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I don't have any girls yet, but when my Kaito actually has some clothes, I'll sit him next to me while I'm on my laptop like a lot of others here do. I have a lot of space next to where I sit and it's a bit too empty for me. That's going to be made into the designated doll space.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I don't think I've ever hugged or cuddled my dolls myself, but I do usually display them in cuddly poses with each other. Holding hands, leaning their head on each others' shoulders, stuff like that. This is a little embarrassing, but one of my DD's is styled after myself, so it's like I can hang out with my characters. So sometimes Lily (doll-proxy-me) cuddles with the other dolls.

it's all daijoubu baby

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The only real downside I've found to cuddling with my girls is that their hair needs brushing a LOT more frequently. Really each of mine should have at least two wigs, one for snuggles and one for photos. Maybe even a third for just everyday wear so the photo wig stays pristine.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Yeah, I'm a cuddler with my dolls


I like it because I have a hard time cuddling with people - I'm way too fidgety, so this is a nice alternative. I mostly do it on the rare opportunities that I go home and see her, just because it's nice to hold her while I watch YouTube videos. That may change after I finally get her wig, though.

Kiyomi DDS DDH-06 🧡 Miyuki DDS DDH-06 🧡 Shiori DDS Mariko Summer Festival 🧡 Kanade DDDy DDH-07 🧡 Honoka DD DDH-09 🧡 Unnamed DDS Anthy Himemiya

Any pronouns are fine

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what i do is i talk to her i dont really like graving her because she seams to fragile to me but she gives me comfort on my hard times

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I have a confession... while I do love my DDs, it makes me reluctant in getting another one just because they are so hard to maintain!


I literally touch my DDs with gloves only because they have gotten so many stains I'm even afraid to touch them. Eveytime I "play" with them I find a new stain made either by the pants, necklace and even headphones! I'm cleaning them constantly but it makes me sad that this happens a lot.


Still, I love my 3 DDs a lot.



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Biggest confession - I would like to buy a whole host of DD & DDdy girls but, alas, my bank account won't allow it until I finish my grad studies in 2017

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Often times I tend to get lonley and I look to my dolls for comfort, usually ill settle for just sitting them next to me and admiring them, and sometimes I will sit them on my lap and pet there hair and play with there arms. It feels as though your really interacting/loving them that way ^^

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While I don't have one myself (yet) the thought haven't crossed my mind . They say that an artificial soul can be created within the doll if given enough care and attention/interaction, often seen through their eyes haha. I certainly have a weird imagination

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I do cuddle my dolls once in a while. They are just so cute that I can't help but hug them!


While I don't have one myself (yet) the thought haven't crossed my mind . They say that an artificial soul can be created within the doll if given enough care and attention/interaction, often seen through their eyes haha. I certainly have a weird imagination


Hehe, I must have an odd imagination too then, because I totally believe that!

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I've never cuddled my DDs and have never felt the urge to. But I do adore bringing out the life in them - if I'm dressing or posing them and my heart melts or skips a beat or I find a saucy grin sneaking over my lips, I know I'm doing a good job.


I confess that I find myself discovering personality in my girls the more I interact with them. It's all projection, of course - but it's happening below where I can consciously sense it so it's fun and exciting!

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Sometimes, when I'm watching TV or a movie by myself, I like to grab one of my dolls, and have it sitting with me. It makes me feel a bit like I have company. Plus, I just like looking at my dolls, so it's nice to have one nearby...


I don't so much hug my dolls these days... But, I occasionally pat them on the head, when I'm changing their outfit, or positioning them for photos.


I have also, occasionally, held a dollie hand in mine. They're just to cute!

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Now that I've had Kaito for about 6 months now, I have to confess that I cuddle with him all the time, it's basically part of my daily routine now.


I also do most of the other things mentioned in this thread too. I keep him in the crook of my arm a lot while I'm on my laptop or watching TV. And since that messes his hair up, I'm always patting it back into place.


I also have him "sleep" next me the majority of nights, but that's mainly out of convenience. Half of my bed is sort of the doll space now since I don't use it anyway, and it's too much of a pain to put him back on his stand at night when I'm tired. So he just gets to stay on the pillow next to mine. But if I do feel like hugging him then, all I have to do is roll over and stretch my arm out. Very convenient!


The only time I bother to put him back on his stand at night is when I know someone else will be knocking at my door in the morning. I admit that while I'll confess this here, I don't really want my family to know that I'm a doll cuddler lol.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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I've only had Miku for a week and a half, but she has sat with me when I'm on the tablet or computer. I've given her a hug too. I've thought about wanting to hold her at night when I sleep, but my wife and I move around too much, so I have plushy Miku, Sailor Moon, and Shinku (Used to have a Sakura too, but Miku stole her from me!) for sleep cuddling. Although I'm sure once I find her some super kawaii PJs she'll spend a night or more with me. But I really don't carry her around much, as I have 3 very active boys. The youngest is 11 months, and by the time I get home from work he's kinda tired and clingy, so I carry him around to give my wife a break.

Last night I was taking some night photos of her, and I snatched her up mid fall, and just held her for a bit. I guess she was getting scared of the dark.

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I've only had my DD for a few hours (she arrived today!) and I've already given her a few cuddles! Even though she's light she's still sturdy which I love in a doll!


I can expect I will probably give more cuddles to her and to any future dolls!

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Being that I can only afford 1 Miku DD...I feel bad that she doesn't have any sisters to play with. So occasionally I'll pick her up and give her a small kiss on the fore head. Embarrassing yes but it's what I do.

