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Can't Put On Rise's Wig

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Just received Rise Having much trouble trying to put her wig on her head. Anyone got tips?


It feels like it has no elastic stretch & sized just a bit smaller then her head that I can't just slip it on. I'm afraid I messed up her hair style just a little from trying.

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I had no trouble putting it on. I did it by hold in the front at the desired position and then pulling it down to head on the other end. Have a firm grip so you don't loosen the threads of hair.


Make sure to avoid pulling on the pigtails too~

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I had no trouble putting it on. I did it by hold in the front at the desired position and then pulling it down to head on the other end.



Was your wig more elastic? I think I get the idea but there's no way for me to grip the back of her wig to pull it down. Even taking her skull off I can't get the wig to fit.

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I know what you mean. My Rise's wig has no elastic to it for stretch at all, and I can't fit it on her at all ( she's wearing a wigcap though, so that could be part of the problem.)

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hmm, my rise's wig goes on with little fuss now after a few months on the head. goes on a treat actually.


I dont recall much trouble putting it on the first time, other than with a wig-cap it seemed impossible, due to it being non-elastic on the sides. (which is bad, since as I found out clear freshwrap isnt enough to keep stains away.. heh)

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I don't use wig caps which could be why it was easier for me. I remember having a hard time in general with wigs that have tails on them such as all the Sabers. The trick I used was to slip a sheet of plastic underneath the wig when you try to put it on so you can slip the wig into place then remove the plastic.

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I tried again today & managed to get her wig on by placing the front over her forehead past the headcap seam then pulling down using my fingernails to firmly grip the rim of the wig & alternating between the sides & back. Before all this I also had to reverse her headcap because in it's normal position when I pull down on the back the headcap would pop off or collapse inward. Her headcap seems much softer then my other DD's.


Still think it's too tight. Probably some variation in sizing from being handmade. Think Volksusa would be able to offer a replacement in a case like this?


Luckily not too much visible damage in the process only with some hairs coming loose.





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Still think it's too tight. Probably some variation in sizing from being handmade. Think Volksusa would be able to offer a replacement in a case like this?

Glad to see you were able to get Rise's wig on! She looks quite lovely


As for a replacement wig, since the wig is in no way damaged Volks USA most likely won't replace it. Sometimes the wigs come out being a bit tight. I know I've heard from several people that Saber Nero's wig was quite difficult to put on. I also have some wigs from Leekeworld that are the right size for DDs, but the wig is quite tight and I have to get a good grip on it when pulling it down over the head cap.

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I'm planning on trying this method with Rise's wig when she finally arrives.




I had rise's wig on with that clear wrap, and unfortunately it does not protect from staining.


But I guess this is a case by case thing. Using the freshwrap Haruhi's head hasnt been stained by the default wig, but Mashiro's and rise's heads got stained by their defaults. Will prevent immediate stains I guess, but I wouldnt recomend it for prolonged use.

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It just really depends on the cap bit that the hair is attached to. If it's really dark and has a lot of dye in it, it can even stain through the cloth head caps. I imagine cloth head cap + silicone head cap would be good, but that wouldn't work if the wig is tight.

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