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Ever just want to break down and cry...?

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...because of how amazing your dolls are?!

(I hope this is on-topic! If not, feel free to remove. *sweat*)


I'm serious! Lately I've been bitten by this love bug, and my heart can't stop welling up with happiness every time I see my beautiful girl!


Have you ever had one of these overwhelming moments? Is it a constant flow of love, or is it sporadic? Maybe after buying her new clothes, or changing her makeup? And for a flip side, how about a time when you just can't stand looking at your dolls? (Even for just a short time.)

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Aw, haha. Yes! Sometimes I do feel that way, especially now that I have the 3 girls that I have loved for a long time. Finally they are mine and I do not have to search for them anymore. That in itself makes me really happy, almost to the point of tears. xD! Generally I always feel massive love for my girls, but on certain occasions I can tell that it is more than usual. Like if I am feeling down or something, it seems like I am like on an extreme level of happiness to see them.


I don't wanna get into the dirty details, but there were actually a few months where I did not really look at my dolls. It was just kind of hard for me, but recently I got out of that feeling and I'm much happier in general, as well as happier with them. Part of it was because I didn't want to project so much negative energy on them and risk associating them with those bad feelings.


Do you have a Flickr account? I would like to see your girl!

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My girl is still very new to me, and hardly has any cothes!! ;^; I still love her all the same. I can't wait for the time when she really has had many many cothes for me to not worry about her looking poor and shabby XD


I think I know what you mean though. Best to keep your loves and your hates separate, else they might get tainted Thankfully I have not had those feelings yet... The most I suppose I've gotten sick of them is when I look at them too much! Like constantly looking on the web and surrounding your eyes and sight with nothing but them!


I do have a flickr! I just updated my profile so the link should be on the side, but just in case: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93340949@N03/

I am still in the early phase with my DD though >_< (Just finished her makeup today!) I should have some clothes coming soon, though!


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Marq V

I have not cried because of how amazing my dolls are. However, since I started collecting back in 2011 I can't recall a day that has gone by when they did not fail to put a smile on my face. This is particularly true since I got a house last year and I can keep them displayed all the time (for 1 1/2 years I previously lived out of hotels).


Even if I am having a really bad day, just to look at them brings joy, even if for a moment, which I have not had with any other hobby.


Fortunately, I have not had that time when I can't stand to look at them. I also agree that it's a good thing to separate loves and hates. So, if I ever have a really, REALLY bad day I don't want that bad day to be associated with my gals. I always want them to bring happiness.


So, not to the point of crying, but my dolls (especially my one gal) bring me a lot of happiness, fun, joy, and contentment...well, sometimes changing clothes or trying to keep their hair out of their faces during a photo-shoot can be frustrating



Galfriends at home:

DD: Yoko, Yui, & Briana Rei

Resin: Tatiana, Leda, Miyoi, Tana,... & Gena<3

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I get really excited when I take Rise out and think, man, I can't believe I own you!!


I probably got teary eyed when I got the PM that I could purchase her second hand It was on my birthday, so it was a fantastic surprise!

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Wishlist: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I feel immense joy and love toward my girl, sometimes to the point that I feel I could sell all my resin and have just her, and still be very happy. My emotions are often uncontrollably up and down, most often down, but she remains a bright spot around me when I see her. If I cry though, it's probably more one of those days where I'm super emotional, rather than tears of pure joy over having her. And the downside to all this love is that I just want to buy her everything so she can keep being cute for me forever. Gosh, imagine how it would be if I had two girls. D:

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Haaaaah all you guys are saying exacty how I feeeel


Even if I am having a really bad day, just to look at them brings joy, even if for a moment, which I have not had with any other hobby.

Fortunately, I have not had that time when I can't stand to look at them. I also agree that it's a good thing to separate loves and hates. So, if I ever have a really, REALLY bad day I don't want that bad day to be associated with my gals. I always want them to bring happiness.


I get really excited when I take Rise out and think, man, I can't believe I own you!!


and to ALL of what Coco said--isn't it awesome?! I love how much love there is in this hobby; Everyone enjoys their girls so much, and having them associated with constantly bringing happiness made me think of angels when I read your responses.