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I'm starting to waffle on my Obitsu 65 project and am considering replacing the body with a Smart Doll boy body .___.


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My, how times have changed. I've gone from just Miku in my last post to now having 5 girls. And yes, I hug, cuddle, kiss, pat, talk to, and take naps with them all (Just not all at once.). I've carried them around the house like Miku carries Sakura. I try to bring one with me every evening when I sit down with the wife to watch something or to spend time on the computer. Last Sunday when I made hamburger steak, Miku sat with the recipe book making sure I didn't forget anything. They all like watching anime or Star Trek with me. When I'm feeling a bit down, Miku or Yaya will get carried around or be within arm's reach. If I'm really upset, Saber comes and sits next to me on the back porch swing as I regain my cool. I still haven't spent the night with one, still too afraid of squishing the poor girl (Although I'm sure Yaya would love every minute of it.). They're a part of my life now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Being that I can only afford 1 Miku DD...I feel bad that she doesn't have any sisters to play with. So occasionally I'll pick her up and give her a small kiss on the fore head. Embarrassing yes but it's what I do.


And there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with any of that.





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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Being that I can only afford 1 Miku DD...I feel bad that she doesn't have any sisters to play with. So occasionally I'll pick her up and give her a small kiss on the fore head. Embarrassing yes but it's what I do.


Miku is an awesome DD to have. There is a ton of personality in that little face.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I hug my Len. Especially if I'm feeling down.

Sometimes if I'm on my own, I'll take him out and sit on the couch and watch movies together. Or if I'm playing video games I'll pose him on the arm of the couch like he's cheering me on lol Sometimes if a song comes on that I like I'll hold his little arms and make him dance! XD My partner caught me making Len dance once and I'm sure he was caught between "dafuq you doing?", "you weirdo" and "this is the girl I'm going to marry." XD

My other DD's feel stiff and awkward to hold, but Len is just so cuddly? I also cuddle my MDD's a lot too. They're just so cute I can't help it! But Len is bigger and more fun to hug.

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

My Instagram ★

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On 8/20/2012 at 11:08 PM, puxlavoix said:

Great question

Phewww what a relief!! I been wondering for days if I was alone on this one.

Of course I do.

Also say hi to them when I get home back from work:

"- Saabeeerrrr!! Suuuukiiiiiiii!!! " >.< !!

They also like to watch movies with me from time to time and sometimes when nobodys home I like to carry them around the house with me.

Sorry to revive such an old thread but here's me +10 years later just to confirm this still holds... its weird and all but yes!

Mostly short naps on my chest a handful of times when nobody was around obviously. Its kind of relaxing, sort of like a plush except that they can't be squeezed.

I'll add that its a little difficult being how small and light they are and as expected there's little to no feedback so to speak. Also not everyone gets to, most notably Lily who I have to manipulate carefully not to mess her hair and mostly just sits with me or on my arms as I watch TV, unlike i.e. Rina who just loves to get close to get her hair caressed or combed as well as Mashiro who also boasts a fluffy tail.

Bottom line is I like to be close to them whenever possible, they're just too damn cute and they love to be held up!

Ps. Also, shouldn't this post be merged with this one? 🤔


Edited by puxlavoix
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I'm not really a hugger and my niece once bought me a Not a Hugger t shirt.

Towa's always been my emotional support doll and despite Hannah Towa and Her Sisters being 2022's greatest movie, nobody has really replaced Towa. I think it's mostly because as a Dynamite she's reassuringly solid. Yor is going to be her backup because she's also chunky.

During the day my girls live in the darkened corridor by the front door. I think it's more about their being closer to the post box, so they can get first dibs on whatever accessories arrive in the mail.

I used to bring my girls into the living room to watch the TV in the evenings. I love looking at their expressions while they're watching TV. I kind of gave up on that once they reached 5 in number. Now they alternate. We might ban Uzuki from the rotation after she made us sit through Michael Flatley's Blackbird the other evening. The only good part was a brief scene when the singer is dressed solely in a pair of Shoes Boutique heels and a wry smile.

Here's of my earliest photos of Towa. We lived in a dump of a flat during the covid era but this came out pretty good. Towa still looks a million dollars today (and due to eventual hyperinflation she reckons she actually WILL be worth a million dollars one day).


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My Dollfie doll family 😊.

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On 2/8/2023 at 5:52 PM, Xiongmao said:

I'm not really a hugger and my niece once bought me a Not a Hugger t shirt.

Towa's always been my emotional support doll and despite Hannah Towa and Her Sisters being 2022's greatest movie, nobody has really replaced Towa. I think it's mostly because as a Dynamite she's reassuringly solid. Yor is going to be her backup because she's also chunky.

During the day my girls live in the darkened corridor by the front door. I think it's more about their being closer to the post box, so they can get first dibs on whatever accessories arrive in the mail.

I used to bring my girls into the living room to watch the TV in the evenings. I love looking at their expressions while they're watching TV. I kind of gave up on that once they reached 5 in number. Now they alternate. We might ban Uzuki from the rotation after she made us sit through Michael Flatley's Blackbird the other evening. The only good part was a brief scene when the singer is dressed solely in a pair of Shoes Boutique heels and a wry smile.

Here's of my earliest photos of Towa. We lived in a dump of a flat during the covid era but this came out pretty good. Towa still looks a million dollars today (and due to eventual hyperinflation she reckons she actually WILL be worth a million dollars one day).


She is so cute!! I keep seeing a lot of Towa lately, and its been hard to resist! 

Too.. many.. cute.. dollfies.. CPR for my wallet please!!


Proffesional Face up artist. Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/freyacchis.workshop/

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