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Fate's visit to "The Spa".

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"Hello? Anyone here? Am I in the right place?"



DSC_5825 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Oh yes. Please do come in."



DSC_5826 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "Oh good, I was hoping I didn't get lost. I'm not late am I?"


R - "No no, you are right on time. Please sign the register Ms. Fate."



DSC_5827 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Sango, would you please escort Ms. Fate to her bedroom and then tell her about her treatments?"


S - "Sure thing. Please follow me Miss."



DSC_5828 by balldylox, on Flickr


S - "Down this hallway is where the guest rooms are. Yours is the first on the right. Supper is served at 7:00 pm sharp in the main dining hall."


F - "Wow, this place is big...."



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M - "Hey Sango, who's THAT?"


S - "Drat, I was hoping to avoid this..."


F - "Hello! My name is Fate and I'm...."



DSC_5830 by balldylox, on Flickr


M - "Fate is it? Well Miss Fate, it seems we were FATED to meet!"


F - "How did you get over here so fast?"


S - "Manami! Leave her alone! What did Rei tell you about this?"



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M - "Ahhhhhh! Run away, run away!"


F - "Umm, is it always like this?"


S - "No, not always. Please ignore them. Let's get to your room.... quickly."



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S - "Here's where you will be staying. Slippers are provided for you. Feel free to call room service if you need anything. Please store your clothing in the wardrobe behind you."



DSC_5833 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "I get my own bed? How nice! But what are these on the bed?"



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"This is your yukata. Please wear it anytime you will be visiting the spa areas."



DSC_5835 by balldylox, on Flickr


"As I said before, supper is at 7:00pm and will be in the main dining hall. Now you should change into your yukata and head over to the Massage area. We have you set up for a full body massage. Just go down the hall and it will be the first door on the left. I will meet you afterwards to show you around a little more."



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"Wow, this is a nice outfit. I should go ahead and try it out."



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"It's pretty! I like the colors and designs."



DSC_5838 by balldylox, on Flickr


"And it even has a nice bow in the back! But enuff about that, I guess I need to head to the massage area now."



DSC_5839 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "Hello! Is this the massage area?"


M - "Hello Miss Fate! This is indeed the massage area. Please lie down here."


E - "Hello! Nice to have you!"



DSC_5840 by balldylox, on Flickr


M - "So how about a nice scalp massage?"


E - "And I'll start with your feet."


F - "Oh yeah... that's nice...."



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M - "Now I'll start with your shoulders and work our way down."


F - "Mmmm... sounds great."



DSC_5842 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "Whatever you're using to rub my head is sure soft, I like it."


M - "Oh you do? That's good to hear."



DSC_5843 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "What *are* you using? And why does it feel so heavy now?"


M - "Don't worry, let's concentrate on massaging THESE."


F - "AHHHH! It's you again!"



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Mamimi - "What did we tell you about bugging the guests?"


Manami - "Umm... not to?"


Mamimi - "Exactly! Stop bugging Miss Fate!"


Manami - "I was just helping!"


Mamimi - "Get out of here!"



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F - "Wow, those two don't seem to get along too well."


E - "No, it's fine. They're sisters."


F - "Ohhh...."


E - "We should get you going to the recreation room now. It will be less noisy."



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S - "I apologize about Manami Miss Fate. She's just a bit excited to have another guest here."


F - "It's okay. As long as she isn't all grabby anymore."


S - "Anyway, here is the recreation hall."



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S - "We have pool..."



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S - "Plushie Therapy..."



DSC_5849 by balldylox, on Flickr


S - "We offer loaner laptops so you can have internet access."



DSC_5850 by balldylox, on Flickr


S - "We also have plenty of reading materials for you."



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S - "And if we can pry Miyuki away from it, you can use the Crane Game. It's free, no tokens needed."



DSC_5852 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "Hello there! What are you playing with?"


S - "Soot Sprites. I'm trying to get used to darker colors since I really only like white and light pink."


Y - "Hello there! Go ahead and grab a plushie! Any one you like!"



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F - "Ahh... how about this one? I like teddy bears."


Y - "Good choice! Hey, do you wanna play Foosball?"


F - "You have Foosball too? Sure! I love that game."



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Y - "You're way better than most of the people here, I always beat them so easily!"



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F - "I used to play professionally on ESPN 8, The Ocho."



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"Ahh, that was a good game! Uh oh, it's almost 7:00! I have to go get supper! I wonder what they're serving?"



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In the dining hall.......


"Holy crap! All this.... for ME?"



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"Should I start with the sushi?"



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"Or the sweets?"



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"I guess I should eat as much as I can so I don't let any food go to waste...."



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Several hours later........


"Ohhhh.... I should NOT have eaten those last donuts.... ugh. I'm heading back to my room to rest."



