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Tree decorating time!

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Well, it's finally time to put up the tree and have the girls decorate it. I set it up for them and then let them put on all the ornaments. Since only Manami, Rei and Yoko have done this before, all the other girls weren't really up to par on what they were supposed to be doing.... but they caught on quick enuff.


It looks they are all here now so we can get started.




It's Mamimi's first Christmas so she hadn't seen a tree up close before. Manami is pointing out where things go and how to put ornaments on it.




Y - "So what's this stocking for again?"


R - "You are supposed to leave it out on Christmas Eve so that Santa will fill it with treats when he visits that night."


Y - "Oh cool! I can't wait to see what we get!"




Elisabeth and Sango have found my reindeer stuffed toy.




Miyuki is sorting thru the ornaments for me. It seems she wants some Star Wars ones up on the tree. =3




"Whooo! Check me out!"


Alice! Get down from there before you get hurt!




R - "So what are we supposed to do with these red balls again?"


M - "From what Manami says, we are supposed to get hooks and hang them from the tree branches."




"Papa, who's this guy?"


That's Boba Fett from the Star Wars movies.


"Oh. He looks kinda cool. I'm gonna hang this one up."


No problem, have at it!




I see you have a Chewbacca ornament Yoko.


"Isn't he cute? So fuzzy and fluffy! I want one for Christmas! A real one!"


Umm, I don't think Santa is allowed to give out Wookies dear.




You doing ok over here Miyuki?


"Yep! I'm making sure we get all the Star Wars ornaments up!"


Good job my dear!




E - "Sango, will you wear this Santa hat for me?"


S - "Do I *have* to?"


E - "Yes! You'll be so cute Sango! Pleaaaaase?"




S - "Sigh, the things I do for my sister."


But you ARE adorable Sango. =3


S - "Oh hush Papa."




It seems Yoko really gets into decorating the tree, she had a lot of fun last year.




This is Mashiro's first Christmas too so she wasn't too sure of what to make of all this. But she liked the Grinch ornament so I told her to go and hang it wherever she liked.




"Papa, can we hang this one up even if it is not Star Wars themed?"


Sure Rei, go right ahead.


"Good, I like this one, it is quite pretty."




Manami - "Move it just a bit more to the right."


Mamimi - "Okay! Is it good now?"




"Papa, who's this? I like her outfit."


That's Wonder Woman. I've liked her ever since I was a little boy.


"Wow, so she's old too?"




"Heehee! I'm just teasing you Papa!"




"Hey Mister, is it okay here? Should I move it?"


No no, it's fine just like that Mashiro. And you can call me Papa like the rest of your sisters if you want.


"I don't know Mister. We'll have to see about that."


Alright, no pressure.




Looks like Yoko and Alice are having fun....




A - "I'm the best stocking stuffer in the whole world!"




What's wrong Miyuki?


"I can't find anymore hooks to hang Amidala. Can you get me one? I really want her on the tree."


I know I have more around, let me go look for you.




S - "We need to get these open. The other boxes are almost empty."


Y - "I like these! They look like Rei's eyes!"


M - "Can I help put some of these up too?"




I see you've made a new friend Elisabeth.


"Yes! I like him a lot, he's very soft and cute! Can I keep him?"


Well, you'll have to share with your sisters.....


"I promise I will!"


Ok then.






Mai hanging ornaments.




"I can see you in the ornament Papa! Take a pic so people can see!"




M - "These are bigger than mine! I can't have that!"


R - "Papa! We need more hooks!"




Mashiro is trying to figure out the best placement for this ornament.




"Where should I put it Mister?"


I'm sure you can find a good spot Mashiro, I trust you.


"Alright then..."




Rei - "Have any of you seen Alice? She was supposed to be getting us more hooks."


M - "Nope"


Y - "Sorry Rei."




A - "Here I am Rei!"




A - "I'm the angel this year! All I need is wings!"


Rei - "Alice! Get down this instant!"


A - "Awww! You're no fun!"




After finding more hooks, we finally got the tree assembled. So that means its family photo time!




"Happy Holidays Everyone!"







Edited by Guest

I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That is so cute!!! I love the last shot of them all together!


Hey, Mister. You have a lot of fun ornaments. Cool tree! It looks great all decorated.

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Nightmare Tea

We put our tree up yesterday, but have still have yet to put up the ornaments.


Now all your girls get to celebrate Christmas!

Well, except for Saber...

But next year for sure!

