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DD Plans and Hopes: 2017!

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We're in the final month of 2016, probably one of the weirdest years many of us have ever seen. So, let's look forward to next year, and start putting together our evil dolly plans!


As for myself:


So, 2016, I not only managed to body Abby, but have Fate in transit as of this writing--after wanting her since her release in 2009. So that's a thing.


Which means, as soon as she gets freed from the tangled mess that is holiday shipping, I have to revisit. . .




Personal/real life lunacy kept me from digging into the list too deep for 2016, so for 2017 the plan is: "No new dolls, only equipping and photographing the ones I've actually got."


The list:


Agatha: Yukata (steampunk/wa loli monstrosity), Christmas Candy Cane 2.0, brown outfit from the circus arc in the Girl Genius comic

Nanoha: Yukata (normal, pale purple), possibly new Halloween outfit??

Homura: Halloween (finish the Akuma Homura getup damnit), steampunk, Christmas

Miku: Yukata (flirty/skimpy take), Halloween (devil or vampire)

Abby: Finish steampunk, yukata (either normal or wa loli), Christmas, Halloween (bumblebee, bat??)

Fate: Christmas, yukata (normal, burgundy), Halloween


Which. . .is huge, so for sanity's sake I'll say that the goal is to wrap up the two that are started (Akuma Homura and Abby's steampunk). Any new ones from scratch are a bonus.


Also, Fate didn't come with her weapons, so I started 3D modeling the Force version Riot Zanber hilts with the intent of getting them 3D printed--if I'm making weapons based on her canon ones, then I'm going to make the ones Volks *didn't* do.


Plus I hope to get back into photo stories.


Though, having just bought a home, I have no clue when I'm going actually find time to do any of this. I still haven't unpacked my craft crap!


Edit: I accidentally a word.

Edited by Guest

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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The plan for 2017 for me is to STOP BUYING DOLLS.


This year, I knew I was getting my Snow Miku, but I wanted to get bodies for my floating heads and instead ended up with the Kagamine twins. So I at least need to cut out splurging on new dolls and focus on the ones already here.


So here's my running list of things I would like to accomplish in 2017:

-Buy bodies for Fumiko, Misao, and Kinuyo

-Shoes for everyone

-Wig for Fumi, wig + eyes for Misao

-If I get the bodies, I need to get outfits for them, since my clothing selection is pretty limited

-Take more photos! Everyone in my crew needs to start having their photos taken more regularly.


That's all for me. Here's to hoping the US$ doesn't tank next year!

Kiyomi DDS DDH-06 🧡 Miyuki DDS DDH-06 🧡 Shiori DDS Mariko Summer Festival 🧡 Kanade DDDy DDH-07 🧡 Honoka DD DDH-09 🧡 Unnamed DDS Anthy Himemiya

Any pronouns are fine

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My plan for 2017 is to

  • Get more shoes
    Get more casual clothing
    Get Naomi's Corpse Party uniform custom made
    Start opening a custom DD eye shop
    Buy that dream rescue cream for my Miku's shoulder stains
    Probably get an Smart doll male body + customize a DDH to make an OC
    Get a DDH-01(or 10) for a spare MDD body I own for some odd reason and make Shiro from No Game No Life.
    And to hopefully stop buying dolls. This hobby is expensive lol

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- Get my DH007 head back from customisation for Tahquil.

- Begin creating custom outfits for Tahquil (and potentially for other dolls as well).

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1. I have 9 Floating heads.

Bodies for them.


2. More shoes.

Outfits are always easy to buy and wear at home, need shoes for when we go out!!!


3. Pre ordered Iori and Yayoi.

Save for them. Also ordered their extra outfits. Save some more


4. Pray volks doesnt release any dolls i want.


I think thats enough goals for next year but things never go according to plan >~<

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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Finally get Miku the little sister she wants (And to put all those MDD outfits I keep buying to use.). Also learn how to treat stains (I've tried, but have thus far failed.). Prep for Saber Alter's joining (Here's hoping I win the Volks USA lottery.). Make a place for them to live in my house (Miku has been a trooper being a vagabond. But once she gets sisters that won't work so well.). And lastly, to spend less money on DD stuff so I can use it on my other hobbies (Get stage one of my model railroad done, and get an amateur radio antenna bought and installed. Why oh why do I have so many expensive hobbies?)

