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Competition is Good! (barely NSFW)

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Oh goodness~! Asuka sure knows how to play the field against Rin Asuka makes for an adorably cute pouty bunny girl

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Has anyone told Scripple that Billy hacked his account?


I wonder what will happen when Rin sees this.

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Oh goodness~! Asuka sure knows how to play the field against Rin Asuka makes for an adorably cute pouty bunny girl


It could be fun to have some actual competition between Rin and Asuka around here right? I'm sure it will bring out the best in both of them.


Has anyone told Scripple that Billy hacked his account?


I wonder what will happen when Rin sees this.


I had no idea Billy had such computer skills. I bet Yukino helped him in this matter. She's completely smitten with him so I"m sure she'd happily break all the rules to help him.


As to Rin seeing this, I wonder what will happen too. Not that I'm looking forward to the response at all of course.

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Bunny-Asuka is amazing. She certainly is taking this competition seriously! She will stop at nothing to win you over.


I wonder how Rin will respond to this one? She has to take it up a level . . .


I like how you mentioned that Asuka got the PJs in exchange for the lock of hair. Continuity of story FTW!


Once again, fantastic posing. Asuka looks so expressive. Now I have a crush on her too.

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Okay, I am slowly breaking down. First my sister (Pretty Cranium) gets me addicted to reading scripple stories. Then she introduces me to Wonder Frogs. Now I have somehow created an account on this forum . . . just to read the continuation of the stories!


Great story, scripple. Can't wait to see who wins in usagi versus neko.


*Mutters to self: I don't need another hobby . . . *

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kymaera wrote:Has anyone told Scripple that Billy hacked his account?


Scripple said: I had no idea Billy had such computer skills. I bet Yukino helped him in this matter. She's completely smitten with him so I"m sure she'd happily break all the rules to help him.



Ok, first off, thanks for thinking I'm good enuff to be able to hack anything. Secondly, I didn't hack anything at all so don't go looking to blame Yukino for helping me or anything. She's a good girl and she hasn't done anything bad nor did she have anything to do with this post.


As for this post, I loved it! Asuka is the perfect blend of angry and cute. She's obviously happy she got upgraded in the pajama department. And it's too cute seeing her vying for attention. She obviously has practice doing this sort of thing because those poses were really nice. Work it girl!


I can't say I hope Rin sees this because of she does, it will start up the Scripple Wars again. But I kind of DO want Rin to see it only so I can see her try and outdo Asuka with another awesome kitty outfit! Is that wrong of me?


Oh, I saw this and couldn't help but say something:



Okay, I am slowly breaking down. First my sister (Pretty Cranium) gets me addicted to reading scripple stories. Then she introduces me to Wonder Frogs. Now I have somehow created an account on this forum . . . just to read the continuation of the stories!


Great story, scripple. Can't wait to see who wins in usagi versus neko.


*Mutters to self: I don't need another hobby . . . *



Welcome aboard! It's really cool to finally see PC's sister. We were all thinking you were imaginary since PC alwys talks so much smack about you. There was no way someone could exist who is SOOOO evil and cruel to her. Hmm.. maybe I shouldn't have said that.....



Seriosuly tho, I'm glad to see you join up even if you don't collect DD's. I also enjoy reading scripples stories as well as other peoples here. I even enjoyed the Wonder Frogs stuff. So there's plenty here to keep you entertained for a while.


And yes.... you *DO* need another hobby! The Power of Dollfies Compels YOU!!!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Lol, Asuka, you troll! Heheh, I guess she didn't completely break your Sunshine and Kittens reality, but she was sure "flirting" on the edges of it.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hi, Asuka! This is Natsuki! You look so cute as a bunny girl, I think you've got my friend Aoi beat! It's so nice of you to cheer up scripple like that.


Anyway, I don't know the details, but I ended up with a lock of your hair! I'm a big fan of your's, I love your work in Evangelion, and my friend Airy gave it to me as a gift! I'm going to find the coolest gift ever to repay you!


I have red hair, just like you! I even style it like your's, but I don't have the interface hairclips. I would love to meet you someday!`



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Bunny-Asuka is amazing. She certainly is taking this competition seriously! She will stop at nothing to win you over.


I wonder how Rin will respond to this one? She has to take it up a level . . .


I must say I was a little surprised by all this. Asuka has been taking quite a beating of late and seemed pretty down. I guess she must have recovered and decided it's time to act. I'm a little curious and a little worried about how Rin will react to this. I kind of hope she just doesn't find out about it.


I like how you mentioned that Asuka got the PJs in exchange for the lock of hair. Continuity of story FTW!


Once again, fantastic posing. Asuka looks so expressive. Now I have a crush on her too.


Thanks for all the kind words. But another crush? It seems that Asuka isn't the only girl who has trouble stopping.


Okay, I am slowly breaking down. First my sister (Pretty Cranium) gets me addicted to reading scripple stories. Then she introduces me to Wonder Frogs. Now I have somehow created an account on this forum . . . just to read the continuation of the stories!


Great story, scripple. Can't wait to see who wins in usagi versus neko.


*Mutters to self: I don't need another hobby . . . *


Alright! The more awesome sister has joined the forums. I'm happy to have another fan, thank you. I guess I should have posted an addiction disclaimer at the top of my stories.


As for another hobby, you're almost there. Perhaps just some quick perusals of the shopping section and you can take the vital big step of owning your own DD. Then you can prove that you're the more awesome sister by, I don't know, actually posting photos of her.

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kymaera wrote:Has anyone told Scripple that Billy hacked his account?


Scripple said: I had no idea Billy had such computer skills. I bet Yukino helped him in this matter. She's completely smitten with him so I"m sure she'd happily break all the rules to help him.



Ok, first off, thanks for thinking I'm good enuff to be able to hack anything. Secondly, I didn't hack anything at all so don't go looking to blame Yukino for helping me or anything. She's a good girl and she hasn't done anything bad nor did she have anything to do with this post.


Don't worry. Yukino will be fine. My house is all about kittens and sunshine now, so no punishments or new rules are forthcoming for her. Just peace, love, and joy.


As for this post, I loved it! Asuka is the perfect blend of angry and cute. She's obviously happy she got upgraded in the pajama department. And it's too cute seeing her vying for attention. She obviously has practice doing this sort of thing because those poses were really nice. Work it girl!


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Asuka was definitely showing her tsundere roots here I think. But I can't blame her for being happy to upgrade from that tent she's been sleeping in. As for the practice, probably lots of time in front of a mirror in the past practicing for Kaji.


I can't say I hope Rin sees this because of she does, it will start up the Scripple Wars again. But I kind of DO want Rin to see it only so I can see her try and outdo Asuka with another awesome kitty outfit! Is that wrong of me?


Yes, it's terribly wrong of you. *You* can't advocate any form of DD war, it's just fundamentally wrong! But I have to say I'm kind of with you on being of two minds about whether I'd like Rin to see this or not.


Lol, Asuka, you troll! Heheh, I guess she didn't completely break your Sunshine and Kittens reality, but she was sure "flirting" on the edges of it.


Are you saying bunnies don't fit in with kittens and sunshine?

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Hi, Asuka! This is Natsuki! You look so cute as a bunny girl, I think you've got my friend Aoi beat! It's so nice of you to cheer up scripple like that.


Anyway, I don't know the details, but I ended up with a lock of your hair! I'm a big fan of your's, I love your work in Evangelion, and my friend Airy gave it to me as a gift! I'm going to find the coolest gift ever to repay you!


I have red hair, just like you! I even style it like your's, but I don't have the interface hairclips. I would love to meet you someday!`




Hi Natsuki, it's Asuka.


I'm so happy to hear that my lock of hair went to someone with such excellent taste. Redheads are always better than brunettes.


I knew my lock of hair would make someone very happy when I suggested the idea to Sakura. I very much look forward to the excellent gift you plan to send in return. Perhaps we'll run into each at an autograph booth at a convention or something someday.




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Hey hey! Why all this talk of Pseudoscorpion being the more awesome sister? And what smack has she been talking about me, Billy?


It's true though, she likely would post pictures more often than me if she had DDs of her own. Sigh.


As for my Asuka crush, there's no such thing as too many crushes on too many Scripple girls.

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Hey hey! Why all this talk of Pseudoscorpion being the more awesome sister? And what smack has she been talking about me, Billy?


It's true though, she likely would post pictures more often than me if she had DDs of her own. Sigh.


As for my Asuka crush, there's no such thing as too many crushes on too many Scripple girls.



Actually, I told her that YOU were talking smack about HER since she wasn't here. And I also said we thought you made her up and that she wasn't a real person. Now who's to say you didn't make that second account and are playing your "sister"? We can't tell yet.....


If "she" would post pics more often then you, tell "her" to take pics of "your" girls and post them. Saves us all!


That's funny about the scripple girl crushes. A DD stalker such as yourself has to make sure to be able to shadow MANY targets... er... girls, as possible at once.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Don't worry. Yukino will be fine. My house is all about kittens and sunshine now, so no punishments or new rules are forthcoming for her. Just peace, love, and joy.


While I would love to believe you about your new outlook on life at your house, I can't see the "kittens and sunshine" lasting over there. But I'm glad to hear no trouble will befall Yukino.



Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Asuka was definitely showing her tsundere roots here I think. But I can't blame her for being happy to upgrade from that tent she's been sleeping in. As for the practice, probably lots of time in front of a mirror in the past practicing for Kaji.


Yep, her roots were shining thru. But that's good because I like Asuka's personality. And I figured the Kaiji thing may have led to the poses going so well. She did really good on them tho.



Yes, it's terribly wrong of you. *You* can't advocate any form of DD war, it's just fundamentally wrong! But I have to say I'm kind of with you on being of two minds about whether I'd like Rin to see this or not.


I know, I know. I'm a staunch advocate of Peace & Love among DD's so it's really odd I feel this way. But I do so love seeing your Rin in kitty outfits!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hey hey! Why all this talk of Pseudoscorpion being the more awesome sister?


You ask why, yet you provide a simple answer yourself with no further evidence required....


It's true though, she likely would post pictures more often than me if she had DDs of her own. Sigh.


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I'll just ignore that and enjoy your new avatar. Should I say that it's ironic that you changed it to that image when you are being such an ass?


Kidding, of course.

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Awesome story!!! I've missed reading these. I gotta look back at some of the older ones I've missed since I've been gone. Asuka really turned up the heat for ya. I can't wait to see what transpires out of this.



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Awesome story!!! I've missed reading these. I gotta look back at some of the older ones I've missed since I've been gone. Asuka really turned up the heat for ya. I can't wait to see what transpires out of this.




Thanks, glad you enjoyed the story. Asuka was actually poking fun at the way Rin behaved the in previous kittens and sunshine story I posted.

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She looked so cute and irresistible. Love the part where she "made" you say YES.



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She looked so cute and irresistible. Love the part where she "made" you say YES.




I second the motion! She is very persuasive, your Asuka -chan, she is, neh? Ooops, I better close the screen since my own Suki might get ideas.



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She looked so cute and irresistible. Love the part where she "made" you say YES.


Thanks. Haha, yes I was a little slow in saying the right thing I guess. XD


I second the motion! She is very persuasive, your Asuka -chan, she is, neh? Ooops, I better close the screen since my own Suki might get ideas.


She has her moments. But yes, probably not a good idea to let your girl get any ideas from mine in general.

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