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I'm hoping this isn't a double post ( I searched but didn't find any, if it is, MODS fell free to delete . Anyway, I was just curious what books you guys like to read or what book you are currently reading? Or what you would recommend as a good read. I know having said that makes the topic rather broad but hey, I like learning about what other people are reading because it gives me an idea of what books I might pick up and read later on.


As for me, I am currently reading Undead Pool by Kim Harrisson. It's Book 12 of her Hollows series and I'm really liking it. Leagues better than Dead Reckoning (Sookie Stackhouse) by Charlaine Harris which I'm sad to say just kept getting worse. I only read it because I had followed the series when it started and I just wanted to find out what happened. Good thing I never bought the book and just borrowed it from the Library. This was after I went on an extended Nero Wolfe Mystery (by Rex Stout) marathon the week before and after I finished the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare (I ran out of mysteries and decided to go back to some fantasy). What I'll be reading after Undead Pool, I don't quite know. I'm just doing some light reading as going into the serious gut wrenching or tear jerker stuff isn't something I want to go into right now while I'm biding time till baby comes out. No re-reading classics like Les Miz or Little Women for me until well after baby since Les Miz had me in tears for days (so says the gal who cried at Sherlock Holmes's death scene at Reichenbach Falls). But I would still love to know what everyone else is reading whether its the light or 'heavy' stuff so I can maybe add it to my reading list later.



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I just finished reading all 3 books in The Hunger Games series. I got addicted so I decided to read them all. They were very fast reads! Now I think I'm going to go back to the beginning of the Twilight saga and read those... xD I never actually got to finish them because my Nook was acting up, so I decided now's a good time to restart!


I actually haven't heard of any of the books you mentioned you were reading, except for Les Miz and Little Women of course... So I think I'll Google those and see what they're about!


Normally I read really... weird books such as those by Augusten Burroughs and William S. Burroughs, but lately I've been taking a trip down the young adult section and reading the typical things like Hunger Games and Twilight and Gossip Girl...

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I'm currently reading City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare (book 5 of The Mortal Instruments). Liking the series so far.


I agree that Sookie was better in the beginning. I read lots of fantasy YA books, and some from the adults section as well. But I tend to like series, and YA has more of those.


Others I've read and would recommend include: the Vampire Academy novels and the following Bloodlines novels by Richelle Mead, the House of Night novels by P.C. and Kristin Cast, the Jane True series by Nicole Peeler, and the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth . Really looking forward to the movie on that one.


I also enjoy sci-fi, and one of my favorite series in that genre is the Ender's Game books. I really like Orson Scott Card, he is an excellent writer in both sci-fi and fantasy. I think the movie that just came out was quite well done (with the exception of the casting of a short Disney channel actor as Bonzo Madrid), and I would recommend it as well.


I am open to other recommendations, but I rarely branch out of sci-fi/fantasy, except to read classics.


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I have never read The Lord of the Rings trilogy (save for when my dad read it to my sister and I as kids), so I started it recently. My dad was a fan of LOTR and other Tolkien books so I'll be reading those


I've always wanted to read "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss.

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I just finished reading all 3 books in The Hunger Games series. I got addicted so I decided to read them all. They were very fast reads! Now I think I'm going to go back to the beginning of the Twilight saga and read those...


I should add Hunger Games to my list. I'v heard pretty good reviews about it. As for Twilight, I liked the last book most of all but I enjoyed reading them all. Way better than the movies.


Normally I read really... weird books such as those by Augusten Burroughs and William S. Burroughs,..


Never read any of his WSB's work. He wrote Wild Boys right? I think they made a movie out of that, no sure. And I'm not

familiar with Gossip Girl, I thought that was a TV series. I didn't realisey had a book.


I'm currently reading City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare (book 5 of The Mortal Instruments).

Might give those a try.I liked Infernal Devices.


Others I've read and would recommend include: the Vampire Academy novels and the following Bloodlines novels by Richelle Mead, the House of Night novels by P.C. and Kristin Cast, the Jane True series by Nicole Peeler, and the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth . Really looking forward to the movie on that one.


