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Politely Nefarious









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Ok, the title says it all. But a bit of backstory first.


Way back in 2010 when I was vacationing in Japan, I walked into the Volks Akihabara store and saw a 1/3 scaled motorcycle with Yukino and Aoi sitting atop it. I had never seen such a thing before and it totally grabbed my brain and shook it about. I *had* to find one of these bikes! And why did I need one? Well, for the ONLY reason these bikes were made.....


To have a Bikini Bike Wash Photoshoot! Originally I had planned to have just Manami doing this but as time went by, it was extremely difficult to find one of these bikes that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Enter Kymaera, who helped me get one from DoA in great condition for FAR less than they normally ran on ebay.


Fast forward to now and I have the bike I so desperately wanted.... I also had FOUR DDdy girls who would look *stunning* in bathing suits, all washing said bike. Problem was..... I had no buckets for them to use to wash the bike.


Along comes Battrastard to help me out with some excellent choices from out in the desert! He and Tana sent us quite a nice selection of buckets to use and we picked the coolest ones from the group for our wash.


So without further delay, let us now see the fruits of my labor, all thanks to my good friends Kymaera and Battrastard!


I set the bike out back so nosy passersby wouldn't drop in and want THEIR cars and bikes washed by my lovely ladies.



DSC_6144 by balldylox, on Flickr


"But why do *I* have to help wash it? I've never even DRIVEN it yet!"



DSC_6146 by balldylox, on Flickr


"If you hadn't dropped so many cookie crumbs inside the gas tank, you COULD have driven it by now."



DSC_6147 by balldylox, on Flickr


Mai - "Yeah! Do you have any idea how long it took to clean all the gas lines and tank out?"



DSC_6148 by balldylox, on Flickr


"I don't know exact times but I know we heard you cussing up a storm out in the garage for quite a while."



DSC_6149 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Let's just leave that horrible occurance in the past now. We should get going on cleaning this bike up."



DSC_6150 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Roger that."



DSC_6151 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami - "Sheesh, it's way too hot out here to be doing this."


Mai - "Will you just help out for a min..."



DSC_6152 by balldylox, on Flickr


Mai - "Ummmm...."



DSC_6153 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami "Ohh, that feels better...mmm..."



DSC_6154 by balldylox, on Flickr


Y - "Manami! Quit horsing around and help out!"


M - "What? I'm just trying to cool off some."



DSC_6157 by balldylox, on Flickr


Y - "Look, we have to keep the bike clean or else Papa won't let us use it. I am NOT going to lose riding privledges due to YOU being lazy."



DSC_6158 by balldylox, on Flickr


"I haven't even gotten to ride on it yet....."



DSC_6160 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Maybe.... maybe Mai will take me for a ride soon?"



DSC_6161 by balldylox, on Flickr


Mai - "Manami, go grab the hose so we can wash off the soap okay?"


Manami - "Fine, whatever."


Mai - "Calm down sis, it's not MY fault you're not helping."



DSC_6163 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Don't be too hard on her Mai, you know how she gets sometimes."



DSC_6164 by balldylox, on Flickr


M - "Yeah I know. Papa spoils her alot but she still needs to help out, he even said so."



DSC_6165 by balldylox, on Flickr


"That's right, we all have to pitch in so we can keep riding this."



DSC_6166 by balldylox, on Flickr


"And it's not like this is hard, I'm having fun! I like being outside in my swimsuit."



DSC_6167 by balldylox, on Flickr


"I agree, I like it too! I just wish Manami would hurry up with that hose...."



DSC_6168 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Hey Yoko! I got the hose! What should I do now?"



DSC_6169 by balldylox, on Flickr


Y - "Duh, bring it over here so we can use it."


M - "Okay! Be there in a second!"



DSC_6170 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami - "Hey girls, I have a problem...."


Mai - "Seriously?"


Yoko - "Now what?"



DSC_6171 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Umm, the hose got stuck in my bikini top."



DSC_6172 by balldylox, on Flickr


"I don't know *how* it got in there but it feels sooo good..."



DSC_6173 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_6174 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Oh yeah.... I could do this all day!"



DSC_6176 by balldylox, on Flickr






DSC_6178 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Oh my..."



DSC_6179 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Whoa... how do I get in on some of THAT action?"



DSC_6181 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Dammit Ma-chan. Will you just bring the hose over already?"



DSC_6180 by balldylox, on Flickr


(Sorry for the crap quality on this pic )


"You want the hose Yoko? I'll give you the hose!"



DSC_6182 by balldylox, on Flickr




Y - "Ahhhhh! Run away!"


M - "Ooooo! Opening spotted! Time to make my move!"



DSC_6184 by balldylox, on Flickr


As the others scurry off, Mai "falls" down, tripping over a bucket.





DSC_6185 by balldylox, on Flickr





DSC_6186 by balldylox, on Flickr


"I'll tell you what you should do! GET WET!"



DSC_6187 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami - "Prepare to get soaked Mai!"


Mai - "Please....no...don't...do...that..."



DSC_6189 by balldylox, on Flickr


Mai - "Ohhh! That's COLD! But it feels so good...."



DSC_6190 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami - "Ha ha! I got you now girl! There's no escape!"


Mai - "Drat. Now what can I do but accept my fate?"



DSC_6191 by balldylox, on Flickr


Manami - "Well, first off, your top is all wet so we need to take that off so you don't catch cold."


Mai - "Great idea! You're so smart sis."


Manami - "Thank you Mai."



DSC_6192 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Oh man, just look at those two!"


Y - "At this rate we'll NEVER get the bike washed!"



DSC_6193 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Yoko, we can wash the bike later, let's have some fun first."


Y - "But... but the bike..."



DSC_6194 by balldylox, on Flickr


R - "Shh dear. Let's go help the others first, then we can worry about that dirty old bike."


Y - "Well.... I guess it's okay as long as we wash the bike sometime today."


R - "There's my girl."



DSC_6196 by balldylox, on Flickr




It's so nice to finally be able to do that shoot.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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And Frankenstein thought he had created a monster. I'm beginning to think I have him beat.

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Collaboration where apparently everyone wins!

Great shots, it really kick starts that summertime feeling. Bikini's, garden hoses, machinery, and sexy definitely go together!

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Cookie crumbs make bikes go faster, right? They are all so cute in those photos. They look like they had a great time. Manami is hilarious! And too cute! hmmm Did that bike get washed in the end? I have to say Ryomou is very convincing (and totally adorable in that outfit). Mai is so cute in the lying down poses. Yoko is so expressive in her poses. She looks so adorable with short hair dressed up in that bikini. It is the perfect look for summer.

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Woo! Been waiting a while for that one. Looks like it took some time to get all that together. Manami is such a character. It's hard to not like her. I have a feeling there may need to be a second go at washing the bike. Looks like the girls got a little distracted...


Great job, as always. Will this have a second part?

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And Frankenstein thought he had created a monster. I'm beginning to think I have him beat.


Bwaaahahahahahaa! IT'S ALIVE!!!


Collaboration where apparently everyone wins!

Great shots, it really kick starts that summertime feeling. Bikini's, garden hoses, machinery, and sexy definitely go together!


Ha ha! That's the best kind of collaboration! Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it! And yes, Summer is officially here now!


Cookie crumbs make bikes go faster, right? They are all so cute in those photos. They look like they had a great time. Manami is hilarious! And too cute! hmmm Did that bike get washed in the end? I have to say Ryomou is very convincing (and totally adorable in that outfit). Mai is so cute in the lying down poses. Yoko is so expressive in her poses. She looks so adorable with short hair dressed up in that bikini. It is the perfect look for summer.


Ha!! I'm sorry Mitsuki but cookie crumbs do NOT help with gas mileage. I think they all wound up having a good time out there even tho the bike never actually got washed. LOL I'm happy you liked everyones outfits! I wanted Mou-chan in a bikini but she preffered her sukumizu. I agree that Yoko looks awesome in her outfit, blue works well for her.


Woo! Been waiting a while for that one. Looks like it took some time to get all that together. Manami is such a character. It's hard to not like her. I have a feeling there may need to be a second go at washing the bike. Looks like the girls got a little distracted...


Great job, as always. Will this have a second part?


Heh, you and me both! This has been on my mind for almost 2 years now and seeing it come to fruition makes me really happy. And you knew Manami was a handful! That's a huge reason I love her so much. Alas, the bike never got washed. Other things happened instead so the bike will have to wait for another sunny day to get cleaned properly. Sorry no part two as of yet but we WILL see Ryomou and Mai on it in the near future.


Another great post. I am just worried about getting my DDs wet or messy.


Thank you! As for getting your girls wet, just make sure not to submerge them underwater and you'll be fine. I only had the hose on for short times, not constantly. And as soon as I took a picture, I turned it off and dried the girls off with a towel I had handy. And after the shoot was done, I took them all inside and dried them off again to make sure they were nice and dry.


So don't worry! A little surface wetness or dirt is easy to take care of as long as you fix/clean it immediately.






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It is very very interesting. And they look so Alive!


Even their hairs looks like they are catching some wind!

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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Haha, this is a fun story! They all look good in their swimsuits, though Yoko is my fav. Haha, she made a good choice, my girls have the same bikini! They should've known what would happen, sending Manami to get the hose. Or maybe they did?

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Wow! This is what you wanted those buckets for? I never would have guessed this.


