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Love, Hate and Other synonyms, Part 9

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Zoe: Man, this is tense.

Tia: Yes, very.

Zoe: It seems like they've been facing off for 50 days and 50 nights instead of just a few minutes, doesn't it?




Zoe: I'm surprised it's taken Saber this long after the severe beating that I gave that skank. She must be holding back.




Tia: Master is very strong. I don't think that Art-sama has much of a chance.

Zoe: Bahhhhhh-loney! Saber's going to smack her butt good.




Tia: While I'm sure Art-sama is quite formidable, she doesn't have the drive that master has.

Zoe: Meh. Whatever, maid-girl. Shush. Watch as the fearsome training that I've given Sei-chan kicks in and she kicks your master's ass.




Saber: It's about time we end this.




Morgaine: I agree. Come at me, little sister.




Saber: Zoe!

Zoe: Huh?! What?!

Saber: Whatever happens, I don't want you trying to fight Morgaine again. You'll accept the outcome of my fight and not interfere, won't you?




Zoe: What? Just kick her butt and don't worry about it.

Saber: Zoe! Promise me.

Zoe: Fine. Whatever.




Saber: And you. All you care about is me and my sword, correct? There's no reason for you to bring Zoe, Aya or the others into this any more. Let's settle this.




Morgaine: Of course. All of them, especially THAT one, are nothing to me. They're free to go once we've settled this.




Saber: Then, this will be quick. Let's be done with this!




Saber: I am done with this farce.




Zoe: What the hell! Put your damn armor back on!




Saber: This was the only way that we could end this stalemate.


Morgaine: No! This is a trick!





Saber: And this?




Morgaine: It..can't be.




Saber: It can. I don't want to hurt you. And I don't think you want to hurt me either.




Zoe: Oh, the hell with this! If you want ass to be kicked, I guess you have to kick it yourself!




Saber: Zoe, you promised.




Zoe: *muttering* Fine. Just don't blame me when this goes to hell.

Saber: Don't worry. All will be well.




Morgaine: Why? What do you think you are doing? How can you just drop your defenses after all that's happened between us? Between what we did to each other in the past?




Saber: It's simple. Over the last few minutes, I gave you plenty of openings, but you didn't take any of them. You don't really want to hurt me. Neither of us do. We let father's actions turn us against each other, but he's gone now. We've both made that mistake and learned from it.




Saber: And, there's another, more important reason. Unlike you, I never knew mother. She died when I was born, so I didn't get to feel any of her love. I didn't get to feel her warmth and love.




Saber: But I do remember warmth and love. I know it wasn't father. I was nothing but a tool to him. I know who it was...it was my older sister that cared for me. One of the few that ever cared for me as I was, not as they wanted me to be. It was you.




Saber: In the few years that we had together, you cared for me. You may call Zoe nothing, but she reminded me what a sister's love is all about. The love that I felt from you so many years ago. I'll believe in that love.




Saber: I love you, Morgaine-nee-san. The past is the past. Let's make a future together.




Morgaine: Art-chan. I've missed you so much.

Saber: Nee-san...




Tia: Master, I'm so happy for you.




Zoe: I'll be damned.




Saber: Nee-san. Let's sit down and talk this out. We can work this out.

Morgaine: Of course, Art-chan. Anything for my little sister.




Saber: But first, nee-san. Please release Aya-san. It pains me to see her like this.

Morgaine: Aya? Oh yes. Of course.




Morgaine: Liberare corpus et mente.

*thud from off-screen*




Zoe: Aya!

Tia: Aya-san!




Saber: Thank you, nee-san.

Morgaine: Of course, Art.




Zoe: She looks asleep.

Morgaine: Don't worry. Her mind is just resetting itself...rebooting to use a term you're familiar with. She should be fine once she wakes up.




Saber: Nee-san. We still need to talk. Why did you do all this?

Morgaine: I told you. I have to fix things. I have to make things right again. All the things that father did to us. All the mistakes that he caused us to make.




Morgaine: I want you to be happy. I want to be happy myself. I want all the wrong turns and bad decisions to just go away. To have a fresh start and clean slate. I studied and with Excalibur, I can do it. It's not only a link to the past, but it's a strong source of magic.




Morgaine: With it, I can redo the timeline. Go back and father would never separate us. He'd never force you into being his puppet. He'd never send me away. We'd never end up fighting. Never end up hurting each other. It would all be right again. Isn't that what you want to?




Saber: Nee-san. I know how you feel. I was trapped so long. For centuries, I was always what others wanted me to be: a king, a knight, a servant, always eager to please..to do my duty. Then I came here, my first time into an era not at war where I was forced into a role.