I also enjoy sci-fi, and one of my favorite series in that genre is the Ender's Game books. I really like Orson Scott Card,...


I've had VA on my list but haven't gotten to it yet. Same with Jane True. I think I will read that after I finish of the last book in Artemis Fowl. As for OSC I remember reading something of his a few years back, something about a Maker? Have to google his books again and look at Ender's Game too.


I have never read The Lord of the Rings trilogy (save for when my dad read it to my sister and I as kids), so I started it recently. My dad was a fan of LOTR and other Tolkien books so I'll be reading those


I've always wanted to read "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss.

LOTR started me on fantasy together with the series by Margaret Weiss and Hickman. I remember scouring second hand bookstores for their books. No Kobos back in those days. LOTR is an awesome series and I am so buying a new set for my daughter to read when she's a bit older either as an ebook or paper. I might do like your Dad did and read it to her night but she's a little young and likes the shorter stories still.

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Right now I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to read Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal... because I'm trying to learn Spanish and my fiance already had a copy so why not. My Spanish is better than it was when I first started reading, but only because his mom has been helping me learn.


I second The Hunger Games! I've only actually read Catching Fire and Mockingjay, but I definitely loved the books more than I liked the movie of the first book.


I can never recommend The Lovely Bones enough, though. It's my favourite book, for sure. It's pretty sad to be sure, but so good.

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Currently reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I've just started it so can't say much about it but it seems to be along the current trend of dystopian society with separated factions etc. I do love me a bit of YA.


And I can always, always recommend The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. It's about a wizard named Harry. Yup. Set in current day fantasy Chicago. If you are going to read it, please wait until the 3rd book to judge. I know it's quite a ways to stick it out before deciding but do yourself this favour.

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Dresden is all kinds of awesome. Can't wait for the next installment. Loved Butcher's Codex Alera as well. I'd recommend the Riftwar Saga and Serpentwar Saga by Raymond Feist too.



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I'm supposed to be studying which always ends up with me procrastinating ^^ so in between revision questions I'm currently re-reading Poison Princess by Kresley Cole (book 1 of The Arcana Trilogy). I like her supernatural romance books so I thought I'd give it a go and it had me hooked from the first chapter. It's about a girl who has recurring visions that show the world has ended and of course, no one believes her. On the day of her birthday, the visions come true and wipe out all bodies of water, vegetation, animals and most of the earth's population, with more men surviving than women. Cannibals cults, armies that capture people to be slaves and some new form of mutated zombie that thirst for liquids (water or blood) roam the earth.


The situation is just bonkers (cannibals??) and it's supposed to be a YA book so there's romance with this sexy bad boy who helps her survive. And I haven't even talked about her secret powers. Been recommending this to everyone who likes a good fantasy romance. And now to wait a whole year for the last book in the series

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i switch genres constantly to keep my brain from feeing stale, and as of the moment i am on a Micheal Crichton binge. ive read through jurassic park, the lost world, prey, and am currently working on "a case of need".


before that i finished up a book called "the rithmatist" not bad, (it was a gift so i wasnt sure what to expect) a gear punk story about a world at war with nimate masters made of chalk, so they had to be fought with chalk... odd but entertaining

there is no such thing as perfection. and i can only hope, with all my might that no such thing ever does exsist. kind of implies a limit to how amazing a person can be or something like that.....

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I love reading just about everything that has words in it, from fantasy to biographies to science and psychology; I find it hard to discriminate when it comes to literature. And of course I read poetry on occasion, other than just prose. I suppose I'm what one would call a bookworm...


I'm currently halfway through Stephen King's Joyland which I find to be phenomenal (considering I own every single book of his that's not a huge surprise however).


The books I read last were Haruki Murakami's amazing 1Q84 (and need I say I can't wait to read Tsukuru Tazaki... it makes me so sad that I can't read it directly in Japanese...) and James Dashner's Maze Runner series which I could also recommend to anyone who likes the dystopian sci-fi genre.

