as well as dolls with non-smiling expressions (like Lucy or Coron). I strongly preferred dolls with more upturned eyes, prominent lashes, and smiles.

But now? I love those other dolls so much! I'm even considering getting Coron instead of Liliru or Karin for my next celebratory doll, which is kinda shocking since I remember I didn't like her at all when she first came out!

So I was wondering if your taste in dolls has changed since you've been in this hobby? If so, what changed? Was there anything that suddenly made you change your mind? Let us know!

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My tastes have changed a lot over the years! I discovered Dollfie Dreams back in ~2009 or so when someone I followed on deviantart posted images of her DD Sasara, and I've always thought of her as my personal pinnacle release. In the many years since, I've been fortunate enough to own a few other highly sought after DDs, including the Kagamine twins and Ranko Kanzaki.

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not big on Sasara's features anymore. Compared to more recent releases, she feels very flat to me these days. I have grown to prefer dolls that have interesting sculpting (like Mariko's lips) or are amenable to many different vibes/expressions based on their faceup (like the 06). I've also found that the rarer/more difficult a doll is to come by, the harder it is for me to actually want to play with them when I own them, so they end up just taking up space until I sell them. Additionally, I was really into the look of the DDDy body back when I first got into the hobby thanks to watching a lot of fanservice-y anime, but now I tend to prefer the less bodacious proportions of the DD and DDS. My one DDDy actually has a hybridized DD large bust piece, which helps calm down some of the ridiculousness of the standard basketball boobs. Oh, and I'm way more into tan dolls than I used to be, though I think that has more to do with accessibility and affordability than an actual change in taste.

As it stands, the DD currently at the top of my wishlist is Anthy. I'm really fond of the sculpting on most of the post-2B releases, there are many DDs with more variation and depth than there used to be, and I think the tawny skintone is absolutely gorgeous.

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Kiyomi DDS DDH-06 🧡 Miyuki DDS DDH-06 🧡 Shiori DDS Mariko Summer Festival 🧡 Kanade DDDy DDH-07 🧡 Honoka DD DDH-09 🧡 Unnamed DDS Anthy Himemiya

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Oh goodness, yes! They probably will continue to morph and change over the years. Some girls were impulse buys that I regretted not long after or I just didn't mesh well.


I started my journey in 1/3 vinyl bjds with a Smart Doll. I didn't know Dollfie Dreams existed at that point. I got Mirai anniversary in April 18' and soon discovered Dollfies in photos people shared. At the time and for a couple of years, I did not like Dollfies at all. I much preferred the way Smart Dolls looked and their body shape, but I got my first Dollfie a couple years after getting Mirai and was blown away by how much cuter they were in person. They felt more sturdy and solid. Due to personal reasons, I ended up selling my Smart Dolls and switched to Dollfies. I still miss the Smart Doll torso, but I don't miss how flat most SmD faces seem to be. The hands look long and skinny as well.


I have happy looking girls with one borderline sad/contemplative. I even was pulled in to the world of MDD by a good friend and gosh darn it, they are just so cute!


I have a Dollfie Icon I'm going to sell. She was a grail for me and she is stunning, but I much prefer the anime face style opposed to real and semi real. I think it's because I usually do goofy and non professional looking photos, but my Icon nails it with a more somber and serious photographic tone. It's fun to look back at my photos and see not only my growth in photo composition but the tastes and changes in my dolls, too.

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 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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1 hour ago, fishbuttz said:

My tastes have changed a lot over the years! I discovered Dollfie Dreams back in ~2009 or so when someone I followed on deviantart posted images of her DD Sasara, and I've always thought of her as my personal pinnacle release. In the many years since, I've been fortunate enough to own a few other highly sought after DDs, including the Kagamine twins and Ranko Kanzaki.

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not big on Sasara's features anymore. Compared to more recent releases, she feels very flat to me these days. I have grown to prefer dolls that have interesting sculpting (like Mariko's lips) or are amenable to many different vibes/expressions based on their faceup (like the 06). I've also found that the rarer/more difficult a doll is to come by, the harder it is for me to actually want to play with them when I own them, so they end up just taking up space until I sell them. Additionally, I was really into the look of the DDDy body back when I first got into the hobby thanks to watching a lot of fanservice-y anime, but now I tend to prefer the less bodacious proportions of the DD and DDS. My one DDDy actually has a hybridized DD large bust piece, which helps calm down some of the ridiculousness of the standard basketball boobs. Oh, and I'm way more into tan dolls than I used to be, though I think that has more to do with accessibility and affordability than an actual change in taste.