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"Oh look! They gave me pajamas to use too! How nice of them!"



DSC_5864 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Well, I guess it's time to turn in. Let's fluff these pillows a bit."



DSC_5865 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Man this bed is comfy! All snuggly...."



DSC_5866 by balldylox, on Flickr


"What a nice day. I best get some sleep for tomorrow, I have a long day ahead of me."



DSC_5867 by balldylox, on Flickr


M - "Goodnight Fate."


F - "Mmm.. goodnight...."



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M - "Oh hai...."



DSC_5869 by balldylox, on Flickr


F - "What are you doing in my bed??"


M - "Awww, you didn't want room service?"


F - "NO! Now get out of my bed!!"


M - "This shirt looks stuffy, let's get it off of you...."


F - "GET OUT!!!"



DSC_5870 by balldylox, on Flickr



Fate was not molested or harmed in the making of this story. Manami did incur many head contusions due to Rei and Batou tho. She will probably wake up in a few days.... maybe.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Wow... just wow. *goes to pick up his jaw from the floor*


Maybe I should just... buy a house now instead of an apartment ...

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Nightmare Tea

Boy, does Manami love company...


It makes me wonder, what if you had a girl who was afraid of breasts?

I really wonder what that would be like!

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LOL! That was great. Manami's such a troll. XD


Nanoha says she's glad that Rei and Mamimi were so quick to get things with Manami sorted out. . . and she and I would both like to point out that Manami ought to be glad that Pacino hasn't nabbed a split for Fate's stuff yet, because if she had had her own weapon Bardiche, Manami would have been toast before even Rei could get on her case.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Haha, looks like Fate is having a fun time at the spa!

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Fate looks like she had fun. I hope she don't get sad when she gets home. Lol, my Fate was groped by the Manami. I feel like I won an achievement. Now that Fate is together, I hope I can share more pictures with you guys of my doll family.

Parting with my lovely ladies.

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Wow... just wow. *goes to pick up his jaw from the floor* Maybe I should just... buy a house now instead of an apartment ...


Heh, as long as you have the room you need, an apartment is fine. With a house, it's just more area to keep cleaned up after your girls!


Boy, does Manami love company... It makes me wonder, what if you had a girl who was afraid of breasts? I really wonder what that would be like!


Manami is just very happy to meet new girls..... and grab them. I need to talk to her about her people skills, or lack thereof. LOL My Elisabeth isn't a big fan of breasts. She doesn't enjoy Manami's attention when she gets it. Manami doesn't try to grab on her tho since Elisabeth is kind of shy and "fragile". She just messes with her by shoving her face into her chest.


LOL! That was great. Manami's such a troll. XD Nanoha says she's glad that Rei and Mamimi were so quick to get things with Manami sorted out. . . and she and I would both like to point out that Manami ought to be glad that Pacino hasn't nabbed a split for Fate's stuff yet, because if she had had her own weapon Bardiche, Manami would have been toast before even Rei could get on her case.


Thank you! And Manami isn't trolling, she just thinks everyone NEEDS her personal attention. I'm sure if Fate had her weapons things would have gone differently. But since she didn't, it was all fun and games.


I lol'd at Rei going with the bat, that was hilarious!


Rei has to do what she can to keep Manami in line. Glad you enjoyed it!


Haha, looks like Fate is having a fun time at the spa!


I hope she did despite Manami's attention. I think she did tho, she didn't complain to me or Rei about anything at checkout.


Fate looks like she had fun. I hope she don't get sad when she gets home. Lol, my Fate was groped by the Manami. I feel like I won an achievement. Now that Fate is together, I hope I can share more pictures with you guys of my doll family.


Hey there! I think Fate had a good time overall despite Manami's advances. Don't worry tho, she never did anything bad to Fate... Rei and Sango and Mamimi kept her out of trouble! LOL


I also think Fate will be overjoyed to see you and her sister again as a whole girl! She was so happy to be back in one piece.


Sorry about my Manami being so forward, she just gets excited to see a new face here and thinks she HAS to give that girl all her attention. It was all in fun tho so I hope that's ok.


And I really would love to see pics of Fate with her sister and you when she gets home! I know it's been a long time since she was in one piece so it would be cool to see her happy face with her family. Thank you for allowing me to fix her up for you, it was fun helping out and having her meet my girls!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The fabled DD paradise.... Oh and Manami getting chased by Rei is extra precious! XD She is so cute running away I can imagine her squealing!

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so there is a DD heaven!


I love the shot of Rei chasing Manami, that was a really good action shot XD

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The fabled DD paradise.... Oh and Manami getting chased by Rei is extra precious! XD She is so cute running away I can imagine her squealing!



