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There are dollfies on the mother-loving plane!

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Well, the title isn't quite correct yet.


As I've posted elsewhere, I'm making a trip to Japan the beginning of next month and will be attending DP27 as well as hitting up several of the Volks shops. I'm most likely going to take one of my DD girls along with me but haven't decided 100% which to take yet. I got to thinking about how each of them would react and what they would say.


So, as a bit of fun, here's each of them with a short case on why they should go. (Order was randomly decided by dice roll)


First, up is M:




M: "Of course, I'm first! First and the best choice. Why would you even consider anyone else? I am the only one that deserves to represent my kind at this quaint event. Wait till they get a load of me! Once I am crowned Empress of all Japan, Dollfie and otherwise, I shall use it as a launching pad for my world domination. And when I do, I will remember those who voted against me. *cracks whip* So, vote appropriately, my loyal minions!"




M: "Quiet, boy!"


Next up is Akira:




Aki: "Ya-hoo! Genki-desu ka, minna-san? I SO want to go to Japan! I've always wanted to go there and shop in Akiba! Doujinshi! Manga! Anime! Who would NOT want to go?!! Please, please help me get to go! Arrigatou!"


Aki: *dances off singing the theme to Lucky Star*


Next, Tia...






Tia: "I don't think I want to go. Japan's a scary place. They have tsunamis and earthquakes and Godzilla! I don't like lizards. I saw one in the backyard last week and couldn't sleep that night. Plus, I'd have to fly. I don't like flying. I think I'll just stay here."


It's ok, Tia.


Tia: "You won't make me go, will you?"


Not if you don't want to.


Next is Zo..




Zoe: "About damn time! Ok, listen up! I'm the oldest here and first in line to do the fun stuff, so it's only logical that I go! Plus, someone has to keep the pervert out of trouble. You know that if someone like me doesn't keep an eye on him, he'll get thrown in jail for something...probably involving schoolgirls. So, I pretty much HAVE to go."


Hey! I'll have you know that I have gone there before without your help and didn't end up in jail!


Zoe: "You're older and slower now. Plus, they probably still have wanted posters up."




Moving on, up next is Saber.




Saber: "As Master's servant, it is my duty to protect him from various dangers. Even a peaceful nation like Japan has its shares of dangers and he might need my help. I would be lax if I allowed him to travel without adequate support. Also, from a selfish standpoint, I would enjoy touring the various historical spots such as shrines and temples."


Finally, we have Aya:




Aya: "Thank you, darling. It's been years since I've been able to go back to Akihabara. I'd like to visit my friends there. And I'm sure that my many fans would enjoy a concert while I'm there. I bet that I could secure a night at that nice lil club that I performed a couple of years back. I always enjoyed singing there. *blows a kiss at everyone* Thank you, everyone!"


So, there you go. What do you all think?

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I say take Zoe. She seems most likely to do something to get you in trouble, which could amuse all of the rest of us. I considered M for the same reason, but Rin says no way I can vote to unleash that psycho on Rin's old stomping grounds.

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I'd have to say either Aki or Aya should go since both of them have strong ties to the place. Both of them would really enjoy going and also make sure you had fun.


I have to agree with Rin here, M needs to stay home as she would only get you in a ton of trouble.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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. . . you know, I know you've been having issues bonding with Aki, but I think maybe she should be the one to go. Maybe it's partially because you haven't bonded with her. But her pitch as the perky weeaboo was just too funny, too. (Off topic, but I think with that weeaboo attitude she really does need brown eyes. Weeaboos need the most common eye color to offset their Mary Sue tendencies. *shot*)


Backup plan though, I'd say. . . hm. Zoe, with M a close second. The two of them would give the most entertaining commentary.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I would say that Tia or Zoe.


I say Zoe because she is your oldest as she is keen to point out, and seems to think that you'll get into trouble. She's does sound demanding that she "HAS" to go, but in her heart I'll bet she is worried about you getting into trouble.


I also say Tia, as he opinions are based on what she has seen on TV, read online or even flicked through the daily papers.

She hates flying because she dosen't know what it is all about or again she belives in what she see's in the news about plain crashes.

I'll bet she'd enjoy herself once the plane is in flight and I'd bet she'd enjoy the sights.


When I went last year, I only had Sae, so didn't have this problem. This year I now have 4 girls. Although two said, No - We were there last time, I'd bet they start taklking amoungest themselfs in late Oct this year when I start putting the final touches to my own Nov/Dec trip.

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I vote for Zoe, mostly because I would enjoy seeing her narrate her experiences in Japan after the fact. She puts such an interesting spin on things!

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I vote Aki... she just seems SO excited to actually go to the place, and it seems like she's never been. All the others have either been... or want to go for other reasons that have less to do with that specific place.


Take them to places that don't matter so much to one specific girl. XD


My second vote would be for Aya, again, based on her ties to the area, but she's already been there, so Aki gets my first vote!


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All the others have either been... or want to go for other reasons that have less to do with that specific place.


Well, yes and no. A lot of the time, it's tough to get several of my band of malcontents to admit what they are really feeling.


M has a bit of an inferiority complex which she obviously over-compensates for. She may actually want to go, but at this stage in her development, it's more important that she gets picked above the rest.


Aki is an exception. She's just totally an open book, no hidden agenda with her.


Tia is very self-effacing. Part of her reasoning may be convincing herself that she doesn't want to go so that she doesn't get hurt if she doesn't get to.


Zoe would seldom actually admit to actually caring about anything as that would be "not cool" or leave her vulnerable. She's actually as much, if not more, of an otaku than Aki, but doesn't show it openly. She hides behind bravado and bluster rather than reveal how she feels.


Saber is self-sacrificing to the nth degree, so for her to ever admit to wanting something is a big thing. It's a bit like my parents...my mom will ask me "So, when are you planning to come visit?" one week after I get back from a trip there, but when my dad says "I'd like you to visit for the holidays.", I feel obligated to go because he almost never asks.


Aya is a bit more open with her desires, but can also be a bit subtle and manipulating. So, for example, her mention of friends and fans could be an exaggeration to tug at the heart strings a bit.

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Hubby has forbidden me from bringing any of my girls to Dolpa and Tokyo, with the understanding that I'll be buying at least one new doll there anyhow and it's just too much stuff to lug around!


The exception will be Makoto, who is a secret project we've been working on to unveil at the Dolpa ^^


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Hubby has forbidden me from bringing any of my girls to Dolpa and Tokyo, with the understanding that I'll be buying at least one new doll there anyhow and it's just too much stuff to lug around!


In hindsight, you should have managed to slip in the phrase "and act as a pack mule at Dolpas" into the wedding vows

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I vote Saber, such pure reasoning ^^

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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In hindsight, you should have managed to slip in the phrase "and act as a pack mule at Dolpas" into the wedding vows


Ahaha - he does that anyhow!


Akihabara shopping - day 1 by Archangeli, on Flickr

(This was after one building. We hadn't even gone to the Volks store yet) We sometimes had to make 3 trips into Akiba in one day just to drop stuff off at the hotel @__@"


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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I may be that bad this year. When I went before, I was limited in my shopping time because of the tour I was with. I remember getting to the point where I was thinking that I'd better not get anything more because I didn't think I could fit it.

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I vote for Aya! ... but then I am biased against cute Alna girls with kick ass hair ...


Next would be Zoe for her personality and really ..... if you did get yourself into trouble she would be right behind you with the bat and the escape vehicle


DD's: Aoife, Maeve, Sinead, Claire, Merida, Orla, Alana (arrived)


http://kaitekinamafura.wordpress.com - Blog

https://kaitekinamafura.storenvy.com - Store

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