As it stands, the DD currently at the top of my wishlist is Anthy. I'm really fond of the sculpting on most of the post-2B releases, there are many DDs with more variation and depth than there used to be, and I think the tawny skintone is absolutely gorgeous.

Very interesting, Sasara was a super sought-after sculpt when I first discovered DDs and I never understood the hype about her back then at all! But now she looks much cuter to me and I have no idea why lol. I also really wish there were more tan anime dolls available! (tan standard model please please PLEASE volks!)

Also I did the exact same thing with my Miko's bust! I didn't like the bazookas and still don't tbh...

21 minutes ago, Eighteafive said:

Oh goodness, yes! They probably will continue to morph and change over the years. Some girls were impulse buys that I regretted not long after or I just didn't mesh well.


I started my journey in 1/3 vinyl bjds with a Smart Doll. I didn't know Dollfie Dreams existed at that point. I got Mirai anniversary in April 18' and soon discovered Dollfies in photos people shared. At the time and for a couple of years, I did not like Dollfies at all. I much preferred the way Smart Dolls looked and their body shape, but I got my first Dollfie a couple years after getting Mirai and was blown away by how much cuter they were in person. They felt more sturdy and solid. Due to personal reasons, I ended up selling my Smart Dolls and switched to Dollfies. I still miss the Smart Doll torso, but I don't miss how flat most SmD faces seem to be. The hands look long and skinny as well.


I have happy looking girls with one borderline sad/contemplative. I even was pulled in to the world of MDD by a good friend and gosh darn it, they are just so cute!


I have a Dollfie Icon I'm going to sell. She was a grail for me and she is stunning, but I much prefer the anime face style opposed to real and semi real. I think it's because I usually do goofy and non professional looking photos, but my Icon nails it with a more somber and serious photographic tone. It's fun to look back at my photos and see not only my growth in photo composition but the tastes and changes in my dolls, too.

I was also really enamored with Smart Dolls when they first came out! I remember I had a bit of a crisis about whether to buy DD standard model Miko or Smart Doll Chitose for my first doll, but the Volks standard model discontinuation and sale definitely solidified my choice. I felt like smart dolls looked more like anime characters than a lot of DDs, probably specifically due to their flatter faces giving a more 2D effect, which I used to really like...but now I just don't vibe with them at all! I also liked their super long bishoujo anime type of legs, but as time has passed I'm very happy I chose a DDdy. I massively prefer the thicker, more shapely thighs and hips now.

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33 minutes ago, Roserolls said:

Very interesting, Sasara was a super sought-after sculpt when I first discovered DDs and I never understood the hype about her back then at all! But now she looks much cuter to me and I have no idea why lol. I also really wish there were more tan anime dolls available! (tan standard model please please PLEASE volks!)

Also I did the exact same thing with my Miko's bust! I didn't like the bazookas and still don't tbh...

I was also really enamored with Smart Dolls when they first came out! I remember I had a bit of a crisis about whether to buy DD standard model Miko or Smart Doll Chitose for my first doll, but the Volks standard model discontinuation and sale definitely solidified my choice. I felt like smart dolls looked more like anime characters than a lot of DDs, probably specifically due to their flatter faces giving a more 2D effect, which I used to really like...but now I just don't vibe with them at all! I also liked their super long bishoujo anime type of legs, but as time has passed I'm very happy I chose a DDdy. I massively prefer the thicker, more shapely thighs and hips now.

Miko is definitely a cutie, and I love the DDdy body (with a modded bust, because I agree lol)

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 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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Generally my taste in dolls has stayed much the same I think. However, one thing I noticed is that the way a doll is styled really does a whole lot as well! There are certain dolls out there I was never really particularly interested in going off of their stock, but then as soon as I saw owner pics with the doll styled totally different my opinion changed on some of them. And then I just go like; "Wow! I didn't know this doll could look like this! Now I want her!" I don't think that is my taste changing though, more like seeing potential in a doll I didn't get to see from her stock alone.

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Haha oh boy! This forum has been both a blessing and a curse in that regard.

I grew up collecting dolls, but fell out of it after uni and only briefly got back into when I picked up Lil Fairy Erunoe many years ago. Wasn’t really into big dolls and didn’t like Azone’s 1/6 offerings at the time, so I didn’t go crazy.

Fast forward to last year, and wow what have I been missing out on?! Azone’s completely hitting it out of the park in terms of both dolls and clothing! Cue unleashing the crazy!

