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Ok, I apologize... but flickr is hating me at the moment and uploading is going soooooo slow!


So I'm going to do the evil thing that scripple hates so much and link to my blog where all the pictures uploaded like a dream!


Here's a teaser:



and the twenty billion other pictures are on my blog here:



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Lazy LB is Lazy.



I like it. Also that's an excellent photo. I clicked the link. Well done!


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Lazy LB is Lazy.



I like it. Also that's an excellent photo. I clicked the link. Well done!


I am... or... I did the math anyways, it took me 5 minutes to get that one photo to upload... when I had a full batch it just kept spinning and spinning and spinning... so I figured I'd do it this way for now, and come back later and see if flickr hated me less... maybe?


Then I can fix it all XD

Plus it's not like you have to follow my blog to read it.


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I love the eyes in your Alna. She just might be the prettiest Alna I've ever seen. You have such great fashion styles for your girls, too.

Doll Photos & Doll Jewelry Sales: Follow me on Instagram

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I'm liking the green eyes in Alna, too, especially with the turquoise wig.


Still, poor girl! "Who are you people and why are you stealing my stuff?!" I hope she's firmer with them in the future, because otherwise I can totally see them pushing her around. ^^;


And lastly, to sum up her reaction to her White Day present: "Oh my god, SHOES."

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I love the eyes in your Alna. She just might be the prettiest Alna I've ever seen. You have such great fashion styles for your girls, too.


I think my Alna has now become your biggest fan, LOL. She is *very* receptive to compliments, LOL XD Thank you


I'm liking the green eyes in Alna, too, especially with the turquoise wig.


Still, poor girl! "Who are you people and why are you stealing my stuff?!" I hope she's firmer with them in the future, because otherwise I can totally see them pushing her around. ^^;


And lastly, to sum up her reaction to her White Day present: "Oh my god, SHOES."


Ahh, poor Alna, she's quite the push over... unless someone tries to take her clothes... otherwise she's pretty forgiving... and yes... she is VERY excited about the shoes... she needs a whole outfit to wear with them. LOL.


I'm so glad she liked it! Mimi will be thrilled. ♥


She is in looooooooove with them!!!! Thank you so much! Mimi couldn't have chosen a better present!


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That is so awesome! Your girls are adorable and hilarious!

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That is so awesome! Your girls are adorable and hilarious!


Thank you for reading! XD I can't believe Kana was so cheeky!!


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Kana & Claire were so hilarious with their continuous thieving of gifts!


Those shoes are going to look smoking on Alna! I can understand why she passed out

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Kana & Claire were so hilarious with their continuous thieving of gifts!


Those shoes are going to look smoking on Alna! I can understand why she passed out


Yeah, I knew Claire was cheeky... but I had no idea Kana was! Oh my... I sense a lot of trouble ahead, LOL.


And I need to find Alna an outfit to wear with these boots!!!!


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Oh hey! I've seen her before (in person). :3


I love the color of that wig.

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Cute girls are cute (^_^) Alna is going to rock those shoes!

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Nightmare Tea

For some reason, this story had kind of a sad vibe to it.

Like, everyone's moving away, and there isn't any familiar faces...

And the pictures have very relaxed and cold-looking lighting...

Why does this story make me sad?!

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Luckily, Alna ended up with some great shoes or I think I'd have to organize a posse to go teach the others to be less greedy

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Poor Alna! She is now alone in the land of Munchkins! I feel so bad for her not having anyone her size to converse with and share clothing stories with. But I know this will change sooner or later....


That little Kana needs a good talking to about being greedy! That was quite rude of her to keep swiping stuff. She's lucky Alna is such a great girl.


Traveller seems to have sent out some really awesome gifts lately! That guy's a really cool cat.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oh hey! I've seen her before (in person). :3


I love the color of that wig.


Thank you! Yeah, this is her "default" wig (well, my girl's... the doll's default wig is a pretty cool brown one)


Cute girls are cute (^_^) Alna is going to rock those shoes!