DD Paradise? I don't know about all that but I find that hilarious! Thanks for the compliments, I thought that we hadn't seen a good Rei chase scene in a while so it was needed. And yes, Manami squeals oh so well while running from Rei. I think that's half the fun for Manami..... making Rei mad is like a hobby for her. LOL



so there is a DD heaven! I love the shot of Rei chasing Manami, that was a really good action shot XD



Haa haa! So now my house is Paradise AND Heaven? Too funny. Manami getting chased by Rei si a common occurance here but I hadn't caught them on camera in a while so it was fun to see them at it again.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That's it. I'm moving to the spa, where I can eat as much as I want, sleep as much as I want, get pampered, and I'll make Billy buy me clothes too. What's one more girl in the harem?


Great story with Fate. Though she needs to be careful with that lamp near her bed. I hear it's Italian and very Fra-gi-le.

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And you seriously wonder why DD girls around the world are trying to get to your place by any dangerous means necessary?!


The amenities available at The Baldylox Spa are very luxurious! Momoko & I sat down and read this together and couldn't help but wish we were at the spa too


I love how persistent Manami is about getting to know Fate ;D I especially love the picture of Fate after being caught off guard by Manami's Docking Massage~ Her hair is a bit frazzled and she just looks so sweet


And the recreation room is just too epic for words especially with all the girls there enjoying it! I think I would head to the Plushie Therapy first Momoko would probably go to the crane game ^O^


My favorite part of the story was the end with Manami cornering Fate in her own bed, that was too good!

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Wow, you really spoil your visitors these days. Do you have DD sized towels for them to steal as momentos?


But then there's that whole Manami thing. She's just out of control these days. Rei, I think you're holding back too much with batou. Spare the rod and spoil the lecher, right?

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Manami is unbelievable! Nothing can stop her ^^

damn I wanna visit your spa as well, wish I was a DD, actually you spoil your girls that much that if I was a DD I would want to be yours XD

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Very nice story and DD Spa is a paradise

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That's it. I'm moving to the spa, where I can eat as much as I want, sleep as much as I want, get pampered, and I'll make Billy buy me clothes too. What's one more girl in the harem?


Great story with Fate. Though she needs to be careful with that lamp near her bed. I hear it's Italian and very Fra-gi-le.



Ha ha! I still have the guest room available so if you want, you can come on down. Manami will have to "greet" you in her own special way tho so be prepared.


Thanks very much about the story. It was time consuming but worth it. And yes! That lamp is from Italy! It's a Meritous Award! LOL



And you seriously wonder why DD girls around the world are trying to get to your place by any dangerous means necessary?! The amenities available at The Baldylox Spa are very luxurious! Momoko & I sat down and read this together and couldn't help but wish we were at the spa too. I love how persistent Manami is about getting to know Fate ;D I especially love the picture of Fate after being caught off guard by Manami's Docking Massage~ Her hair is a bit frazzled and she just looks so sweet. And the recreation room is just too epic for words especially with all the girls there enjoying it! I think I would head to the Plushie Therapy first Momoko would probably go to the crane game ^O^ My favorite part of the story was the end with Manami cornering Fate in her own bed, that was too good!


LOL I suppose you're right. I spoil my girls WAY too much and they have no idea I do. They think it's all part of the package deal. You and Momoko are welcome to come by anytime. But tell Momoko to be prepared for Manami's special greetings.


I'm glad you spied Fate's frazzeld hair look! I did that on purpose so she really looked surprised and a bit untidy due to boobs on her head. That rec room setup took me over an hour to do and that was before I even started taking pics! But it was worth it. I'm glad everyone liked it.


And Manami wouldn't be Manami if she just gave up after one or two small setbacks! She usually gets what she wants even if it takes a LONG time. Yet another reason I love my Ichiban Hime.



Wow, you really spoil your visitors these days. Do you have DD sized towels for them to steal as momentos? But then there's that whole Manami thing. She's just out of control these days. Rei, I think you're holding back too much with batou. Spare the rod and spoil the lecher, right?



I guess I kind of spoil visitors since I don't get many. I went all out because I figured it would be fun. And I WILL get some DD sized towels for the next guest to swipe. THAT was too funny.


As for Manami, she's always been forward and outgoing, she's just moreso nowadays due to her new boobs. She thinks she is now perfect and that everyone should get to meet and greet her. She's only being nice tho, she's just a bit overboard when it comes to new girls in the house. Rei says that Manami does need to get reigned in a bit but she's trying to figure out how without upsetting Mamimi, Mai and Ryomou since they all pal around quite a bit. Rei's more for the subtle approach but that may not work now that Manami has been upgraded.



Manami is unbelievable! Nothing can stop her ^^

damn I wanna visit your spa as well, wish I was a DD, actually you spoil your girls that much that if I was a DD I would want to be yours XD



Manami is my number one girl so she kind of does whatever she wants with only Rei keeping her in check. That's too funny that you want to be a DD so you can come and get spoiled! If I had room I'd accept!



Very nice story and DD Spa is a paradise



Thank you very much!






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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LOL I suppose you're right. I spoil my girls WAY too much and they have no idea I do. They think it's all part of the package deal. You and Momoko are welcome to come by anytime. But tell Momoko to be prepared for Manami's special greetings.


I'm glad you spied Fate's frazzeld hair look! I did that on purpose so she really looked surprised and a bit untidy due to boobs on her head. That rec room setup took me over an hour to do and that was before I even started taking pics! But it was worth it. I'm glad everyone liked it.


And Manami wouldn't be Manami if she just gave up after one or two small setbacks! She usually gets what she wants even if it takes a LONG time. Yet another reason I love my Ichiban Hime.

I do believe I know where I'll be booking my next spa treatment at now I would really like to see Momoko's reaction to Manami's special greetings


Yessss I noticed it instantly! It just made her even cuter than she already was all flustered and all hehe~


I figured it must have taken you awhile to set up such an elaborate set but it really was worth it because it was just so wondrous! And Manami is always making me smile when I see her antics tee-hee.

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I do believe I know where I'll be booking my next spa treatment at now I would really like to see Momoko's reaction to Manami's special greetings


Heh, just email or call Rei and she will set your appointment. I think Momoko would be a little more receptive to Manami than Fate was.


Yessss I noticed it instantly! It just made her even cuter than she already was all flustered and all hehe~


Good deal, that's what I was after!


I figured it must have taken you awhile to set up such an elaborate set but it really was worth it because it was just so wondrous! And Manami is always making me smile when I see her antics tee-hee.


Yeah, it wasn't an easy setup at all. But I knew it would pay off so I went ahead with it. And I'd do it again if I had another visitor!


I hadn't let Manami loose lately so I figured we all needed to see her get back to her antics. Rei wasn't so happy about it tho.... LOL





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oh wow sign me up quick I wanna go to *Billy's DD Paradise Spa* Lay around, eat 5 course meals, get massages even super special peach pai massages from Manami, yep sounds like pure heaven to me.


Your house has so many amazing things for DD's no wonder they all migrate down there to you. That game room you set up for them is simply amazing!


I loved all the details and Manami is the greatest ever! XD That was too good how she kept trying to sneak and grope Fate. Fate is a super lucky girl getting a super special Manami peach pai head massage. Also I loved seeing Rei chase Manami with batou, too funny! XD


Super fantastic wonderful job with this story!!! I'm sure Pacino really appreciates how well you helped her Fate out and giving her such wonderful treatment at your DD Spa. =3

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Oh wow sign me up quick I wanna go to *Billy's DD Paradise Spa* Lay around, eat 5 course meals, get massages even super special peach pai massages from Manami, yep sounds like pure heaven to me.


Ha ha! I wish *I* got this kind of treatment too!


Your house has so many amazing things for DD's no wonder they all migrate down there to you. That game room you set up for them is simply amazing!


Thank you! This was the first time I've had all those games out at once. They take up a LOT of room!


I loved all the details and Manami is the greatest ever! XD That was too good how she kept trying to sneak and grope Fate. Fate is a super lucky girl getting a super special Manami peach pai head massage. Also I loved seeing Rei chase Manami with batou, too funny! XD


Manami is my main girl so she has to keep things rolling! I know she can seem annoying but she's just making sure everyone is having fun.


Super fantastic wonderful job with this story!!! I'm sure Pacino really appreciates how well you helped her Fate out and giving her such wonderful treatment at your DD Spa. =3


Thanks again. I think Fate had fun and Pacino said she was very happy with the story. Now I want to see pics of Fate back with her sister at home!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Great story!!! It was so funny seeing Rei lay down the law. I also loved that little pool table. I gotta find one of those.



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Great story!!! It was so funny seeing Rei lay down the law. I also loved that little pool table. I gotta find one of those.





Thanks! Rei still runs the place even tho Manami thinks SHE does. As for the pool table, I found it in Walmart around Christmas time for $25. I need to make legs for it tho since the table I am sitting it on now is too tall. The pool cues are also a bit big so I need to buy some dowels to sand down for them too.


I have too many projects I'd like to do and no time to do them.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Lol! I liked the story, very cute (And the random kitteh cameo). I'm amazed at all the props you have for your dolls. :o

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Lol! I liked the story, very cute (And the random kitteh cameo). I'm amazed at all the props you have for your dolls. :o


Thank you! It seems Squiggy is getting popular.


The props are from almost 2 years of collecting. I try and look for DD sized stuff no matter where I go. I sometimes find cool stuff in really odd places. I just keep my eyes open and try to think small.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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