Yami Usagi Posted October 13, 2023 Howdy! This is a finished project that I am creating a written log for. I have a Youtube channel where I document my crafting projects and have already made a video version of this one, but I don't want this to be just a plug for my video, so I'll put it at the end and you can check it out for a more thorough look if you're interested. This summer I finally got my hands on Dollfie Dream 9S. My focus these days is on boy dolls, and Volks has continuously tempted me with their limited boy doll releases. 9S is the character I like the most out of those, and I got really into Nier Automata again lately, so it seemed right to get him. A big condition on which I got him though was that I would redo his faceup. Making all of my dolls ultra custom has been a big reason behind my return to the hobby (I left during college & sold off the dolls I had before), and I do not love 9S' original faceup all that much. So let's start the customizing process! Here's how he looked before. Is this a terrible picture? Yes. And I know that default 9S can be made to look better. Just since I wasn't planning to keep him that way, I didn't put much effort into making him look good in his default which I wish I did because it would make for a better before and after picture. I still have fun showing this picture to my friends though like an embarrassing baby picture. Not really covered here is the wig which I ended up replacing with one from Leekeworld. The replacement will pop up again at the end. Anyway! What I disliked most about the default was the mouth which feels incredibly vacant. The inside is shaded to hopefully give it depth, but to me it gives him fish mouth. I also did not like the eyebrows which felt boxy or the lower lashes which felt spidery. A lot of animal imagery here apparently. This left me wanting to alter most of his face which is a tall order on a limited doll and the most expensive thing I've ever bought... I have done some faceup work, but it's not something that comes naturally to me. Only after a lot of trial and error can I get something I'm satisfied with, and it's not particularly fun work. My mistakes gnaw at me until I can fix them. I particularly struggle with lashes. And I'm impatient! What I'm getting at is, I was not keen on wiping the doll entirely. I ended up very carefully removing only the parts I didn't like. I painted the face twice. My original vision was anime style to make him look cute. Looking back, this version was a little sloppy, but more importantly, my original vision once completed didn't match what I really wanted for the doll which was to make him look hot. All of my other dolls are cutesy. I really love cutesy anime boys and thought it would be good for 9S to match them. My precious sons. But...he's different to me. He is not my son. I wanted a doll who is hot just this once. So for my redo, I went for a realistic style adding in details I had omitted on the anime version. Realistic faces have always seemed incredibly intimidating so I was surprised to find this one easier as it was more like putting on makeup than drawing (I do not draw). A WIP And the finished faceup! And the finished doll! My anime vision for him changed, but I did keep the anime eyes and love how they make him look. I also trimmed the replacement wig which is from Leeke. I really really love how this doll came out. He's still cute but I think in a pretty boy way which I am totally fine with. I think it's fitting 9S be still cute and not a baddie. I've always loved looking at pictures of other peoples dolls and seeing exceptionally beautiful dolls who are well maintained. It has been my dream to have a doll like that of my own, but I was never able to make that happen for the ones I've had before. The first time I took 9S out for photos I felt it like my dream had finally come true. That's a little corny, but it's the truth ahaha. I have been devoted to spoiling him ever since. Thanks for reading! I've done a lot more customization on him, but my videos haven't caught up to that yet, so I'll add to this post when that's all ready. Here is my video of the full project. It is 50 minutes and I talk more about the series, the character, getting the doll, and in greater detail about the customization. It also has skits...because I like having fun on my channel. Thank you again for checking out my project 😄 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites