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Current value for a M.O.M.O head

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I would like to know how much is value the M.O.M.O head (without original eyes) ?

I don't know if I buy only the head or if it's more interesting to buy the full set..


Thank you !

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I saw a complete, new NIB momo on yja last week for 54000 yen that nobody bid on. I think she's still up there for another day or so with a pretty good BIN.


One complete set, used on mfc for 680 usd.


The collector in me hates to split limited production items up, as the whole is worth more than the parts.


But as someone who has a very specific idea in mind, I'm stuck between finding just the parts that I need to accomplish my goal, especially on a limited budget.


BUt after 3 weeks of religiously camping yja hoping something I need will come up, I have also not noticed a momo head by itself, while several full sets have come and gone.

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OK ! I will wait for a good oportunity and buy the full set !


Thank you !

(do you know sendico for Yahoo auction ? I'm totally nuub)

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I purchased a Momo head without eyes some time ago on an eBay auction.


The auction ended at $232.50 with free US shipping.

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Thank you a lot ! Great help for me !


EDIT : I found momo on mandarake for 80 000jpy is it too much ?

Do you know if Mandarake are ok to low the value on the package for custom fees ?

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well.. do YOU consider it too much, going by what has recently been posted. What are you willing to pay? Can you be patient and wait for the possibility that a cheaper one will come? What will you save vs how much time will you wait whereas if you pay a bit more now, you can have her sooner and enjoy her company that much longer?


I think this is one that is currently posted on yja as well, since mandarake posts things periodically for auction.


Consider the following though:


purchasing at jp auction requires:


example the proxy fee for fromjapan I think is 200y +5% of final price.


shipping to them worst case say 2000y


shipping to you ems probably closer to 6000y


Buying directly from mandarake means you pay them direct and pay only shipping to you.


For something so expensive, would you prefer to pay the extra whatever it is in duty and tax, or have them falsely declare the value, and if it is damaged or lost, the package insurance will ONLY cover the declared value.



at 80000 you're looking at a price of less than 74000y at auction if you find a buy it now or winning price to cover fees and domestic shipping. So what are your odds of finding another momo under 74000y sale price?

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If you put up a wtb thread people will alert you of Momo's being posted all over. I.E. a Momo was posted on Mandarake for 45k. ( http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1899538.html) I could have posted that there and you could have walked away with a steal, but she's since sold. :x I would recommend making a post and regularly bumping it in the "Looking for..." area. People are really nice and happy to help you find a good deal or just a dream doll! ---This is obviously the option if you simply want to wait it out and look for the deal.


As a fun fact I do know that mandarake will mark something as "gift" I do not know if they lower the value though when declaring it.

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Thank you ! It's really sweet !


I Just found the head for a really good price ! I'm looking for her eyes now *going to post a WTB post*

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