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Flying high! (Pima Air Museum 4/28/2012 meet-up)

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Rinrin: Greetings, denizens of the internet. The Chief suggested that I make a record of our recent scientific excursion to the Pima Air Museum in Tucson.


Tia: Excuse me, Rinrin-san. But I believe that it's true purpose was a dollfie meet-up.




Rinrin: Yes, let's see. Ah, here's a group picture. There is hmm....Resin-head, Grumpy, Tia, Pinkie, Agatha's sidekick and Chibi. I was busy at the moment so wasn't in the picture. And there was also..let's see...Ms. Agatha, Perky and Sad Sack. Oh, and of course, all the humans.


Tia: Rinrin-san. You should really take the time to learn people's names. That would be Ms. Tana, Sasara-san, myself, Mikilia-san, Nanoha-san and Ilya-chan. Ms. Agatha, Rei-san and Yukino-san were there with Goshujin-sama and the other humans. I believe their names were Poofiemus, Animagic4u, Cryx, Battrastard and Scripple.


Rinrin: Details, details. Who cares when such great technology is around to play with!




Rinrin: It is a bit primitive, even by this world's standards, but imagine the possibilities!




Nanoha: This reminds me of home. I miss Fate-chan and the others.


Tia: I don't like planes. I like staying on the ground.


Rinrin: *sigh* Tia-chan, you need to embrace technology! You can't spend most of the time hiding in the Chief's backpack because you're afraid.


Tia: But I liked it in there. It didn't have any of the scary stuff like the bombs.




Rinrin: The bombs! Oh, yes, those certainly had possibilities.


Tia: Rinrin-san! Don't touch those! They could explode!


Rinrin: Relax, Tia. I'm an expert.




Rinrin: Isn't this the perfect thing to show off your technological might?


Nanoha: That's not how you show off.




Nanoha: This is how you show off!




Rinrin: Ha! Beware my scientific prowess!




Tia: No! Ilya-chan! Come down from there! It's dangerous!




Tia: Tana-san! You're setting a bad example for Ilya-chan!




Tia: Please be more calm like Rei-san and Mikilia-san.




Rinrin: Hey, Chief! Look at this! Now THIS has some possibilities. The yield looks a bit low, but I can fix that easily.




Rinrin: *sigh* Chief, why am I stuck in "time-out" here? Why can't I touch the bombs?




Ilya: Hey, everyone! Should that thingie Aggie's messing with be smoking like that?






Nanoha: Good god, I can't take you anywhere, can I?


Agatha: ....




Rinrin: Don't worry, Ms. Agatha. We can rebuild you. We have the technology!


Agatha: ....




Rinrin: Ok. That should at least keep you alive until we manage to develop a new body for you. How does it feel?


Agatha: It will suffice except...




Agatha: can you remove the dragons? I believe that they had Mexican for lunch.

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Agatha wants to appreciate Rinrin's commentary, but can't thanks to the, um, particular cirbleepstances.


This was totally a fun meet. Glad you got a shot of Agatha's head in the wreckage!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Oh, Gawd!! I need wrappings for my ribs!! they hurt from laughing!! Awesome, sir!! thanks for showing up out here, We'll definitely do this again!!..

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Ilya says to tell Agatha that's what she gets for trying to use technology in place of magic.

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That looks like it was a good time! The techy girls sure seemed to have fun there. Poor Agatha tho, she had no luck at all... maybe next time she'll be back to her old self?


Nice to see everyone together, especially Illya. I bet she didn't know what to do without a lot of bickering going on around her.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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