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Sort of got stuck on Artemis Fowl's last book and that kinda broke my book reading binge but I love that there's quite a number of books and authors here that I haven't really gone into. Not really into Stephen King as I get so into a book it scares me silly and I get nightmares (once fell off a chair when reading a horror story because of a loud crash - turns out the cat overturned my brother's toys) but maybe I'll try some of his less scary ones. I've heard about Kresley Cole but have yet to read the books - sounds interesting even if there are zombies (which I can't abide ) but how you described it makes me want to take a gander at the book. Curiouser and curiouser.



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Right now I'm starting to read the hunger games. So far it's pretty good. I really want to finish the hole trilogy before the third movie comes out!

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@ katnaper You should give Steven King a chance! I used to hate scary stories, I got nightmares really easily. But I tried some of the ones he wrote that aren't meant to be as scary, and I love them. Some recent ones of his I've read include 11/22/63, which is about JFK's assassination, and Under the Dome. I will say that Under the Dome may have a few horror elements, much like tv shows like CSI, but the overall plotline isn't meant to be a horror story, more like a mystery. I also love the Dark Tower series.


Just stay away from ones that are supposed to be scary, like The Shining, IT, Thinner, Pet Cemetery, etc.


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@ katnaper You should give Steven King a chance! I used to hate scary stories, I got nightmares really easily. But I tried some of the ones he wrote that aren't meant to be as scary, and I love them. Some recent ones of his I've read include 11/22/63, which is about JFK's assassination, and Under the Dome. I will say that Under the Dome may have a few horror elements, much like tv shows like CSI, but the overall plotline isn't meant to be a horror story, more like a mystery. I also love the Dark Tower series.


Just stay away from ones that are supposed to be scary, like The Shining, IT, Thinner, Pet Cemetery, etc.


No worries. I'm kinda interested in Under the Dome and I've heard good things about the Dark Tower series so I'll add him to my reading list. So many books, so little time. LOL.



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I used to read a lot, but now I don't read as often as I would like anymore . I'm currently reading the first book of the Game of Thrones series but I only read a couple of chapters in like a year ><. I want to read all the books, but at the pace it's going at now I'll probably be 80 before I finish the first book.. I love to read when it's summer and I can sit quietly in the garden, but I just can't do it in any of the other seasons xD. My favorite genre of books is fantasy and books about Greek mythology and Roman history.

~ Currently putting DD collecting on hold ~

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Right now I'm working my way through the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind (for the 3rd time).

I'm on the Pillars of Creation at the moment... although I haven't had much time to read lately.

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Right now, I'm reading the second book of the mortal instrument series, city of ashes. I'd have to say the book is somewhat interesting and for the desire to know what happens in the end...is there. Though when twilight came out I bought all the books, since I was too impatient to wait for them in the library. In reality i should've stopped reading it. The series never got any better for me and don't even get me started about the franchise itself. *shudders*

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"I know this much is true" by Wally Lamb.


It's really good, quite depressing because of the topics it deals with (like a character who has schizophrenia) but I love the writing, the characters feel very real, their suffering become your suffering so you suffer with them, empathize with them, grow up with them.


5/5 stars



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Harry Potter and half blood prince. I'm reading with my little sister.

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Right now I'm working my way through the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind (for the 3rd time).

I'm on the Pillars of Creation at the moment... although I haven't had much time to read lately.


I should find these books again. I liked his work.



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The Witcher, saga. I love it.


This is new for me so I will look it up. I'm currently re-reading all of my classic Nancy Drew books and I'll look into that when I have time.


"I know this much is true" by Wally Lamb.


It's really good, quite depressing because of the topics it deals with (like a character who has schizophrenia) but I love the writing, the characters feel very real, their suffering become your suffering so you suffer with them, empathize with them, grow up with them.


5/5 stars


Sounds interesting and I'll take a look but might not get to it yet.


Harry Potter and half blood prince. I'm reading with my little sister.


That's awesome reading with family. I'm trying to get my daughter into reading my Nancy Drew books but she prefers fact books where she gets a lot of fun facts (takes after he Dad. LOL).



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Re-reading all 18 Dune books. Should be done in time to read all of Game of Thrones again before Season 5.

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