Poofiemus Posted April 23, 2012 I think this sums up Nanoha's reaction: (After busting the elevator, she'd probably then go apologize to the proprietor, and coordinate to have her employers pay to fix it. She'd be totally unashamed though. ) As for Agatha, she'd probably dig into the button panel to try to fix it herself. However, she'd also then get distracted, and instead of just fixing it she'd "improve" it, probably turning it into something crazy, like a rocket elevator. Would your doll ever swallow a live goldfish, for any reason? In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kymaera Posted April 23, 2012 Would your doll ever swallow a live goldfish, for any reason? Zoe: She'd be the type to do it just to prove that she would. Aya: Normally, no. I could see her doing it if the alternative was to lose a contest. She's a bit competitive. Aki: No. M: Yes. For shock value or to prove how tough she is. Saber: If she had to, she would, but would have to be a really good reason. Tia: Way too squeamish about that. Though, strangely enough, she'd be up for filleting it and serving it as sushi or cooked. Non-DDs: Yuki: She may do that...it might explain some of the weirdness. Rinrin: Depends on the amount of alcohol involved. Phyla and Amala: Either would do it if necessary. Next: Would you doll ever be convicted of a crime? (minor or major) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
battrastard Posted April 24, 2012 Poofiemus wrote:Would your doll ever swallow a live goldfish, for any reason? Not too sure, I think Tana would want to know the matter-energy-efficiency conversion compared to cooking it.. Next: Would you doll ever be convicted of a crime? (minor or major) I think she's a bit "Straight-Laced" in that regard, but, I think she could interpret the "Letter" of the law into the "Spirit" of the law if it better suited her interest Would your doll get into your tools/utensils/appliances to "help" you? "Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikuo_Hatsune Posted May 22, 2012 Lagla wouldn't, she'd do her own thing lol would your DD appear next to you in bed(when she wasn't there in the 1st place) when you wake up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milkytea Posted May 22, 2012 No, she wouldn't. Poor Lily seems too frightened of us to want to hang out where she could be startled when we wake up! Would your doll ever ride on a roller coaster? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poofiemus Posted May 23, 2012 Nanoha would only ride one if she were accompanying someone else who wanted to go on it--otherwise she's not that into them. Roller coasters are a little anticlimactic after you learn to fly. As for Agatha, she'd ride one or two. . . . to study it. And then she'd probably start designing one of her own, and good lord would that thing be terrifying. I expect there'd likely be rockets involved. Would your doll ever stay up all night to reach the end of a book? In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted May 23, 2012 Would your doll ever stay up all night to reach the end of a book? Ha! I have three for sure that would and do! Rei does this all the time. She's a voracious reader and loves plowing thru any and all reading materials she can get her hands on. Sanngo also likes to read and has pulled all nighters to get a book finished up. And my Yoko will do it too, especially if its a gun manual. Would your doll(s) ever bring you breakfast in bed? If so, what would they make for you? Billy I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milkytea Posted May 23, 2012 Would your doll(s) ever bring you breakfast in bed? If so, what would they make for you? I think Lily would--or maybe I just think that she would be adorable serving breakfast! ♥ She would make something simple and traditional, but with dedication~ Probably toast (served with jam), scrambled eggs, bacon, and fruit salad, accompanied by hot tea. Maybe with freshly-squeezed orange juice! Hmm, maybe those will be my weekend breakfast plans, accompanied by Lily or not! Would your doll ever adopt another doll into your family without your permission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kymaera Posted May 23, 2012 Would your doll ever adopt another doll into your family without your permission? Zoe: Well, she's all about the "without permission" thing, but on the other hand, she hates competition, so I don't think so. Saber: She's very loyal, but if the doll had a good hard luck story, she'd at least fight for it. Aya: Again, I doubt it because of the competition factor. M: She's always looking for a good servant. Tia: Too shy. I doubt she'd even talk to another doll. Non-DDs: Yuki: I see her as the type that would probably pull the "It followed me home. Can I keep it?" routine. Rinrin: She might build an assistant. Phyla/Amala: They are loners, so no. Next: Would your doll(s) ever forget your birthday? Would your doll(s) ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cazzie_Bliss Posted June 9, 2012 Would your doll(s) ever forget your birthday? Even though Tsu-chan isn't here yet - I don't think she'd forget my birthday ^w^ I wouldn't mind if she did, a lot goes on in those little heads of theirs. Next: Would your doll(s) ever run away from home? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinegamix Posted June 9, 2012 would your doll ever eat your pudding and blame it on the dog making my triumphant return Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
