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Politely Nefarious









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Have YOU seen my present?

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One Saturday afternoon, Tamayuki was enjoying watching people passing on the street, cats chasing each other in the yard, noisy cars zooming carelessly down the street. He thought it was fun to see, but was very happy that he was safely inside his quiet house.


Mommy: "See anything interesting out there Tamayuki?"


Tama: "Its fun watching bunches of people go up and down our street, but I wish they could be more quiet about it. Even Dolly doesn't make as much noise as they do and he makes a lot." Tamayuki smiled when his mommy giggled.




Mommy: "Well, Dolly sure has the tendency to speak his mind... about everything. Do you need help tying the string on the side of your pants?"


Tama: "No Mommy, boy clothes are supposed to be messy like that, I did it on purpose." He sounded convincing until he brushed off a piece of lint from his shirt. "All boys are messy."


Mommy: "Even ones that get presents?"


Tama: "Do I get a present Mommy?"


Mommy: "Depends, can you find it?"




Tama: "Rainie, Mommy said that I have a present, have you seen it?"


Rainie: "I would help you look for it Tama-chan but I still don't even have my arms. Mama should really get her priorities straight. Getting my body finished, making me lots of clothes that actually fit me, THEN she can go to school!" Rainie looks significantly at her mama, wiggling the eyebrows she doesn't have.


Tama: "Don't worry Rainie, Mommy's trying her best for us. I know she hasn't forgotten because she worries about you." Tamayuki carefully gives his big sister a hug before searching some more for his present.




After much effort, and some climbing, Tamayuki found some more of his friends to ask.


Tama: "Hello there Stumpkin guys. Did you see Mommy with a present? I'm looking for one."


Ralph: "Sorry Tamayuki, I've just been soaking in my teacup. Nope, haven't seen a thing."


Barney: "But I thought I saw..."


Gregie: "Shush Barney! Don't spoil the surprise."




Tama: "Hmm, I still haven't found it Mommy. You are a good hider. Let's see, where haven't I looked yet?"




Tama: "Did you buy me any new patterns? You have so many of them that one of them must be for me..."


Mommy: "Not yet dearheart, but you are getting closer!"




Tama: "Nope, not in here either!"


Mommy giggled at Tamayuki's wiggling toes.




Tama: "Whew, I've looked all over and I still can't find anything that looks like a present."


Dolly: "I know where it is! I know! I know!!" Dollie flailed around in excitement.




Tama: "I found something Mommy! Is this my present?"


Mommy: "Yay, you found him!"


Dolly: "Look, I got a new truck too! Now I can race it around and bash it into things, and play with it in the dirt! Can we go outside now?"




Tama: "Where did you find my present Mommy? He's little just like me and Dolly."


Mommy: " I saw him in the store and he looked kinda sad. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he wanted a nice little boy to be his owner, just as long as he wouldn't poke him or step on him. I thought he would be perfect for you."


Dolly: "Vroom...VROOM!"




Tama: "He's just the right size for hugs. I think I will call him Perry. After all that searching, its time for a nap."


Dolly: "Trucks are good for hugging too!"


Tama: "Thank you Mommy."


Dolly: "Yah, thanks."


Mommy: "You're welcome boys. Have a good nap."



I finally had a chance to get this story posted! I hope you guys enjoy it. Perry has been around for quite some time now but I didn't want to show him off and spoil the surprise. Perry is the name of a peanut variety, according to Wikipedia, but it was just too cute! Currently he is laying in Tama's bed holding onto a Totoro plushie (from a keychain) that fits perfectly!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Tama: "No Mommy, boy clothes are supposed to be messy like that, I did it on purpose." He sounded convincing until he brushed off a piece of lint from his shirt. "All boys are messy."


I love this line! That just sounds so like him! Also, the picture of Dollie with the truck on his head cracks me up every time I see it. It reminds me too much of me.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Omg Tamayuki is just so precious *o* And I knew that lil elephant (now named Perry) had to be the present he was looking for! Being upside down and out of place, just had to be and it was ^O^


I want to give Tamayuki & Dolly many hugs! And I hope Rainie gets a proper body soon so she can roam around as well!

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I love how you have your fabric organized in your sewing dungeon. It looks so neat and tidy!


And I love that vintage sewing machine you have on the shelf.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Fun story, but you really do need to work on getting poor Rainie some arms.

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That is so cute! Your home looks like a wonderful place. That elephant is so adorable! I love the shot of Tamayuki and Dolly hugging their respective treasures while settling down for the nap.

