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Peep Nuking 2012

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My family's not that big on Easter. However, Nanoha had noticed the festivities on the forum and expressed curiosity. So, I sent her out for some supplies for a more . . . irreverent Easter tradition, dobleepented here so we can share with Agatha when she's no longer "indisposed".




Nanoha: "Is this what you were talking about? 'Marshmallow Peeps'? They sure don't look like marshmallow. Or anything edible for that matter."


Yup, that's them! Perfect, we can start "celebrating" now.




Nanoha: "Please tell me we're not actually going to eat these nasty things."


Haha! Nope. While some people do eat them, we're not going to.




Nanoha: "If we're not going to eat them, then why bother putting them on a plate?"


That's to control the carnage.


Nanoha: "Should I be worried?"




Microwave: *Beep* *Whirr* *Countdown from 35*






Peeps: *Hiss as heated air seeps out*




TADA! Nuked Peep goo! *sniff* Mmm, smells like carmel and plastic.




Nanoha: "Just for the record, that looks absolutely disgusting."




Nanoha: "Uh-huh. I think I'm starting to see why you and Agatha get along so well."




Isn't this fun?


Nanoha: "Depends on your definition of 'fun'." *Prods with toothpick* "Ugh. They smell awful."


Peeps: *gloop glob*




Nanoha: "People really do eat these things?"


Yup. Scary isn't it?


Nanoha: "That I think we can agree on."


Happy Easter, everyone!


Nanoha: ". . . .if you say so."

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Ah finally. It's just not Easter without a Peep joke. And way to make yourself welcome in the new place, fill the air with the smell of melting peeps. Mmmmmm, tasty.

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Awesome!!! Nuked Peep goo! That was such a fun story. Yay! My comments are all clearly from a purely scientific view.

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Ha ha! Finally, someone else who hates Peeps as a food and nukes their sorry butts! Too funny how Nanoha sees this "ritual", her playing with the goop was too much.


Happy Easter to you guys too!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Nice little story! Did you eat the Peeps after? I imagine from your description that you did not.


I think you need to post stories more often!

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Haha! But I would've thought Dollfies would find caramel and plastic a more appetizing smell. I guess they can't digest BPA and ABS into more vinyl.

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I think you need to post stories more often!


This quote coming from you is completely priceless!

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Agatha's going to be SO pissed at you for not including her in this. She may indulge in some Poofie Nuking.

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I think you need to post stories more often!


This quote coming from you is completely priceless!



Hey, I can get other people to post pics without posting my own I've really enjoyed Poofie's stories in the past. As a loyal reader, I demand more!


Also, more Pancake.

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Mortal peep fight! They look both disgusting and oddly appetizing in the last shot, like nuclear waste creme brulee. My stomach is confused...

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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I'm glad you enjoyed an Easter activity of some kind, even if it was Peep destruction~

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I thought I was the only one. 0_0


"Mortal Peep Fight" has become a very large part of my Easter celebration...


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Dang you guys! Lots o' comments. Thanks! Heh, love that Peeps are turning out to be a love 'em or hate 'em but nothing in between sort of thing. XD


Ah finally. It's just not Easter without a Peep joke. And way to make yourself welcome in the new place, fill the air with the smell of melting peeps. Mmmmmm, tasty.


Yeah, I'm surprised no one else included Peeps either. :/ Hah, don't worry about the smell though. My uncle was present for the first Peep Nuking batch, while Nanoha got to preside over the second. He had plenty of warning about the Peeps, and did derive some amusement from the Peep Goo.


Awesome!!! Nuked Peep goo! That was such a fun story. Yay! My comments are all clearly from a purely scientific view.


Thank you! I'm sure they are--both a study on physics (the inflation of the air inside the Peep during heating), chemistry (the melting/singing of the sugar-like coating product), and sociology (the resulting feeling of schadenfreude).


Ha ha! Finally, someone else who hates Peeps as a food and nukes their sorry butts! Too funny how Nanoha sees this "ritual", her playing with the goop was too much.


Happy Easter to you guys too!





Haha, thanks! Yeah, Peeps are nasty to eat, but they're sure entertaining to watch. Glad you liked her reaction to it. I was a little puzzled as to how to depict the consistency of Nuked Peep Goo in photography, until I started prodding it with the toothpick. Nanoha then got stuck with the task, but it does show the result pretty well.


Nice little story! Did you eat the Peeps after? I imagine from your description that you did not.


I think you need to post stories more often!


