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What is your faceup layering process?

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I am curious to see how people layer their dolls while doing face ups!

Personally. I use 2 beginning layers of msc, The actual face up, and then one final layer.

Sometimes, I think I should use one more. haha.

What are your guys.

And have you ever had cracking problems?

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I make a lot of layers actually.

With BJDs most layers are for the blushing, with DDs it's the eyes.


I usually start with a sealant layer, then first blushing, sealant, more blushing, sealant, more blushing and blushing of the eyebrow shape, sealant, sketching of the eye-shape, sealant, filling out the shape with pastels, sealant, first layer acryl, sealant, second layer acryl, sealant, third layer and eyebrows, sealant, fixing some details, sealant.

Afterwards gloss.

I make a lot of layers but I also have a lot of details usually.


Pic related, I make the eyebrows in anime-like face-ups usually pretty late.

Here's an example of sketched and blushed, first two layers of eye details and finished:







Blushing is in the DD case usually pretty basic, but still more than on a default face-up.

Cracking issues I had only once so far since the MSC formula change, before only twice and both times I used the spray while it was waaaay too cold outside.


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I make a lot of layers actually.

With BJDs most layers are for the blushing, with DDs it's the eyes.


I usually start with a sealant layer, then first blushing, sealant, more blushing, sealant, more blushing and blushing of the eyebrow shape, sealant, sketching of the eye-shape, sealant, filling out the shape with pastels, sealant, first layer acryl, sealant, second layer acryl, sealant, third layer and eyebrows, sealant, fixing some details, sealant.

Afterwards gloss.

I make a lot of layers but I also have a lot of details usually.


Pic related, I make the eyebrows in anime-like face-ups usually pretty late.

Here's an example of sketched and blushed, first two layers of eye details and finished:





Blushing is in the DD case usually pretty basic, but still more than on a default face-up.

Cracking issues I had only once so far since the MSC formula change, before only twice and both times I used the spray while it was waaaay too cold outside.

Oh wow! Do you ever get cracks in the actual vinyl? I'm working on a girl right now and I did two base coats, I hope i didn't over work the layerxD

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I personally had so far no cracking issues on vinyl, no.

Neither problems with the surface itself nor with the sealant.


Just be careful that, when sealing the head, you don't make it dripping wet.

A few quick layers from all sides are better than keeping the can on it for seconds till the head is super shiny and wet.


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For me, I do a base coat of MSC, then the blush--because I suck with pastels and tend to get them everywhere. It's the highest wipe chance of all the layers, so it goes first so I don't lose anything if it has to go. XD I also tend to hold the head upside-down over my own head while I do it, so stray dust falls on me rather than the head.


Seal, then I outline eyelashes and eyebrows with watercolor pencil. If I use a light touch I can wipe away any mistakes with water without taking off any of the lower sealer/pastel layers. This one's probably the most time consuming, but for me still lest frustrating than the pastel.


Seal again, acrylic, using the watercolor pencil layer as a template. Light colors like blonds and browns first, then gradually darker. Black only to accentuate innermost bits.


Seal again. One last sort of blushing layer, with Pearl-Ex powders. Once the acrylics are on I can see where they're really needed--usually just the lips, but might do eyelids if I want her to have eye shadow.


Seal one last time. Add gloss over any pearl-ex areas to bring the sparkle back.


Stick eyeballs in, put the head on, take photos, enjoy.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I use manga style graphic lines so I seal in less layers. First I clean the head, then map out the lines for eyelashes and eyebrows in pencil. Once I like the way it looks, I lighten up the pencil til it's barely visible (so it won't be seen through the paint) and put the first layer of sealant. Then I do everything, painting and blushing, in one step, if I like how it looks, including with eyes in and a wig on, then I seal it in three more layers. Lastly I add gloss to the lips.


I've never had cracking in my sealant. I once had it become shiny and somewhat sticky over the course of several months, but I think maybe the humidity was too high when I sealed it. When I redid the faceup it didn't happen again.


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