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The surprise to end all surprises....

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Some of you may or may not know that I have a real soft spot for Ryomou Shimei from Ikki Tousen. I have a small shrine to her in my collection room with 12 figures/statues of her. I have all the anime with her in it. She rocks!


Anyways, the Ryomou Shimei Dollfie has eluded me forever. I have recently been talking to a great friend of mine about this and she has been helping me find auctions on YJA with Ryomou in them. So far I have bid on two of them..... and lost both times.


It was quite the letdown for me. I term Ryomou as my "unicorn" due to her being rare to find and harder to obtain. She's mythical and just out of my reach.


Anyways, this leads to todays mail.


I got home in time to run back to the PO and get some packages I was expecting. Two of them I knew what they were but the last one I had no clue. My friend Mitsuki just mentioned to me that she had mailed something off and for me to keep an eye open for it. So when I saw a HUGE box from her, I immediately began to think something funny was going on.



Here is the box I got from Mitsuki. All of you know what comes inside of a box with those orange "fragile" stickers right? Another thing that threw me for a loop was that I had to sign for this box. Why? Because it was insured. That was odd because Mitsuki usually doesn't need to insure her cookies that she sends me. XD






So I open up the box expecting to see LOADS of cookies or maybe jellies and jams in there. Nope.... I see some clothes and some boots. Why do those look familiar?






Now why in the heck would Zakuro send me this maid set when she *knows* I already have one? And why would she send me just ONE eyeball? By this time I am just shaking with excitement of what my small brain is thinking....


There is no way....


It cannot possibly be....






Oh crap......


There's a Dollfie in here!








"Hello sir! My name is Ryomou Shimei! I am here to serve you! But could we please get my wig on? I'm a little cold...."






"Mitsuki says to tell you "You're Welcome"




At this point in time, I will tell you all I was in tears. I seriously was. I actually had to sit down and breathe. I think I was literally in shock. Here, right in front of me, was my unicorn. The girl I had always wanted and dreamed about was right here. How? I have no idea. I didn't ask for her, I didn't win an auction for her. She simply showed up at my house.


After some freaking out on my part along with several incomprehensible emails to Mitsuki, I finally found out that she found this Ryomou for me and kept it a secret from me because she knew I would lose my mind if I knew she was coming and I had to wait on her. And she had this in the works for a long time now from what I understand. So all those times we talked about me not being able to find one? yeah, poor Mitsuki had to keep her mouth shut so as not to spoil the surprise she had for me. Talk about a surprise....


I cannot do anything to properly thank Mitsuki enuff for finding Ryomou for me. This was the most kind and wondeful thing I have ever had happen to me. THIS is what this hobby is about to me. Having friends that will go out of their way to help you realize a dream. Knowing that people like Mitsuki exist in this hobby makes me feel so good inside. She deserves so much praise that I'll never be able to properly give her.


Mitsuki, THANK YOU so much for doing this for me. You are the best friend I could ask for. Seriously, you rock.



I will do another post for Ryomous introduction but I cannot do it now due to me still being on Cloud Nine. I am so giddy and excited that I doubt I will sleep properly tonight! XD






After I got some supper in me, I calmed down enuff to take a couple of quick shots of Ryomou in her Battle maid outfit. Here she is in all her glory!






She is lovely! I cannot get over how beautiful she is in person. I am so happy right now I could probably cry again. =3


Thank you again Mitsuki, you are the best friend a person could ever have!






Looks like I need more room on the couches! XD




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Dancing Queen

just saw your post on figure.fm!!! Congrats! When I got Yoko i was in tears! I know what it feels like to get your "Unicorn" since Yoko was mine!



My Site www.Howagirlfigures.com Please check it out for figure reviews, and more Yoko pictures!

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Wow Wow Wow, what an awesome surprise, time for high five (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

I can imagine how happy you are right now

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That's Awesome! Congrats!

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I am glad you are so happy to have her. I am going to cry too. I am sure she will love her new family. You are right that she is so beautiful. I can't wait to see more of her.