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Plans... Jesus where do I start?


Get Melanie her body, get a friend a body for his first girl as a christmas gift. (I have the money so I should probably do that now.)


Get Illya twins! Seriously I'm stalking them on Manda for 850 (ish) each. And get some clothes for them because as cute as them running around in the shirts of their big sisters as dresses is, I do need to get them actual clothes.


Get more clothes for my current girls.


Get Melanie and Tara's stuff together. (eyes, wigs, stuff that makes them them.)


Get Tara's head, and body.


Get Tara and Ted to my faceup artist of choice so they match each other. Being siblings this is important.


Attempt to get Santa Saber.


Prep for Iori, Yayoi, and Anastasia so they become Lucy, Hannah, and Sonya pretty quickly.


PRAY TO WHATEVER POWERS MAY BE that Danny fixes Spike up so his sculpt is useable to make Sebastian. (Seriously, he has such a specific face and Aveline needs her husband!)


Hope that Lelouche works for Markus, (Might have to file the chin down slightly) and that I can turn that head the right freaking color. If I use his head I really will have to dye it please kill me...


Then, work on Lance and Rachel. Get a DDSB body so he doesn't have to steal from Len, and of course his Mari head which won't be too hard to get. Find a Miki Hoshii head for Rachel (Pricy girl...) Get Lance a different faceup, hopefully one that matches Rachel pretty well. I kinda want to keep the default for her since it's pretty fitting, but I may go custom. Idk.


Fear volks doing something for the heavens feel movie, most likely a Sakura re-release that I'll need, possibly Rider who I'll die over.


After that, get a Kotori head and get a nice custom faceup so I have my Aelia, and find a male sculpt for Will.


That nearly completes my cast for one series of mine... I may have to make a couple other guys at least, but I need to sort out their cannon-ness first. *Eye twitch*


Then I need a Mio Akiyama, an Alice Kuoniji, a Kirika head with her ears, and a semi-white Lucy head to make the rest of my characters From Aria and Melody's thing...


Then there's the risk of some unplanned NEED coming up unexpectedly. I am so dead.


Of course, I doubt I'll go through any more than half of these plans in the next year, so eh. Once all the OC's of mine are done though I'll just focus on any limited character dolls I really want and hopefully it will all settle down.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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1. Priority - Get bodies for Sage and Clove.


2. Buy Sage's wig once she has her body.


3. Buy more chairs for the girls to sit on and find somewhere to put the new chairs.


4. Get around to removing the stains from Poppy's body.


5. Maybe get Len.


6. Take pictures of everyone and update my database thread with new pictures.

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6. Take pictures of everyone and update my database thread with new pictures.


. . . I don't think mine's been updated since 2012.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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6. Take pictures of everyone and update my database thread with new pictures.


. . . I don't think mine's been updated since 2012.


I don't feel as bad about mine now. I have to at least try to get pictures up of the girls I have listed (and I've had them for a year) that have no picture.

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Since I now have some DD hybrids in the making I can finally post in this kind of thread, yay~


1.) Bodies for the heads I already have! Right now I have a lot of heads(DDH-07/08/09, two SQ lab heads.. and some Obitsu heads I use for mod tests or faceup practice) but only 2ish bodies. The girls that use these heads are all short, so I have several Azone/Parabox/AP/vmf50 bodies and parts to get, as well as DD hands because I can't stand how tiny the Obitsu ones are. I'll be mixing up parts all around and 1 or 2 girls will have to be dyed so that they will (hopefully) look exactly as they should..


My dolly body plans are pretty complicated and pretty much all Obitsu so I'll leave out the gritty details.. ^^"


2.) Arturo - Smart Doll guy in Tea skin, but idk about his head. I got a DDH-07 for him but I just couldn't see it as him. (luckily it'll be fine as one of my other girls.. especially after shrinking it down a bit lol) I'm hoping that Danny can wow me with Suzaku(he hinted that he's making him too alongside Lelouch and that tea skin is a good match for him), or that another guy he makes next year will be The One. When I saw his smiling version of Spike I thought that maybe he'd work but I dunno...(plus he's not tan). I really want to get this guy done asap! So much Alola/island-y fun would be had when he comes home~


3.) Do/Re-do faceups! I already got a new can of MSC as well as other art-y good stuff too. All I need is the motivation to start.. -_-"


4.) Make everyone's eyes. It looks like the test designs I had printed are fine so I just need motivation to start(again..).