I pick up some new clothes for Erunoe, then some Ex Cute and Sahra’s a la mode 1/6 cuties, more clothes for them, oh what’s this? Adorable 1/3 dolls. I don’t need them, wait yes I do, suddenly there’s a 48cm Azone in my house.

Thank God I’m not into Volks, they’re bigger and even more expensive. Besides, I don’t really like how they look…

Someone mentions Alice Kuonji so I have a look, and suddenly I’ve got a new obsession! Maybe I’m into Volks dolls after all…

Oh hello, @SFSakana‘s Anastasia is gorgeous! Wait, what’s this? There’s one on Dollyteria, unopened for a good price. Weekend flash sale that knocks $100 off the price tag?! Now I have my first Dollfie Dream.

My grail of grail Alice Kuonji pops up on YJA. I’m just looking, not gonna buy, ok maybe I’ll put in a bid but not gonna look anymore, actually I’m a little curious, wait what someone outbid me?! HOW DARE THEY!!! Oh God, what have I done??? I guess I have two Dollfie Dreams now…

That’s it, no more, I don’t have any space and besides, I don’t like the way most Volks dolls look.

But on closer inspection that DDH-06 pre-painted option head from 2011 does look kinda cute… maybe a floating head wouldn’t take up too much space… enabling DollDreaming friends (*cough* @MagicalRozen *cough*) find her on Mandarake for a good price. What would I do with a floating head? What wouldn’t I do with a floating head?? It’s a fraction of the cost of a full doll, so buy now, ask questions later!

No more Dollfies! But another enabling DollDreaming friend (*cough* @Tierparkzone *cough*) picks up Mash during the 2022 DD Fes in July… and wow she’s so much cuter in real life than in photos! Maybe this is my only chance to get her for retail price… what have I done (again)!?

And that’s the story of how I went from not being interested in 1/3 dolls to having four + one head in a little over a year 😅 

This place is dangerous!

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

However, one thing I noticed is that the way a doll is styled really does a whole lot as well! There are certain dolls out there I was never really particularly interested in going off of their stock, but then as soon as I saw owner pics with the doll styled totally different my opinion changed on some of them. And then I just go like; "Wow! I didn't know this doll could look like this! Now I want her!"

This is literally how I started to want Coron lol! Re-styling can really do wonders, and it's true that it's not necessarily a change in taste, but it can be surprising when you end up doing a complete 180 on a doll!

37 minutes ago, ragnamuffin said:

This place is dangerous!

100% agreed! Your entire comment is just too accurate!😭 I'm currently able to resist Volks' siren song for the time being...but the Tinyfox thread has already claimed me as a victim lol. Plus I know once I meet an upcoming life goal and have the fun money to celebrate it...well, I wouldn't be shocked to find myself re-arranging my whole room to fit a couple more DDs. It's such a spiral! A cute, cute spiral...🍥

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When I first got into BJDs, I wasn't that interested in Dollfie Dreams. I preferred the style of resin dolls, although because I was in high school, I could only afford the smaller Obitsus and Dollfie Plus. My first "real" BJD was an Obitsu Gretel, who I still have and love, and most of my collection from then was resin. I kind of fell out of the hobby, but what brought me back was when Volks released the UBW version of Rin Tohsaka, one of my favorite characters. Since then, I've mostly been focused on anime dolls, and I've found it easier to bond with characters dolls than OCs.

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I started out looking at Smart Dolls, which I learned about while planning my first trip to Japan. They looked too mature for what I wanted, but I was hooked by the idea of dolls with anime eyes wearing casual clothing. I later discovered Dollfies and Parabox. I held off since none of the heads matched what I wanted.

It wasn't until late last year that I became aware of manga/anime characters that existed as licensed dolls. That's when I discovered Azone and started building out Mai off of Maya from Gochiusa since the two looked somewhat similar, and I really liked the "moe", anime-like aesthetic of Azone's sculpts. 

What's changed the most since the start has been Mai's clothing preferences. The original plan was to just have her wear tee + shorts, and that'd be it. Now, I pick out clothes for Mai based on what I'd pick if I were (her).

As I read more manga and watch more anime, I pay attention to what characters wear in series I like (particularly SOL stuff), and that influences what I pick out. It's quite different from what people wear here, and that's what makes this so fun.

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I think my taste in dolls hasn't really changed much, it's just expanded to include more things?

I started out the doll hobby with fashion dolls a long time ago, and I actually discovered and liked dollfie dreams before I discovered resin BJDs, even though I ended up getting a resin doll first.

But overall, the kinds of things I like in dolls has stayed mostly the same across all doll types, I've just grown to like more kinds of dolls on top of what I already liked. I still like the same types of clothes and accessories for my dolls, and I still participate in the hobby in the same ways, through sewing, photography, and crafting.

Even as I moved from one type of doll to the next over time, I always stuck to certain visual aesthetics and tastes.

The first DD I really wanted to actually own was DDS Ranko Kanzaki, and while I can live without her now, I still think she's really cute!


I think the only thing that really changed about my tastes is that I used to be very into 1/12 and 1/6 scale, but I prefer 1/4 and 1/3 now and would probably never own anything smaller again.

Edited by ashefaust

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If my taste has changed, it certainly hasn't been much! When I first started in BJDs, Smartdoll Eiji was such a grail that he shot out of my grail list and into the "this is totally unattainable" stratosphere...and now here I am with two of them, one of whom is STILL my most beloved doll. 😆

The only thing that's really changed I feel is how hard it's been to adhere to my tastes. I came from resin, utterly enamored with Doll Chateau's little weirdos and all the cool fantasy skin tones, but my need for posability ended up leading me directly into vinyl, where I'm still super happy...aside from the fact that there is a very obvious LACK of little weirdos!!! Thank goodness for modding, I'd be lost without it - my second most favorite doll is a heavily modded monstergirl, and my urge for a little weirdo in my life has been pretty well satisfied there.

As for the skin tones...I can't DIY those, so I instead work very hard at my job so I can blow all that hard-earned fun money on Icons and Anthy and Cocoa and Tea, lol. Hopefully this trend of more varied skin tones in vinyl continues!

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14 hours ago, ragnamuffin said:

This place is dangerous!

Your whole post is a known challenge in every doll community! I'm also active in the resin side of the hobby and the Blythe community, and the pipeline of "ehh not really into that release" to "OMG the owner photos are gorgeous must get" is a very common phenomenon. Half of my dolls are ones I fell in love with through photos taken by the owners who love theirs.

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Kiyomi DDS DDH-06 🧡 Miyuki DDS DDH-06 🧡 Shiori DDS Mariko Summer Festival 🧡 Kanade DDDy DDH-07 🧡 Honoka DD DDH-09 🧡 Unnamed DDS Anthy Himemiya

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17 hours ago, ragnamuffin said:

four one head in a little over a year 😅 

This place is dangerous!

Head needs a body, without hands she can't steal your credit card and buy more dolls for you. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I feel like my taste has expanded. When I got into BJD's years ago I telling myself I wouldn't get this or I wouldn't get that, but the more I saw things i.e. Dollfies the more i wanted to have one. If anything I have learned to never say never.

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I feel like my tastes switched by brand!
I owned a Milk Chitose (OG Mold) for about 5 years until I recently just put her on a lawaway.
I went from smart doll to dollfie dream! I plan to buy 2 MDD's with what I sold her for, and DD has really taken the cake for me since. The variety that Volks allows the owner to have is such a breath of fresh air compared to the very confined SD style. I also love the smaller look MDD has, as the dolls are representing children for me, so it all fits so well! Especially because, all the cute clothes fit MDD/MSD or Yo-SD so, perfect for me!

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Gosh, def in the same boat as most of you! Started with smart doll, I really loved the sci fi aesthetic of the early stuff there and the ease of getting into it. It was a lot less intimidating to just buy a fully completed doll than to have to pick all that stuff out myself. Owned and sold several smart dolls, and then got out of dolls completely for a while until I got my custom dollfie dream.

The sturdiness, facial sculpts, shorter legs, and variety of mods for dollfie dream has kept me solidly in the volks camp ever since. Although I do still look for a Moment smartdoll on occasion. My next doll would most likely be a custom DD-07, or a DD Ruri (if I can find just a head!). But I’m also finding myself very drawn to resin and the more realistic sculpts. So I’ve definitely branched out! 

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I'm not sure how my doll family went from 1 to 17.

I like that we have all kinds of shapes and sizes. We even have one resin. She is just for show, but the vinyl girls worship her as some kind of deity.

Towa's first ever sister was nearly a SmD, but then there was that awkward text box on the SmD order form 😪. Now the SmD brand is super woke and I wonder if that will backfire in a 1:3 scale Bud-lite moment.

So Uzuki Shimamura came instead. She knocked it out of the park with her cuteness, and next arrival Kizuna AI just slayed.

Maybe more dolls will arrive. The limiting factor is how chilled out they make me, so I can continue my long and crazy career churning out computer code.

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My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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