Thanks! I nibbled a teeny bit of the Goo, but tossed the rest. XD


Aw, thanks! I haven't been particularly inspired lately, I think because I kind of overdid it on the last three stories or so and wasn't sure how to muster the willpower to do it again. ^^; (Especially "Uninvited Intruder". That one was pretty much an ordeal to get done.) But now that I'm in a new place with what seems to be better light, and got good feedback on this short little thing, I think I may try to do some more little micro-stories to get back into the groove. (Um. No pun intended.) We'll see how it goes though.


yes! I love the way they inflate in the microwave! Nuking Peeps is a good way to spend Easter


Oh, dude, me too! I did photograph an entire sequence of them inflating, but with that stupid reinforcing mesh on the microwave you just can't see it. But yes, very entertaining. In fact, to my mind, Peeps in the Microwave is all Easter is good for.


Haha! But I would've thought Dollfies would find caramel and plastic a more appetizing smell. I guess they can't digest BPA and ABS into more vinyl.


Yeah, I have no clue how a Dollfie metabolism works. Though another thing to consider is that Nanoha's a bit more fond of health food than junk food, with the sole exception of cake (which she is also aware is a vice). So something that is so far junk food that it's barely food is pretty high on her yuck-o-meter.


Agatha's going to be SO pissed at you for not including her in this. She may indulge in some Poofie Nuking.


I KNOW. I hope that the photographic dobleepentation helps appease her! At any rate, I'll probably have to make up for it next year.


Mortal peep fight! They look both disgusting and oddly appetizing in the last shot, like nuclear waste creme brulee. My stomach is confused...


Oh god, that is a PERFECT description. XD I totally have to remember that. Another idea to confuse your stomach: Peep Rice Crispy treats. With decapitated Peep heads as garnish. Yeah. Someone mentioned that recipe on the DoA copy of this story. Kind of a creepy idea. XD


I'm glad you enjoyed an Easter activity of some kind, even if it was Peep destruction~


Heheh, thanks! Happy belated Easter to you too. XD




Awesome Poofie!


Thank you, always glad to entertain.


I thought I was the only one. 0_0


"Mortal Peep Fight" has become a very large part of my Easter celebration...


Lol, oh you are definitely not alone! I actually felt compelled to try it after one of my favorite authors, Christopher Moore, mentioned that putting Peeps in the microwave was the only reason he looks forward to Easter at all. XD "Mortal Peep Fight" is a variant title I hadn't heard before, though earlier in the day (undobleepented) I tried "Peep Jousting". Apparently however, both competitors were pacifists and dropped their toothpick lances long before they could impale one another. I was saddened.


Amazing! Destroying Peeps is the best Easter activity. It's quite amusing watching them blow up. Nanoha secretly enjoyed watching I bet. :p


Oh yes, I agree! Screw egg hunts, destruction is NICE. Heheh, she did seem. . .fascinated, but I think she more enjoyed watching my reaction more than the Peeps. XD

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I never saw that before....

Thank you for sharing it was... interesting from an objective point of vue.


From a subjective point, I really prefer chocolate eggs for Easter.

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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This reminds me of what happens when you put a CD or DVD in a microwave, although the peeps are guaranteed to smell better in the end...

21 DD girls: Mio, Marina, Yui, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Arisu, Akina, Momo, Arisa, Yukina, Ayaka, Niimi, Eri, Millefeuille, Ekisu, Chitose, Miyabi, KOS-MOS v.4, Hatsune Miku and God Eater Alisa. 2B in a hopeful future.

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Now Lumière wants to nuke some for giggles XD. Nice photo story

Happily at home:Lumière, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Vivienne, Altria, Lilith, Claire, Sakuya, Sakura, Haruhi, Aurelia, Melty, Miyako, Unnamed 03, Mariko (student), Momo, Miku, Snow Miku and Asuna.

Awaiting: Kirito

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Haha! But I would've thought Dollfies would find caramel and plastic a more appetizing smell. I guess they can't digest BPA and ABS into more vinyl.


My thought is that it's like vegetarians not wanting to eat the flesh of other living creatures. Maybe she's a... non-plasticarian? hmm

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Definetetly have never had a peep before .... and probably never ever will!


Nanoha looked like she had fun At Halloween you should find another candy that makes another awesome explosion mess


DD's: Aoife, Maeve, Sinead, Claire, Merida, Orla, Alana (arrived)


http://kaitekinamafura.wordpress.com - Blog

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