Cool shoot. Such a tease though. I thought I might finally see some work out of those girls and we get one shot of a little soap on the bike? How am I supposed to point my girls at this and show them they're not the only ones with chores?


And finally, this line can simply not be ignored.....


"Maybe.... maybe Mai will take me for a ride soon?"

Hmmm, somehow I suspect she will. Or maybe did later that day.

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I really like their little sponges! It's a nice prop for added effect. The aquarium tubing for the doll-sized hose is also a great idea~

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Love the pictures and they look like they were injoying themself.

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OMG! That was great the girls look so amazing. The little sponges, the buckets, the hose...everything was perfect!!!!

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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AHAHAH I think that you are improving your stories even more, Billy! I always find them so hilarious!

I'm really wondering what's gonna happen now that also Yoko has been tempted to leave the bike dirty... x3 will your non-DY girls help???

df64a03a777dc9f9a060ef6b286773b3-1.gif    ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩

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It is very very interesting. And they look so Alive! Even their hairs looks like they are catching some wind!


Thank you very much! That's really nice of you to say.


Haha, this is a fun story! They all look good in their swimsuits, though Yoko is my fav. Haha, she made a good choice, my girls have the same bikini! They should've known what would happen, sending Manami to get the hose. Or maybe they did?


Thank you sir! I totally agree with you about Yoko's bikini! I absolutely love that outfit too! And yes, anytime you mix water and Manami, you get silliness.



Wow! This is what you wanted those buckets for? I never would have guessed this.


Cool shoot. Such a tease though. I thought I might finally see some work out of those girls and we get one shot of a little soap on the bike? How am I supposed to point my girls at this and show them they're not the only ones with chores?


And finally, this line can simply not be ignored.....


"Maybe.... maybe Mai will take me for a ride soon?"

Hmmm, somehow I suspect she will. Or maybe did later that day.



Ha ha! Of course you knew my girls weren't going to do any ACTUAL work with those buckets! I'm way too lax with them to force them into too much manual labor. Sorry that your girls didn't get to see others doing real work tho, maybe another day....


As for whether or not Ryomou got a bike ride from Mai later on, no she didn't. Since the bike didn't get washed yet, I wouldn't let them take it anywhere. So she will have to wait until it DOES get cleaned up before those two can go for a ride. But I did hear those two saying something about going "motorboating"..... but we don't have a DD sized boat.



I really like their little sponges! It's a nice prop for added effect. The aquarium tubing for the doll-sized hose is also a great idea~


Thank you! All I did for the sponges was get a regular sized one and cut some pieces off it. And I actually saw the clear tubing used a while ago online in someone elses pics. I was just happy I found some that worked out nicely.



:) Love the pictures and they look like they were injoying themself.


Thank you very much! They all had fun even tho they didn't really finish washing the bike.



OMG! That was great the girls look so amazing. The little sponges, the buckets, the hose...everything was perfect!!!!


Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the girls and the pics.



AHAHAH I think that you are improving your stories even more, Billy! I always find them so hilarious! I'm really wondering what's gonna happen now that also Yoko has been tempted to leave the bike dirty... x3 will your non-DY girls help???


Wow, thank you for that kind praise! I do try and do better as I go along. As for Yoko, I don't know exactly what happened with her and Ryomou but I do know she's still worried about cleaning the bike. Maybe she will enlist some of her other sisters to help her out?





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Wow, thank you for that kind praise! I do try and do better as I go along. As for Yoko, I don't know exactly what happened with her and Ryomou but I do know she's still worried about cleaning the bike. Maybe she will enlist some of her other sisters to help her out?

I hope to see everybody washing the bike ahahah.

And wow, Ryomo seems *strange* with Yoko... maybe she *likes* her?????

df64a03a777dc9f9a060ef6b286773b3-1.gif    ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩

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Wow, thank you for that kind praise! I do try and do better as I go along. As for Yoko, I don't know exactly what happened with her and Ryomou but I do know she's still worried about cleaning the bike. Maybe she will enlist some of her other sisters to help her out?

I hope to see everybody washing the bike ahahah.

And wow, Ryomo seems *strange* with Yoko... maybe she *likes* her?????


That would be really cute.

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Hot Hot HOT HOT! I really should not be looking at this at work. I feel so sinful. Yet so satisfying.

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Hehe happy to see your girls having fun in the sun!!


I was wondering what was up with the "saggy" boobs on Manami before I remembered you got a Peach Pai for her


That bikini top isn't doing her girls any justice!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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This was a fun story! I'll drive my car down a wash! I'll be there in.....2 days. Maybe 3. >.> that is if they don't mind....

Also, I agree with Archangeli -Sorry Manami! But you need some better support for your girls to look EVEN better

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Great shots. The girls look great, but I think Manami's bikini is too small for her now! Glad they had fun.

