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DD Shoe Tutorials

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I just found this tutorial and I just had to share it: Mould making: Flat soles with Sculpey Mold Maker


I've never used the Sculpey Mold Maker, but I have used Easy Mold Silicone Molding for a couple of years. It's easy to use (blend balls of equal size) and make the mold (sets within 3 minutes, fully cured in about 25.) Can be baked up to 400 degrees F. and is food grade (if not used on polymer clay) so it can be used for making things like chocolate molds!


Anyhoo... I have been trying to figure out for a long time how to do quality homemade DD shoes but the soles were always the part that had me stumped. I've found shoe tutorials before for the fabric parts, but the soles were either left for you to figure out, or looked homemade. The tutorial doesn't explain how to attach the soles, or why they weren't baked before removing from the mold (dunno if the Sculpey Mold Maker can be baked or not.) But I figure the baked sole could just be glued to the bottom once the rest of the shoe was done. If you've seen shoe making tutorials you should have a good idea of what I'm talking about.


Here is a couple more posts that have videos showing some of the other steps:

Making boots for a Pipos Baha Cat BJD, part I

Making boots for a Pipos Baha Cat BJD, part II


I hope someone else finds this useful, and feel free to post more info on ways to make DD shoes!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Thank you for posting this! I've been tempted to retry making a one of the girls from Magic Knight Rayearth and the the shoes where one of the things holding me back. This will help me make much nicer shoes!

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You're welcome! I'd love to see pics when you're done!


Here are some other shoe tutorials that can be combined with the above tutorial for a wider variety of shoes.

(easily doable as DD/MDD size)

(super easy and not specific to AG, but I'd still recommend lining the inside of the shoe in white.)


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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