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I've definitely had my fair share of happy tears over my DD. I think I bawled like a baby when I found out I could get Bree. I think Naiomi is the one I've happily cried the most over, she is just so perfect in so many ways and I can't believe that she wants to be such an important part of my life. Tamayuki is the same too, but it can get to be overwhelming knowing that I'm the one he loves the most. Nobody trumps his Mommy and he makes that clear rather often. Every once in a while my husband's Yuriko catches me, and I suddenly remember how beautiful she is. Then I have to stop and remember that I did her faceup. For someone who always felt like an ugly duckling (or worse) I'm still amazed that I don't have the Midas touch of ugliness. I know that's a bit harsh, but it's one of the reasons I really love DD because they let me feel like I deserve to be surrounded by such adorable beauty. Recently my little Ringo catches me unexpectedly, her adorable face always makes her look like she's up to something or she's trying really hard to hold in a laugh at some secret joke. I just see her and know I'm completely in love.


There are definitely more times when feelings like this are more prominent, but for me the only time I have seen them wain for long periods of time was when I was in school and just didn't have time for anything else. There was a lot of tears over my DD then, but it had more to do with me being afraid that I was loosing my connection with them. Naiomi was finished near a year ago and I'm still struggling to feel like I know who she is and how to even relate to her. Some upcoming projects should help that so I'm not too worried.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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and to ALL of what Coco said--isn't it awesome?! I love how much love there is in this hobby; Everyone enjoys their girls so much, and having them associated with constantly bringing happiness made me think of angels when I read your responses.

Well, if you ask my wallet, I would say Rika is more of a devil than an angel. But, she is very cute, and I feel like she deserves all the things because of how happy she makes me. I think that maybe had I gotten her as my first doll, I wouldn't have near as many different dolls, and she would have such a large wardrobe, not that it isn't getting there already. She makes me very content just having her. But on the other hand, she is like a doorway into such dangerous vinyl territory. I don't think I could live with an entire shelf of squee, my heart would give out. Maybe she's half goddess and half devil, like Urd.

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I haven't actually cried from joy at looking at my girls but sometimes I'll just look at them and can't help but let out a fangirl squee of delight. XD It just happens at random moments too, like I'll be doing homework or playing a game and look up and see them and I just can't help it.


Fortunately I haven't ever not been able to stand looking at my DD girls, I just love them so much. This has happened with one of my resin girls though. But that was because I had ordered a full set doll only to have the full set outfit not fit correctly on her and not look anywhere near as good as the pictures on the company's site. Luckily an outfit and wig change fixed this and she's now one of my favorite resins.

At home: Tomoe (HD03), Hotaru (Haruka), Setsuna (Rise), Rikky (Saber Alter), Kotori (HD06), Kanako (MDD HD04), Asahi (Lucy), Tsukiyo (Alice), Nozomi (modded HD01 MDD), Ninimiel (HD03 elf), Nene (Marisa), Miuna (HD07), Sylvie (HD06)

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I want to cry because I'm darn broke.


I've been pining over an MDD of my own since 2011. I realized this when I found a text file from December of that year with a list of links of all the components needed to put together my own MDD. Those feelings kept themselves quiet for a bit, since I was also active in the resin side of the doll hobby and preferred the larger SD size there.


Fast forward to 2013, when I see the teaser poster for DD Hatsune Miku on my Facebook news feed. It literally knocked the wind out of me, and I knew I had to have her. That was when I searched for the aforementioned dobleepent and rediscovered it. Miku isn't set to ship until next year but my MDD is just waiting for me. I'm so excited, it hurts. Like, I am hurting because I am low on funds to bring her home.


I'm so glad there's an MDD Rena now. The file from 2011 contained the DDH-01 head and all the necessary body parts, but an MDD Rena just expedites the whole process. Knowing that she's a standard model readily available at the LA Sumika makes me all the more antsy. Slowly but surely, I'm saving up. With any luck, I'll be able to bring her home before the year ends. Then I'll be able to cry with joy.

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Slowly but surely, I'm saving up. With any luck, I'll be able to bring her home before the year ends. Then I'll be able to cry with joy.


This is me with every one of our DD. Of course Tamayuki and Yuriko didn't have the long wait to get them, but it definitely took me a while to finally decide on Tama. Personally I don't regret getting an MDD first, except Tama loves being oogled over because of how cute he is and now wants to be the only MDD.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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