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I knew Manami would get totally distracted, but I had to laugh when I saw Mai's little tactic! Oh you silly, silly girl. Don't you know that feeding Manami's appetites never ends well?


Also, while I read it was an aquarium hose, how'd you get it hooked up to running water?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hahaha! Your girls can be on DD Playboy Spread! 8D This shot is funny!



DSC_6173 by balldylox, on Flickr


XD and yoko's hair is beautiful!

Aoife ✙ Tae ✙ Miya ✙ Usami ✙ Misaki ✙ Makina ✙ Yume

Kanae ✙ Kanon ✙ Subaru ✙ Juri ✙ Aya ✙ Megu-tan ✙ Kureha

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I've got one of those swimsuits like Yoko's as well. Coolcat sent me one as an extra gift in one of my orders before I left Japan, it's in storage atm though.

21 DD girls: Mio, Marina, Yui, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Arisu, Akina, Momo, Arisa, Yukina, Ayaka, Niimi, Eri, Millefeuille, Ekisu, Chitose, Miyabi, KOS-MOS v.4, Hatsune Miku and God Eater Alisa. 2B in a hopeful future.

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I hope to see everybody washing the bike ahahah. And wow, Ryomo seems *strange* with Yoko... maybe she *likes* her?????


Hee hee, we'll see what I can do about that sometime ok? As for Ryomou, she, Mai and Manami are all very close to each other and they all like Yoko. But Yoko is a bit more "tame" than her other DDdy sisters so she doesn't fool around nearly as much as they all do.


Hot Hot HOT HOT! I really should not be looking at this at work. I feel so sinful. Yet so satisfying.


Thank you so much! That's funny you were looking at this at work! If you aren't careful your monitor will melt from the hotness!


Hehe happy to see your girls having fun in the sun!! I was wondering what was up with the "saggy" boobs on Manami before I remembered you got a Peach Pai for her That bikini top isn't doing her girls any justice!


Thank you! They had fun even if nothing really got done. Heh' date=' Manami's boobs kind of do look saggy at certain angles but trust me, they were BARELY in that top! Her nips are JUST below the top of that thing. She picked this bikini because it's so small and she's about to fall out of it. She wanted EVERYONE to see her new "toys". But she ha smany other lowcut tops she wears that perk them up more so don't worry, she'll be sharing these as often as she can! LOL


This was a fun story! I'll drive my car down a wash! I'll be there in.....2 days. Maybe 3. >.> that is if they don't mind....

Also, I agree with Archangeli -Sorry Manami! But you need some better support for your girls to look EVEN better


Thank you! Please come on down! I will make sure they actually wash your car if you drive all that way! LOL Unless you WANT to see them get distracted again. And like I told Archangeli, manami wanted MINIMUM coverage for her girls so this bikini won. It could BARELY hold those Pai back tho and I think she enjoyed that more than anything. But don't worry, she has plenty of other clothing that shows her girls off well and has way more support.


Great shots. The girls look great, but I think Manami's bikini is too small for her now! Glad they had fun.


Thank you very much! And yes, Manami knows that bikini is too small.... that's WHY she wore it! She wants everyone to see her new "girls".


I knew Manami would get totally distracted, but I had to laugh when I saw Mai's little tactic! Oh you silly, silly girl. Don't you know that feeding Manami's appetites never ends well?


Also, while I read it was an aquarium hose, how'd you get it hooked up to running water?



LOL. You know my girls well. XD Mai was funny with her faked fall, I thought she was a terrible actress too. But Manami didn't care, all she saw was a target. As for that hose attachment, don't laugh when I explain it. I basically got 6 feet of that clear tubing from the hardware store and slid about 6 inches of it inside an old piece of normal garden hose I had laying around. Then I took white waterproof silicone and filled the end of the hose with it and let it setup overnight. The next day I covered that with 2 layers of duct tape. All I had to do then was screw that short piece of hose into another garden hose and turn it on REALLY low. Any pressure at all thru that smaller clear hose sent water shooting like 15 feet! LOL



Hahaha! Your girls can be on DD Playboy Spread! 8D This shot is funny!



DSC_6173 by balldylox, on Flickr


XD and yoko's hair is beautiful!


Hee hee, thank you! I think Manami would be very happy to be in Playboy. And thank you about Yoko's hair! That wig is from "Monique Gold" and I love its style and look on her.



I've got one of those swimsuits like Yoko's as well. Coolcat sent me one as an extra gift in one of my orders before I left Japan, it's in storage atm though.



I never get cool freebies form them, just silicone headcaps. And when I ordered 3 stands from them, I got NO freebies. I think they hate me.... I bought that swimsuit for her tho and I really like it.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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