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Sorry for the late response everyone, I'm still shocked at how much time I don't have after my schoolwork is done, even this weekend is already planned for homework and studying for tests. Thank you for the wonderful comments, it really does make me happy.


Tama: "No Mommy, boy clothes are supposed to be messy like that, I did it on purpose." He sounded convincing until he brushed off a piece of lint from his shirt. "All boys are messy."


I love this line! That just sounds so like him! Also, the picture of Dollie with the truck on his head cracks me up every time I see it. It reminds me too much of me.


Sometimes I still wonder what we did without those two. Tama tries so hard to be like most other boys, but he hasn't realized yet that there is more than one kind of boy and I like him just the way he is.


Omg Tamayuki is just so precious *o* And I knew that lil elephant (now named Perry) had to be the present he was looking for! Being upside down and out of place, just had to be and it was ^O^


I want to give Tamayuki & Dolly many hugs! And I hope Rainie gets a proper body soon so she can roam around as well!

Fun story, but you really do need to work on getting poor Rainie some arms.


Perry is in every picture starting with the one Rainie is in, although the first couple he is hard to see, only part of that was intentional.


I really want to get Rainie finished as soon as I can, but our extra funds have been unpredictable, and Volks STILL doesn't have the internal frame for the DDS upper body in stock. I mentioned to her that I could give her pipe cleaner arms, but she said if I did, she would never talk to me again.


I love how you have your fabric organized in your sewing dungeon. It looks so neat and tidy!


And I love that vintage sewing machine you have on the shelf.


"Sewing Dungeon" cracked me up! On a nearby shelf I also have a vintage (1940s-1950s?) children's hand crank sewing machine that is probably Tamayuki scale but very hard to use. I kinda like sewing.


Hahahahahh that was a really good story


I like how Tamayuki was full body into all your linens.


Very cute little elephant you got him too


Tamayuki does hide and seek about as well as I do. I was a bit jealous that I wasn't Tama's size so I could crawl in there like he did! A while after this photo shoot Perry got the tail that his manufacturers forgot to give him.


That is so cute! Your home looks like a wonderful place. That elephant is so adorable! I love the shot of Tamayuki and Dolly hugging their respective treasures while settling down for the nap.

Thank you! I think by the time the pictures were done, everyone (including me) was ready for a nap! I think all little kids hug their new toys, don't they? I know I always did.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Perry is in every picture starting with the one Rainie is in, although the first couple he is hard to see, only part of that was intentional.


I really want to get Rainie finished as soon as I can, but our extra funds have been unpredictable, and Volks STILL doesn't have the internal frame for the DDS upper body in stock. I mentioned to her that I could give her pipe cleaner arms, but she said if I did, she would never talk to me again.

Oh my goodness you're right! I went back and checked all the pictures and you did indeed hide him very well! You are so sneaky


I do hope they get that DDS upper body in for Rainie, no one wants pipe cleaner arms XD

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Oh my goodness you're right! I went back and checked all the pictures and you did indeed hide him very well! You are so sneaky


I do hope they get that DDS upper body in for Rainie, no one wants pipe cleaner arms XD

I love the pic where Perry is staring through the leaves and Tama is oblivious.


Rainie is so difficult at the moment because I want to put her in pictures, but with so many missing body parts, she probably freaks everyone out. I did a photoshoot when Tamayuki, Rainie, and Yuriko got their Easter candy, with Tama and Yuriko helping Rainie so she could eat hers. In some ways its really cute, in others it makes Rainie look pathetic because she can't do anything for herself. Tama-chan has been sitting and talking with her most days when I'm at school, but she still looks lonely too much of the time because she always wants to be in the middle of everything that's going on (a bit like Dolly...)


I have been considering the possibility of making some custom DD clothes to sell this summer to earn the rest that I need for her, but I'm still just thinking about it for now. In an ideal world I could do that well enough/fast enough to earn the funds for Rainie, Yuriko's new DDdy body (so then Naiomi would get the DD white skin) and the amount I would need for one of the Obitsu boys I have been looking at. However, reality often loves to stomp on my idealism.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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I'm late in posting on this, but very cute story! I had to go back and find Perry in all the pictures. I had no idea he was hiding there! Very creative and well-shot.

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I'm late in posting on this, but very cute story! I had to go back and find Perry in all the pictures. I had no idea he was hiding there! Very creative and well-shot.

I'm so glad that you liked it! Tamayuki sure had a climb to get into the fabric bin however! That shot still cracks me up.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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