5.) Wigs! I really need to look harder to find the right ones.. Or learn how to make them. Everyone besides Airi is giving me a hard time... /sighs at the bun/updo styles and odd hair colors I gave them.


6.) More clothes that fit my girl's styles would be nice. Everything I have right now is meant for Elia. I got a sewing machine two Black Fridays ago--I really should start learning how to use it.. .-."


7.) ACTUALLY TAKE PICS - I haven't really taken and posted many pictures of my dolls because they've been "in-progress" for the longest time (and because I didn't have any DD heads at all until two months ago lol). I want this to change in 2017!


I think that's more than enough for a year! Here's hoping I actually make progress with this. I originally only wanted Elia(and Arturo, but he was just a dream since Smart Doll guys weren't a thing and the obi65 guy had problems), but in trying to find the right body/head combination I ended up with more than intended..;;

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I have no plans for new girls. Just want pending commissions for a few finished. Some have been quite a long wait. Two outfits and two heads (all for different girls). Then my gaggle will be complete and I will be happy. \o/

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Well, from what I've learned is to not have too high of expectations for myself lol.

I thought about everything I want, so my plans are:


- Save up for my dream girl (apparently she's on the market, which gives me hope to finally have her~) And it means my custom project head will finally have a body!

- Get more shoes and wigs, I have two wigs and one pair of shoes for my girl. ; w ; not enough for me her

- At least get my custom project head her eyes, TTwTT (contacted ersa Flora and she was moving at the time, her Etsy shop seems to be open but doesn't seem to be taking dollfie Dream eye commissions.)

- Finalize my decision of getting Smartdoll Gourai (I like mecha, I like Frame Arms Girls, I like dolls. She might come home with me, might not so I have to finalize my decision.)

- Not have too many girls in my family, (talked to my BF about this, he says "not too many dolls in the house dear." ; w ; So I have to choose which girls I want, (which is very difficult since I love a lot of sculpts. Plus volks might come out with girls I want in the coming up years.)


Hopefully my brain can wrap around this and other things happening in my life, hopefully 2017 will be a better year.

At Home

.: Alice "Usu" Kuonji :. ♪ .: "MM" (09) head only :.

Dreaming of...

♪ Sakuya Izayoi ♪ ☆Rise Kujikawa☆♪ Alisa ♪2B♪9S♪Jeanne D'Arc ♪

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I would like one non-smiley DD! Just one! ^ ^


Other than that, more clothes! O3O)9 And get better at crocheting stuff for them and learn how to knit stuff too!

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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Felicia's demands:


paint her ears

touch up her wig

3d model and print her rifle and pistols and magazines

make pistol holsters

redo her climbing harness


goddess outfit



Jenn's demands:


find or make better wig

modern adventuring jacket

modern vest/armor

3d model and print her staff weapon and sword


ancient armor

ancient adventuring clothes


Noah's demands:


elf ears

flight helmet

g suit

unit patches for flight suit

3d model and print sci fi pistol

find semi white dds m bust

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Still saving up for Miku

Learning how to sew

Splurge on Taobao stuffs if I'd ever have enough money left (Said every DD owner)

Get to know everyone here better

Eventually get two MDDs for me and my friend, we'll sell any American Girl crap, maybe antique Barbie stuffs

Get away from Saber

GET AWAY FROM SABER SHE IS 100000000000$ what am I thinking......




But yeah. 2017's gonna be interesting. Lol.

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I have no specific demands plans but my hope is that volks releases someone that catches my eye Please, Volks, I have nothing against Idol Masters but can we release some new girls from new series?

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Wishlist: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I'm at a point in my hobby where I'm pretty happy with the group I have, so the list of dolls to buy for next year should be relatively short, except for Yayoi who is pre-ordered.


1.) Save for Yayoi's pre-order so I am prepared this time.


2.) Sew more. Considering how much I did this year that could just be shortened to "sew"


3.) More photography. Always more photography.


4.) If we ever get the 3D printer we backed on Kickstarter I'd like to get into making a few props and accessories for all the dolls.


5.) Sasara, if the heavens align that I actually have the money when I see a fullset for less than $2k.


6.) Acquire more shoes, a girl can never have too many shoes.


7.) Pray Volks doesn't release anything else this year to mess up my plans and super short wish list (unless they want to do a re-re-release of Sasara. Then I'm all in)


That's it, I think. Pretty modest goals for this year and I'm ok with that as it means I'm more likely to actually accomplish most of it. Sewing will be the #1 biggest priority for me this year

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DD hope for 2017 is to win the lottery for Saber.


I don't have any DDs as yet, so it's a pretty short list

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Only real target for me is to get my first DD. I've had a floating head for months now, and recently got the eyes and wig I want for her. All that's left is getting the body

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-actually bother to make a database thread lol


-hope that Volks releases another boy, or -slams on wood- a man.


-hope that Volks at least announce plans for Megurine Luka, but I'm honestly happy to wait for that.


-Barring no surprise releases, I might actually put together the MDD boy I've wanted for a while, although that does depend on a lot of factors.


My goal next year is, to be honest, to spend less money than I did this year. For those of you who regularly buy a lot of dolls its no biggy, but for someone who only just started, three fullset 1/3 vinyl dolls in one year is a LOT. I need to be more responsibile with my money, plus I'd like to travel a little more next year also. I'd actually be quite happy if I didnt get any more dolls next year until an inevitable birthday purchase (which isnt till november anyway). We'll see how that goes lol, especially with volks full choice system beckoning to me so much.

My issue is that it's 1000 times easier to get dolls here in Japan than it would be back in Australia - I dont have to worry about shipping or horrific exchange rates, I have access to the physical stores, I dont need a yahoo auctions proxy and I can go to events where I can buy adorable custom heads at decent prices. Which sounds great in theory, but like I said, I'm afraid of overspending and all of these dolls are going to have to come home with me somehow. (and once they're all back in Australia, who even knows where they're gonna go. I'll have to rotate who gets to be displayed every week or so;;) So part of me is telling me to take advantage of this while I can, as once I eventually move back it's going to be so hard to participate in this hobby financially that I might have to go on hiatus, while the other half is telling me that I shouldn't buy things just cos I can. It's a difficult balance. ._. Especially when I cant help wondering if I'll regret -not- buying things later on just as much as I wonder if I'll regret actually buying them.


In the end it depends what Volks does next year, since obviously their limited dolls have to take priority over any other plans that arent time-sensitive like custom MDDs.

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My DD plan for 2017 is to get my first DD, a DDH01 on MDD body, I'd like to try to mod and paint her myself.

I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to get her in 2017 (since I want to try my hand on Obitsu Mayufu first and also have some BJD on my wishlist), but I hope !

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1-Learn how to sew for 1/3 scale

2-Learn how to take decent photos

3-Open the eyes on Sonico's head

4-Face-ups for both heads

5-Make Mayuri's main outfit and her cat maid outfit

6-Make Sonico's tiger outfit

7-Buy more shoes

8-Get used to how the DD poses and how big she is, I'm still more used to Mnf size resin

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Hmm, from 2016 I learned to be humble and not expect much, last half of the year was hell for me hobbywise so I hope I can get back on track 2017...


I have plans and wishes but most is wishes:


1, Buy a DDS-L Bust

2, Buy SWS Hands

3, Use my DSLR more

(here is where the wishes start)

4, Buy Santa Alter

5, Buy a MDD

6, Buy more Clothes, Eyes and Wigs

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Get the Obitsu 60cm boy body for my Youmu Konpaku head, and get Miki the large shapely bust I promised her when she didn't get the Dynamite body. And Nia Teppelin is on my wishlist now!!

I got the Obitsu body and converted it to male for Remy, AND I got a second Youmu and Obitsu body so he could have a twin brother! Plus Miki got her shapely large bust, and she is very happy. Nia Teppelin arrived, but although she is adorable, I didn't like her as much as I thought I would. She will be moving on.


I WOULD like to get DDS boy bodies for my Youmu Konpaku twins.

I did get Len Kagamine, but cute as he is, I don't think he will be staying. The twins seem pretty happy on their taller Obitsu bodies.


For 2017... I quit my old job last year, so I won't be doing any buying until I find full time work again. I really need to concentrate more on things I can do now, like dress and maintain my existing DD family. But Volks Mirai and/or Melty are on my wish list, and I would love to get the Saber Santa outfit someday.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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