I think so! I just have to find her an awesome outfit XD


For some reason, this story had kind of a sad vibe to it.

Like, everyone's moving away, and there isn't any familiar faces...

And the pictures have very relaxed and cold-looking lighting...

Why does this story make me sad?!


It is sad... although I have to admit, I LOVE the coloring on my front porch.

I've had to let go of a few of my girls due to hospital bills... which sucks... but Alna will NOT be alone in the DD department, I'd already had another girl on order before I got sick.


Luckily, Alna ended up with some great shoes or I think I'd have to organize a posse to go teach the others to be less greedy


They are greedy little buggers, aren't they? I'm not shocked by Claire... but I was VERY shocked by Kana... where did she learn to be so cheeky???? That's not like her at all! ... or is it? ACK!


Poor Alna! She is now alone in the land of Munchkins! I feel so bad for her not having anyone her size to converse with and share clothing stories with. But I know this will change sooner or later....


That little Kana needs a good talking to about being greedy! That was quite rude of her to keep swiping stuff. She's lucky Alna is such a great girl.


Traveller seems to have sent out some really awesome gifts lately! That guy's a really cool cat.





It's true, Alna won't be alone for long!! XD

I can't believe Kana was so rude either... I think she might be testy because all the Neemos really liked Neris.... I think, I don't know. Who knows what's going on here anymore. I hear there might be some OTHER cheeky Neemos that really upset the nicer Neemos too. *sigh*


Traveller HAS sent out awesome gifts!!! Alna did get the tiger in the end, and she looooves him.


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It's true, Alna won't be alone for long!! XD I can't believe Kana was so rude either... I think she might be testy because all the Neemos really liked Neris.... I think, I don't know. Who knows what's going on here anymore. I hear there might be some OTHER cheeky Neemos that really upset the nicer Neemos too. *sigh*


I'm happy that Alna will soon have another girl to share clothing and time with. She's a great girl and I see why you love her so much. It's sad for sure that all the Neemos had to lose Neris but I'm sure they will attach themselves to your new arrival. I do hope none of these new cheeky Neemos are from my household! I know there's no way Mouse or Alice would be like that... but Carrot seems to be pretty outgoing and "visible" so she may fall into the wrong crowd if those guys are having loads of fun.



Traveller HAS sent out awesome gifts!!! Alna did get the tiger in the end, and she looooves him.



YAY!! I'm glad Alna got the tiger. She certainly needs something to snuggle up with that won't steal her shoes or candies.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I'm happy that Alna will soon have another girl to share clothing and time with. She's a great girl and I see why you love her so much. It's sad for sure that all the Neemos had to lose Neris but I'm sure they will attach themselves to your new arrival. I do hope none of these new cheeky Neemos are from my household! I know there's no way Mouse or Alice would be like that... but Carrot seems to be pretty outgoing and "visible" so she may fall into the wrong crowd if those guys are having loads of fun.


YAY!! I'm glad Alna got the tiger. She certainly needs something to snuggle up with that won't steal her shoes or candies.





Oh trust me, no one is stealing Alna's shoes. Not. Gonna. Happen. XD


No no, Carrot isn't so much cheeky as flamboyant. She's very outgoing and has a lot of attitude... but Kana was bordering on just downright rude here... I think she's really shaken up by what's been going on at my house, and not handling it very well. She's so sweet and quite... I think she's just been holding it all in. XD


I think you're right though, I think the new girl will make all the Neemos very happy. XD


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Wow, great gifts. Alna is so lovely. Now we need to see her model those shoes!

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Wow, great gifts. Alna is so lovely. Now we need to see her model those shoes!


I absolutely agree... I just need to find her an outfit she deems "worthy" of the shoes.



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Really cute story !

Even if Kana was kind of greedy , I thought she was so funny , when you are small like this you need

to get everything you can

Those boots are gorgeous !! I can't wait to see Alna wearing them , your girl is so beautiful !!!!

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