Saber: I rejected my past. I changed myself to distance myself from the past. I didn't want to be that person any more, so I tried not to think about what had happened before.




Saber: But, it didn't work. The more I tried not to think about the past, the more I seemed to dwell on it and be dragged down by it. I couldn't face my past, so I couldn't move on.




Saber: Everything that's happened here has made me realized that the past is part of me. What's done is done. I don't have to undo it. I just have to learn from it and move forward. Not everything was bad. There was good as well. I don't want to lose that either. So, I'm going to embrace it and move forward. Learn from my past and truly change myself.




Saber: Come with me. You don't have to change anything. Let's move forward together. I've found people that accept me and love me and I know they will come to love you too. Let's make a future together.




Morgaine: Oh, Art! After everything, I'm so happy that you can be happy. I'm glad that you can move forward.




Morgaine: But I'm not you. I can't do that. I can't just ignore everything that's gone wrong. I'm sorry. I want to...for you. But I can't. Please...let me do this. Let me fix things.




Saber: You don't have to, but I want you to be happy as well.

Morgaine: So, then, you'll help me? You'll let me use Excalibur.




Saber: This affects more than us. Zoe-nee. I want to help my other sister. Do you think I should?

Morgaine: You're asking that i..

Saber: Shhh. Zoe-nee.




Zoe: What? You think that I'd seriously agree to help that wacko! It's obvious that she's bat shit insane!

Saber: Zoe-nee. You heard her. How can you ignore that?




Zoe: And you're bat shit insane too for thinking this isn't a big mistake!

Saber: Zoe-nee. Please.




Zoe: *sigh* It's contagious. I've gone wacko as well. Fine. Do as you like.

Saber: Thank you, nee-san.




Saber: Morgaine-nee-san. I entrust our future and our past to you.

Morgaine: Art-chan. I won't let you down.




Morgaine: It's heavy.

Saber: Responsibility always is. Do you need me to help? With my energy pooled, this will help.

Morgaine: No. I started this and I need to finish it alone.

Saber: As you wish, nee-san.




Morgaine: All these years, we have carried the legacy caused by our father's misdeeds. He tore us apart and turned us against each other. Through that, you were forced to create a kingdom and I tore it down with my jealousy.




Morgaine: Now, through our combined powers: the full magic might of the Pendragon sisters, I shall turn back time and make things right!




Morgaine: The kingdom of Camelot shall be reborn! This time with my guidance and with my sister at my side! And I will craft a shining pillar of hope and righteousness that will stand forever!




Omnia tempus ut elit.




To be continued...

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .... I want to see how this turns out!


Will Morgaine truly be righteous, will Saber finally live the life she wants! Will Zoe-nee-san finally get a good fight like she really wants .... your curious readers want to know


Great job! Can't wait for the next piece


DD's: Aoife, Maeve, Sinead, Claire, Merida, Orla, Alana (arrived)


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Wait! I was expecting an epic battle. I was cheated! And even worse, just when Saber finds a path to happiness in the present, M wants to cheat her too by mucking up the past. It's no fair all around!


Looking forward to the next part, no doubt filled with epic battles from the past.

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@T-Rho: Thanks for the compliments. The next part will definitely answer at least one of your questions.


@scripple: I have succeeded in my goal of messing with you. Score! And perhaps, Morgaine's meddling will result in a happier, more well-adjusted Saber due to clearing up her past.


So, I never know 100% until I get everything shot, but if current plans hold, part 10 will be the conclusion of the main action. It'll be followed by a shorter follow-on arc.

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That's quite the cliffhanger! I wonder if Morgaine will really make things better... Or if she'll learn that messing with the past is a bad idea?

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Oh, this was a great chapter. I'm glad I finally caught up on all the previous episodes. It was very touching to see the sisters together.


Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Dang, Saber, that's quite the voice of confidence you gave M. . .


Why do I have this awful suspicion that M is going to go back intending to fix things but then just make everything worse by saying something hideously arrogant to the wrong person--like her past self?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Really really hope that things don't get mucked up once M is in the past :o


The stand off lasted for so long I wondered if it would ever end. But it really was a beautiful way to end the fight, no shedding of blood this evening! They were able to make up *o*


And I loved all of Saber's costume changes ^O^

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@PrettyCranium: Thanks. Though, I kept thinking during the initial hug scenes that people might think I'm pandering to Billy with the not-quite symmetrical docking


@Poofiemus: She'll be inhabiting her past self, so they won't actually meet.


@Innocentsake: Glad you liked the costume changes. I know at least one person was a bit confused by them, but I liked the physical changes as she went through emotional changes.

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