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From milk to cinnamon, is it worth it?

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Hi all, I own a SD Mirai Milk, yesterday after years without having bought new accessories, I felt like taking the one set of hands and a bust, since economically things are now better for me, but I discovered that the coloring milk no longer exists and has been replaced by that cinnamon. Now I've looked on the used market, and the prices don't make much sense to me, so I thought I'd sell the one I have and get a new one, is it worth it to you?

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Milk bodies are rare in after-market. You may be succesful in selling milk smart dollm. but unsuccesful with buying one later if you would want to return back to milk. Also it is harder to find smartdoll secon-hand here in EU, most offers are from USA. I see the trend many smart doll owners sell older bodies, the evolve generation frame is coming. It is up to you, think twice before selling, you have time. 😉

Btw. I wanted to buy milk smart doll body week (was not from EU but nevermind) ago but I was not sure if is right time for it, so my tactical waiting resulted in sold out milk body. In terms of buying it is more yoing strategy.   

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I've owned both Milk and cinnamon.  I do not care for Cinnamon as it has too much of a red tone to it for my liking, but there are people out there that do like it and kudo's to them.  

I'd own a milk again but the 2nd hand market is cut throat with the prices and I just can't... 

Now on to your question.. it's hard to say.  only you can decide if it is really worth it, but I will tell you that people still go crazy for Milk and they do sell for a good price so it might be worth it because you can replace milk with cinnamon and unless it gets discontinued you shouldn't have any problem getting replacement parts or extra parts.


Good Luck.

Edited by DollBound

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Dolldelights hands are 3d printed resin, so they may be a bit brittle. Cinnamon is a perfectly fine skintone, it's a warmer toned "pale" skintone that reminds me of the 1/6 Obitsu's flesh tone.

That being said, if you like your doll and just want some new hands, you COULD just bulk up the hand pegs with masking tape and use Dollfie Dream hands. Their Flesh tone is a perfect match to milk. You might be able to use their busts too, though since DD's bust is cut differently, you wil0 need to trim the bust to get it to fit right on your Smartie...or see if a DD Dynamite bust works, those are trimmed similarly to Smartdoll's if I remember right!

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