battrastard Posted June 10, 2012 Next: Would your doll(s) ever forget your birthday? seeing as Tana or Maiko don't know when my birthday is, it's a non-issue.. (9 days away, btw) would your doll ever eat your pudding and blame it on the dog Ummm, specifically pudding? (And, no dogs here at the moment) Good question! Possibly, either one might hit the kitchen for a snack, but they've usually been pretty open about it and offer to share... Do you let your Dolls "completely" have free run of the house when you're not at home? "Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted July 7, 2012 I hope this thread isn't too old to revive, but I couldn't resist... Would your doll ever adopt another doll into your family without your permission? Tamayuki: Definitively, but you can bet that he would have an adorable reason why, even if it only made sense to him. Rainie: Probably not, she's pretty cool with whoever's there. Naiomi: Depends on if she needed more actors for her plays, but she wouldn't go out of her way unless it was really important. Do you let your Dolls "completely" have free run of the house when you're not at home? Yes, but they are still expected to get their work done. Yuriko (Raven's DD) homeschools Tamayuki and Rainie and Naiomi attends public high school when she's not being a foreign exchange student to England. Tamayuki spends a lot of his free time trying to keep Dolly out of trouble. Other than that and he likes to read, play video games, and generally hang out with his sisters. Rainie likes spending a lot of time outside, playing with her stuffed animals (aka training them to be spies), playing Pokemon games, or tracking how Hello Kitty is taking over the world to further support her conspiracy theory on the matter. Naiomi spends much of her time writing plays (she either wants to be an actress or a playwright when she graduates) for her and her siblings to preform, but she also spends plenty of time listening to Jpop and Kiyoteru (her Vocaloid idol) and learning about Japan through the kinds of foods they eat and the kinds of tea that are important. Do your dolls have a favorite holiday that they enjoy celebrating every year? ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilkaril Posted July 25, 2012 Do your dolls have a favorite holiday that they enjoy celebrating every year? Yes Amanda would never let us forget Christmas ^^ would your dolls ever have a tea party? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poofiemus Posted July 25, 2012 Funny you mention that; we're *going* to a tea party this weekend. A real one, though, not the political type--can't let Agatha anywhere near the fervently conservative, as she'd likely bring up something like one of her experiments or stem cell research or something else in that vein, and they would NOT like how her morality regarding human rights + science is centered around the phrase, "It depends on the nature of the experiment. . ." Thankfully a normal tea party should be relatively safe, as she and Nanoha are both tea snobs; Agatha's probably going to be too busy geeking out over unusual blends to fuss with raising controversy. If your doll was in some kind of customer-service job, would they ever lie to a customer to stop said customer complaining? In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted July 25, 2012 If your doll was in some kind of customer-service job, would they ever lie to a customer to stop said customer complaining? Naiomi would do well and use it as a way to practice her acting. It isn't lying, it is tactfully bending perceptions of the situation. Rainie might have some issues back-talking or just easily getting bored with the whole thing. Tamayuki is too honest for his own good. "I don't think it is a factory defect, there are teeth marks on the dustbuster and it has dog hair sticking out of it." Then he would get really confused why the customer was getting more upset when he was trying to be helpful by pointing out his observations, and it would snowball from there. As a side note: Dolly would lie through his teeth without having to blink. I've often thought that he has the perfect personality to be a shady used car salesman. If your dolls were invited to a lavish costume ball, who or what would they dress up as? ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cazzie_Bliss Posted July 28, 2012 If your dolls were invited to a lavish costume ball, who or what would they dress up as? Tsubaki would probably dress up as Misuzu Kusakabe from 11Eyes XD Who would your girls like to meet out of any of the other members lovelies? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poofiemus Posted July 28, 2012 Agatha would love to meet Balldylox's Rei. She'd also like to meet Mitsuki's Rin, PrettyCranium's Rin, and Galvatim's Mari. I hope for all our sakes that this mad science meetup either doesn't happen or happens under extreme supervision. Would your doll ever go to a midnight premier of some geeky movie? (If so I'm curious which one would catch their interest.) In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted July 29, 2012 Agatha would love to meet Balldylox's Rei. She'd also like to meet Mitsuki's Rin, PrettyCranium's Rin, and Galvatim's Mari. I hope for all our sakes that this mad science meetup either doesn't happen or happens under extreme supervision. HA HA HA!! I am completely for a meetup with these girls but ONLY under a huge provision of no weapons or pieces parts of weapons being allowed anywhere near them all! As for the question: Would your doll ever go to a midnight premier of some geeky movie? (If so I'm curious which one would catch their interest.) I can tell you *I* used to do this when I was younger and it was great fun with a group of friends. I went to see the first Batman movie ( with Micheal Keaton ) the second Terminator movie, Jurassic Park and Bram Stokers Dracula all on opening night. Good times! Anyways, my Miyuki would be all over going to any sort of sci-fi movie on premier night! She's my little Otaku so anything anime/sci-fi/nerd related, she'd be into it a lot. She'd alos break my wallet by wanting every sort of movie snack she could find..... Manami is rubbing off on her eating habits WAY too much lately. LOL Would your doll ever hide form you as a prank? Like play hide and seek without telling you first? Billy I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
battrastard Posted July 29, 2012 Would your doll ever hide form you as a prank? Like play hide and seek without telling you first? Um, Yeah! Although, I can forgive Tana for dong it, but I think her, Maiko and chibinezumi were in cahoots the whole time! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Poofiemus wrote:Agatha would love to meet Balldylox's Rei. She'd also like to meet Mitsuki's Rin, PrettyCranium's Rin, and Galvatim's Mari. I hope for all our sakes that this mad science meetup either doesn't happen or happens under extreme supervision. HA HA HA!! I am completely for a meetup with these girls but ONLY under a huge provision of no weapons or pieces parts of weapons being allowed anywhere near them all! I don't think even a nuclear-proof, underground facility like NORAD could contain the destructive might of all of them combined..... Would your doll ever go to a midnight premier of some geeky movie? (If so I'm curious which one would catch their interest.) Tana has expressed an interest in the old Short Circuit movies........ Who would your girls like to meet out of any of the other members lovelies? Tana: "I'd love to meet all of Billy - ojisan's girls, and poofiemus' Miz Agatha, since she was "indisposed" at the Air Museum...." Maiko: "Ummm, I'd be honored to meet any of you..."*shy grin* (I'll edit in a bit, I'm thinking of a good topic question to ask) "Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
battrastard Posted January 8, 2022 Umm, OK. Let's dredge this one up..... Damn-near Ten Years Later, I'm gonna ask this: If, as you were driving to a meet, or, just taking your Kiddos out for a drive, would they wave to other cars, just to be friendly? Or, just sitting in the parking lot, wave to people passing by your car? "Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted January 9, 2022 20 hours ago, battrastard said: If, as you were driving to a meet, or, just taking your Kiddos out for a drive, would they wave to other cars, just to be friendly? Or, just sitting in the parking lot, wave to people passing by your car? Oh definitely. I have a few girls that are shy but most of them are relatively outgoing and some that are just in your face. I sometimes drive to a doll meet with one in my lap or sitting in the passenger seat or standing over there looking out. I've had a few people do double takes and it makes me laugh. So yes, I'd say 80% of my girls would happily wave at other cars on the road or at people in parking lots if they had the chance. One in particular wants to drive but I keep the keys away from her. 😉 Billy 3 I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silent Posted January 9, 2022 On 7/29/2012 at 7:29 PM, baldylox said: Would your doll ever hide form you as a prank? Like play hide and seek without telling you first? Sure. And Tsunemi would bring this idea to other girls. Would your doll want to take over whole world or even universe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bellatrix Posted January 9, 2022 2 hours ago, Silent said: Sure. And Tsunemi would bring this idea to other girls. Would your doll want to take over whole world or even universe? Nope, it seems like they enjoy living with me. Would your doll(s) cook you breakfast if you were ill? ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tira Posted January 15, 2022 On 1/9/2022 at 9:37 AM, Bellatrix said: Nope, it seems like they enjoy living with me. Would your doll(s) cook you breakfast if you were ill? Saber would be the one to suggest it, but mostly just provide assistance. Rin would take the lead, but accidentally ruin it somehow. Alice would clean up the resulting mess. Futaba would offer to make me coffee. Would your dolls "borrow" your wallet, and what would they buy if they did? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites