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Politely Nefarious









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Christmas Comes Early!

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Twas four days before Christmas within LordNoir's lair,

when a rather short girl discovered that Santa Claus had been there.




Haru: ICHIKO!!!!! Wake up! It's Christmas!


Ichiko:*groggy groan* Go away.....too early...


Haru: but there's presents!




Ichiko:*turns around* Presents?


Haru: Yes!


Ichiko: -.-' It's the 21st of December, Haru-Haru, Santa comes on the 24th to deliver the presents.


Haru: Then he must have come by early because he heard how awesome we were!




Haru: See? I got some awesome shoes and they're all mine because they only fit me! XD


Ichiko: *blink* Um... ok...


Haru: Come on! Get up! I wanna see what everyone else got!


Ichiko: Ok ok... put your shoes on.. I'll be up in just a second. *gets up*




Ichiko: *yawn* Gah.. I feel really sluggish. You shouldn't have woken me up so early, Haru-Haru....*stands*




Ichiko: *blink*.........




Ichiko: WHAAAAA!?!? My body! It's different!!!




Haru: 0A0! What!?! I just got a pair of shoes! You got a new body - a bigger body! Your boobs are even bigger than Tamami's now!


Ichiko: 0////0 You.... you think so?


Haru: Definitely! Those things are huge! Can I touch them?


Ichiko: -////-' er... maybe.. we should go see what everyone else got instead....




Haru: There's Kogemi!


Ichiko: Hi Kogemi! Did you get a present too?


Kogemi: *nods*


Ichiko: Oh.. um.. what was it?


Kogemi: ..... books...


Ichiko: ^.^ Oh, that's really nice!


Kogemi: *nods*


Haru: -.- She's reading so intently... GAH! This is boring!


Ichiko: Oh, well um.. enjoy your books Kogemi. ^^ Let's go find everyone else to see what they got.




Ichiko: Good Morning Rokuko, what did you get as a present?


Rokuko: This Hello Kitty lunch box! It'll be perfect to keep snacks in!


Haru: -.-' that is pretty awesome... I want it....








Haru: *tries to swipe lunch box*




Tamami: Isn't this just the most amazing thing you've ever seen? A lovely silk brocade dress! Just what I wanted! Something fancy to wear to all the special occasions! ^^


Rokuko: Oh wow! That looks really nice!


Ichiko: That's really pretty. It suits you really well Tamami!


Haru: -.- It looks like everyone got really awesome presents.. I just got shoes.


Ichiko: ^^ Oh, don't be so glum, Haru-Haru! Christmas is just a few days away after all!


- Obligatorily awesome group photo!-




You may notice that one gal is missing..... ^^ let's just say that.. is for another story....


also,I noticed some of the photos cut off ( poor Tamami!) So here are the links to the full photos.




Edited by Guest

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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Adorable!!! And I *love* those tiny books!!!


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Nightmare Tea

Those are some really nice books!

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I'm going to keep calling your MLP girls by their pony names because it's easier.

Rarity looks lovely in her new gown, and I love Octavia's books~ Did you make them or buy them?

And Ichiko got the shapely l-bust, right?

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I bought the books. They are mini notebooks that I found at Barnes and Noble. ^^


Nope, Ichiko got a DDdy body. I finally decided to bite the bullet and try the DDdy body. She's so much thicker than the other girls, but I love it! XDDD When I opened the body my boyfriend literally dropped his soda and said "Holy cow! Her boobs are bigger than Rarity's!"

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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To Barnes and Noble I go!!!!


Thank you for letting us know where you got them!!


... and how's come your girls get early Christmas? Too much going on during actual Christmas, or just couldn't wait??


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The bodies arrived, so I couldn't quite wait. ^^


As for the small books, I typed it up out of curiosity and here's one on amazon, if it helps anyone to find some books they might want for their girls.



A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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Ooh, that is so cool! I would have guessed DDdy if I could have seen her bottom half better.

I love the thighs on DDdy girls!

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Ha ha! Seeing her wakeup and notice her body had changed was funny! I know it's a drastic difference from the normal L-bust to the DDdy ones.


Everyone looks like they got some nice presents! You have a fun bunch of girls there.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Cute story and nice presents for everyone. Hopefully Haru gets something more exciting when Christmas actually rolls around.

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That is so awesome! They all look great. That bed is so cool too. Ichiko is a fabulous DDdy. Haru is so cute as a MDD!

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