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Oh wow mitsuki that is so awesome of you to do that for baldylox. Make my heart warm that there a truly nice people out there.

Wishlist: A Job,DDS Marisa,Reimu,& DDH-06

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That's amazing! I'm really glad you didn't win the one I sent you now. ^^; That would have been funny, two Ryomous!

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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Wow, that's so sweet and heartwarming! She looks great! I've been trying to get -any- of my friends in the hobby just to have someone to share it with. But no luck yet. Hehe. You're a lucky guy. Congratulations!


Looks like you need to update your database entry -AGAIN-

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Congratulation^^ Now your wish have come true!!! ><

Mitsuki is a really nice person, I think she is so happy to see you're happy! *sigh* american guys really take care of friends ;_;

Ryomu is a really beautiful girl! I love her unique face mold!

I hope she will not have fights with the other girls (aw, jealousy!) XD

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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A big thank you to everyone who has commented. Last night was really a busy and confusing time for me.


I'm still trying to recover from all this. Mitsuki did indeed surprise the hell out of me. I had NO clue this was in the works and she hid the fact she was doing this like a Ninja. She is scary good!


Ilvias, I don't think I'll have any real fights between the girls but now Mai has an actual fighter to spar with. Those two should get along well.


Averis, you *DO* have friends in the hobby.... all of us! I can't say I'll be mailing you random Dollfies tho.... And yes, I need to update the database and my signature AGAIN. but that's ok, I'll enjoy doing it!


Alphakitty, Mitsuki told me that this Ryomou was already in transit when I told her about the one you showed me! So she knew about this and still kept quiet the whole time! She said that if I had won that one you showed me, she would have kept this one. So it wouldn't have been so bad. But you may still see two "Ryomous" soon enuff!


Galvatim, thanks!


Dancing Queen, I know what you mean. Having your grail just show up out of nowhere tends to freak you out and make you do odd things.


Otakusan, HIGH FIVE back at you!




I'll be sure to update yall with a proper intro post soon. I just did this one because I was so excited and happy.... I had to share as soon as I could.


And Mitsuki, you know how much this meant to me. I cannot thank you enough. You're the best!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrats! That's amazing! So sweet...

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Mitsuki is like a good fairy!!!

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I just wanted to say again that I'm so happy for you as well. I know how excited I was to get my Yoko but at least I knew that she was on her way. To just have your unicorn show up all the sudden must be a bit overwhelming.


Mitsuke, you are really good a keeping secrets! I don't think I could have kept quiet about it. haha


Great job.

Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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Congrats Billy! omg omg omg omg! ^_______________^


I get to see more awesome photo stories as a result of this.


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Wow wow!! Congrats, man! That sure was a surprise.

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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i'v read ur post at figure.fm !! nice surprise ^c^

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Thanks again everyone! It's finally sinking in that my Unicorn has finally been captured. Seeing her sitting on one of the mini couches I have every day I come home is just so nice. I just smile so wide when I see her among my other daughters....


Now I just need to do some photoshoots this weekend so she can get out of her maid outfit and into some more casual clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to be battle ready 24/7. Besides, she can kick but in ANY outfit! but looking the part certainly helps....




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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She is going to be so cute! I can't wait to see more of her!

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Just WOW!



That's an amazing testament to your friendship. You two are lucky to have each other! Congratulations!


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Just WOW!



That's an amazing testament to your friendship. You two are lucky to have each other! Congratulations!



Thank you! I agree, Mitsuki is pretty important to me as a friend, even without her wild generosity or mad enabling skills. I'm really happy to have made her aquaintence. I know my girls certainly are too!


I should get some more pics of Ryomou in casual attire soon. Maybe before this weekend.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thank you for saying such nice things, Baldylox! Yay! Casual Ryomou!

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Thank you for saying such nice things, Baldylox! Yay! Casual Ryomou!


You're quite welcome Mitsuki.... you deserve all the praise you can get.


Casual Ryomou will try on some outfits for me soon. Anne dropped off more goodies last night so I know one or two of them will fit on her.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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