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Azone Sahra's Meow A La Mode - Russian Blue replacement parts?

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I found an Azone Russian Blue doll at Goodwill, I'm having trouble figuring out where I can buy replacement parts/clothes for her. She has a completely missing hand, her other elbow joint is broken, a foot is broken off, and the clothes are in pretty poor quality (+not all the items she should come with ofc). 

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Have you looked on Hobbysearch? They have a lot of replacement bodies, hands, and clothes for all sizes of the small Azones: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/list/3153/6/1

The only thing is that you'll want to know her body type, size, and skintone. According to Hobbysearch and dollyinsider, it looks like the Russian Blue silver hair version is on the Pureneemo Flection M body (so the pink haired one should be as well), but it doesn't seem to say the skin color. But going off the photos, they both look more like "fresh" skintone than "white".

If you're looking for the exact pieces of her original set, you're probably going to have less luck...occasionally the full clothing sets pop up on Hobbysearch, Ebay, or Dollyteria, but it's usually the sets that are sold separately by Azone themselves, plus since the doll is from 2017 it's unlikely that they'll sell them again.

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At that point, I would just buy a whole new body (and maybe pick up some new clothes you like because it’ll be almost impossible to find the outfit by itself).

Like @Roserolls said, this doll is on the Pureneemo Flection M body and the skin tone is Flesh (肌色) according to the product page.

Congrats on getting a Sahra’s a la Mode doll. I love this particular line because they look so soft and gentle. Your doll is Alisa btw.

Edited by ragnamuffin
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Thank you guys so much! I'm new to this world so i really appreciate y'all taking the time to help me😊!!

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