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Dressing Angel Philia in dark clothes tips?

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Hey! I have an angel philia girlie that i’d really like to dress in some darker clothes but i don’t wanna stain her :< Does anyone have any tips on how to protect her from staining? I’ve thought about making thin lining for the interior of the clothing that’s a white or nude color but i don’t know if that would work well…

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Best to line the clothes with white cloth and use a bodysuit because it’s still possible for the dye to leak through if you only use one or the other. Even better if you can swap with a normal Obitsu body for dark clothes so you can keep the blushed body pristine.

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While it is good practice to be cautious with dark clothing, I have to emphasize that by far not all dark clothing will necessarily stain. My girls wear a lot of black clothing that I confirmed to be safe without lining or bodysuits. If you have some scrap vinyl (or a spare hand, etc.) stick it inside the clothes for a few days to weeks and check occasionally for color transfer. It also often depends on how the manufacturer selects their fabric: e.g. Volks is notoriously bad at this and lots of their dark outfits are dangerous without additional protection (although it has gotten a bit better over the recent years).

Here are a few companies that (from personal experience) have turned out stain safe:

  • Azone: I personally never had staining issues with their outfits (don't have that many). - Although iIrc, @chef_mai had some issues with dark Azone socks. So apart from socks, they seem to do a decent job at selecting their fabrics.
  • Angel Philia: All Angel Philia branded outfits I own are also safe. But collaboration outfits with Adela x Oshareyoiko-do can turn out either way.
  • TcDoll: Apart from their black leather outfits (these can turn out either way again), anything else from them turned out safe.
  • TTYA: Anything apart from Denim fabric is safe in my experience (I got lots of black stuff from them). (Not sure about the fit on AP for most of their stuff, though.)

There are even some companies who are proud that they test their fabrics for stain safety beforehand. D.W.O. Products and Happy Dolls Plus come to mind here.


If you're not sure, lining or a bodysuit can prevent staining for a while, but as mentioned above, if the clothing item is an aggressive stainer, it can leak through those sooner or later. It can't hurt to regularly redress your doll and check for stains in the lining or bodysuit. If they show stains, change them out for clean ones.


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Even some of the non-dark Volks stuff stains like their lace bra. It's not the bust inside that stains, but if the arms are making prolonged contact with the bra (even something innocuous like neutral arms to the side), the color will transfer to the side of the arms. 

The best workarounds are either to have a spare body (partial or whole) that you don't mind getting stained, or to keep stainy clothes on for short durations. A few hours is fine. After a few nights, most clothes that stain will have done their damage.

Washing clothes can help, but I've only done it to one problematic piece. I ran a pair of TTYA shorts that stained through a few cold water washes. The water turned blue and eventually the plastic container I was washing them in picked up color (yikes). But after 5 or so cycles when the water stopped coloring as much, I let it dry and find that it no longer stains even after days of wearing. 

Azone clothes by large are safe bets, and they represent the majority of what I've got. It was just a pair of AZO2 long socks that had a staining issue, but other pairs of dark Azone socks like the navy school socks that Mai wears for weeks on end don't stain.


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