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Uh-oh! Trouble in Paradise?

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Ah well, you can't please everyone all of the time.


... granted, pissing off little magical girls, probably not in ANYONE'S best interest... but alas.


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I'm surprised kitsune would allow her hair to be brushed. I would have guessed it was one of those situations like trying to give a cat a bath where you just end up with scratches everywhere, being exhausted and not getting much progress done on the task.

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I'm surprised kitsune would allow her hair to be brushed. I would have guessed it was one of those situations like trying to give a cat a bath where you just end up with scratches everywhere, being exhausted and not getting much progress done on the task.


This is what I thought too. Cat bathing....Welcome to the 30 second preview of what hell is like. Please fasten your protective face mask and kevlar on before proceeding.

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O noess!!!! Angry magical girl = cataclysmic destruction!!



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Awwww... poor Ilya. All she wanted to do was brush Kitsunes hair. It seems Kitsune now has someone to look up to and copy instead of relying on Ilya for everything. I do hope this turn of events doesn't cause too many issues for the fox girls....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Ah well, you can't please everyone all of the time.


... granted, pissing off little magical girls, probably not in ANYONE'S best interest... but alas.


Yeah, oddly enough I'm not even sure Rin would consider this situation in her best interest right now.


As to the cat bathing comparison, kitsune has always been fine with letting Ilya brush or braid her hair. I've yet to see her react violently in any situation.



O noess!!!! Angry magical girl = cataclysmic destruction!!


Hmmm, sadly quite possible. Fortunately Ilya is definitely the least dangerous of my magi on that scale. She's better at making life miserable on an individual level.


Awwww... poor Ilya. All she wanted to do was brush Kitsunes hair. It seems Kitsune now has someone to look up to and copy instead of relying on Ilya for everything. I do hope this turn of events doesn't cause too many issues for the fox girls....


You're right. It seems kitsune's trying to act all "grown up" like her elder in order to impress her. I don't think that's going to end well for her or Eir if she keeps it up though.

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kitsune is too cute trying to be grown up like Eir. It's too bad Ilya gets butt-hurt so easily. Jealousy is not a good color for you Ilya.

21 DD girls: Mio, Marina, Yui, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Arisu, Akina, Momo, Arisa, Yukina, Ayaka, Niimi, Eri, Millefeuille, Ekisu, Chitose, Miyabi, KOS-MOS v.4, Hatsune Miku and God Eater Alisa. 2B in a hopeful future.

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oh dear Ilya, kitsune will come back to you soon~ I think.

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Haha, so funny! At the end she gave up, too bad!


Hmm, I missed this comment back when it was posted, sorry. Glad you enjoyed the story.


kitsune is too cute trying to be grown up like Eir. It's too bad Ilya gets butt-hurt so easily. Jealousy is not a good color for you Ilya.


Yeah, kitsune's elder worship is pretty cute, but clearly Ilya wants nothing to do with it. Ilya wasn't really raised having to deal with other equals, or really many other people in general. She was raised in an odd environment of being the doted on master and being just a tool. As a result she's quite socially impaired. She's definitely not used to people who were close to her (mostly servants) suddenly pointing their attention elsewhere though.


oh dear Ilya, kitsune will come back to you soon~ I think.


Hopefully kitsune will or I think more bad things are going to happen.

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