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That is so cute!!! I love the last shot of them all together! Hey, Mister. You have a lot of fun ornaments. Cool tree! It looks great all decorated.



Thank you! Too bad I couldn't have done this shot for my Holiday cards huh?



We put our tree up yesterday, but have still have yet to put up the ornaments. Now all your girls get to celebrate Christmas! Well, except for Saber... But next year for sure!


Well, get on with putting on the ornaments! Slacker... Just kidding!


Yes, this year I get all the girls to celebrate with me. And yes, Saber will have to wait til next year but that's okay. I am pretending I didn't order her so it doesn't bother me as much. That way when it's time for her to arrive, it will be like HOORAY!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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You accidentally called Mamimi Manami up there!

I love your Star Wars ornaments, especially the Queen Amidala one!

We don't have a tree this year because it's stuck in storage. Hopefully next year Altria can help me decorate it!

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So funny and really cute!

I like your Mashiro so much!

I really like your group shot and your tree!!

No real tree here this year once again. No place and tree is on storage for future moving.

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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I cannot belive that you have gone from 3 girls last year to 11 this year and still managed to get them all into a single shot at the end with the tree.


Any more additions and I'll thin you be needing a bigger tree, more ornaments and a far bigger wallet


BTW, love he hallmark star war tree decs.


Merry christmas

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You and the girls always have so much fun setting up the tree! Haha, that Alice sure knows how to get into trouble! I have quite a few of those Star Wars ornaments too. How can you not want to get Yoko a Wookiee?

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But the holiday card shot turned out so perfect! It is awesome!



Heh, I'm so glad you liked it! I thought it was a bit silly but I suppose that works too!



You accidentally called Mamimi Manami up there!

I love your Star Wars ornaments, especially the Queen Amidala one!

We don't have a tree this year because it's stuck in storage. Hopefully next year Altria can help me decorate it!



Thanks for pointing ou tme misclaling my own girls names! I went back and fixed it. Doing these long posts sometimes makes me go crosseyed by the end! Thanks about the SW ornaments! I used to colelct SW stuff heavily but not anymore. I was happy I still had these to hang up. Sorry to hear about your tree, I hope you and Altria will be able to do it up nicely next year!



So funny and really cute!

I like your Mashiro so much!

I really like your group shot and your tree!!

No real tree here this year once again. No place and tree is on storage for future moving.



Thank you very much! I'm happy you liked my girls and pics! Sorry to hear about your tree tho, maybe next year!



I cannot belive that you have gone from 3 girls last year to 11 this year and still managed to get them all into a single shot at the end with the tree. Any more additions and I'll thin you be needing a bigger tree, more ornaments and a far bigger wallet. BTW, love he hallmark star war tree decs. Merry christmas!



I cant beleive it either! I must be nuts to have so many daughters so quickly! I really do think that I'll be done when Saber Extra gets here tho. Time, space and expenses are just way too difficult to juggle as it is..... more would surely kill me! Thanks about the ornaments, I've had them for a while now, just never put them back up. Merry Christmas to you as well!



You and the girls always have so much fun setting up the tree! Haha, that Alice sure knows how to get into trouble! I have quite a few of those Star Wars ornaments too. How can you not want to get Yoko a Wookiee?



Heehee, yep! My girls do know how to have fun! I'm just glad we didnt have any incidents..... well, other than Alices antics. That's cool that you have some of these ornaments. I've had them for years and never hung any of them up due to having a smaller tree that this. It was fun putting them up!


About the Wookie.... if YOU pay his vet bills and his Purina Wookie Chow bills, I'll gladly get her one. otherwise, there's no way I can afford one!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Let's start as




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You know, Billy, you could get Yoko one of these! A mini-Chewie, no purina Wookie chow needed!

5-15 inches tall, depending on how much you want to spend~

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Let's start as






You know, Billy, you could get Yoko one of these! A mini-Chewie, no purina Wookie chow needed!

5-15 inches tall, depending on how much you want to spend~



Sheesh! I make one small mention of Yoko wanting a Wookie and I get THIS???


Fine. Let's do this. Everyone who wants to contribute to this fund can toss in a few bucks each to my Paypal and I'll get Yoko whichever one I can afford after donations are finished, I'll pay shipping. But you KNOW she will want the one that's 24 inches tall.... same size as her. Can you imagine the pics that would come from that pairing???





You guys suck.... if Yoko sees this, she'll want one so bad!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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