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Dreams about you Dollfie Dream?

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The First DD Dream I had.... I wish I found this sooner because when I had my dream I was DYING to tell someone about it.


The first one I had (and the only one so far) was quite a while ago actually. I was sitting on my bed opening a small box. The box contained DD heads. The heads weren't painted yet but I remember how in awe I was. My brother was sitting beside me(for some odd reason) watching me open them. But a really weird part about the dream was there was another head in the box that I didn't unwrap or take out. I don't remember if it was painted or not but I looked at it and ignored it, but I did stare at it for quite some time like "What?" I remember I was confused. Don't know what that was about..... But yeah! It was a short, little happy dream that made me feel super happy when I woke up. It seemed so real!!! (Probably because its gonna happen soon ) Still don't know what the third head was about, But anyway, that was my first and only DD related dream thus far! Hope to have more in the future.

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I've had nightmares in which hubby dresses up the dolls and they break...


Or about dolls getting stains


OMG! Wow I almost paniced because I though it said your hubby dressed up as one of the dolls XDD I guess I'm still not "all there" this morning xDD But for the dream wow I'd freak



I thought the same thing! I had to read your comment then re-read the sentence till I got it fully. guess im not all there yet either.

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The only dream I've ever had was that my Saber Lily was stolen


More like a nightmare!!! man....

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I had one dream where my girls were in a battle game like Angelic Layer, Busou Shinki or Gundam Build Fighters where I was battling other DD owner's dolls in sport tournaments. I often wake up wishing I could create the game but I do not have the skills to create a video game like that.


You caught my attention. Wish we could do something on a more 'tamer' fashion with any damages being kept to a minimum or given protective gear that'll bare the brunt of it all . I love this dream of yours.

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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Guest Aurea
I had one dream where my girls were in a battle game like Angelic Layer, Busou Shinki or Gundam Build Fighters where I was battling other DD owner's dolls in sport tournaments. I often wake up wishing I could create the game but I do not have the skills to create a video game like that.


You caught my attention. Wish we could do something on a more 'tamer' fashion with any damages being kept to a minimum or given protective gear that'll bare the brunt of it all . I love this dream of yours.


Unbreakable bodies and inner skeletons, maybe some type of super AI shielding? Cause tbh I have never set well with the damage side effect of the robots/girls getting damaged. More so when they have human-like thoughts and ?emotions? It may just be me (didn't grow up spoiled) I'm not into breaking stuff or watching others purposely break theirs, especially if it's something I like.


But yeah dollfie wars the softer side of getting smashed by your opponents! 1 shot by plushy attack?


On a personal dream not though. I have only had one odd dream recently and that involved a name on a wall that I recall most of but not 100% sure what it was and a werebunny.

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I had one dream where my girls were in a battle game like Angelic Layer, Busou Shinki or Gundam Build Fighters where I was battling other DD owner's dolls in sport tournaments. I often wake up wishing I could create the game but I do not have the skills to create a video game like that.


You caught my attention. Wish we could do something on a more 'tamer' fashion with any damages being kept to a minimum or given protective gear that'll bare the brunt of it all . I love this dream of yours.


Unbreakable bodies and inner skeletons, maybe some type of super AI shielding? Cause tbh I have never set well with the damage side effect of the robots/girls getting damaged. More so when they have human-like thoughts and ?emotions? It may just be me (didn't grow up spoiled) I'm not into breaking stuff or watching others purposely break theirs, especially if it's something I like.


But yeah dollfie wars the softer side of getting smashed by your opponents! 1 shot by plushy attack?



Nerf doll battles! This would be super fun! Yuriko would absolutely LOVE this. Nerf guns and foam swords smacking on each-other.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Guest Aurea

Unbreakable bodies and inner skeletons, maybe some type of super AI shielding? Cause tbh I have never set well with the damage side effect of the robots/girls getting damaged. More so when they have human-like thoughts and ?emotions? It may just be me (didn't grow up spoiled) I'm not into breaking stuff or watching others purposely break theirs, especially if it's something I like.


But yeah dollfie wars the softer side of getting smashed by your opponents! 1 shot by plushy attack?



Nerf doll battles! This would be super fun! Yuriko would absolutely LOVE this. Nerf guns and foam swords smacking on each-other.


LOL LARP Dollfie arena!

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I had one dream where my girls were in a battle game like Angelic Layer, Busou Shinki or Gundam Build Fighters where I was battling other DD owner's dolls in sport tournaments. I often wake up wishing I could create the game but I do not have the skills to create a video game like that.


You caught my attention. Wish we could do something on a more 'tamer' fashion with any damages being kept to a minimum or given protective gear that'll bare the brunt of it all . I love this dream of yours.


Unbreakable bodies and inner skeletons, maybe some type of super AI shielding? Cause tbh I have never set well with the damage side effect of the robots/girls getting damaged. More so when they have human-like thoughts and ?emotions? It may just be me (didn't grow up spoiled) I'm not into breaking stuff or watching others purposely break theirs, especially if it's something I like.


But yeah dollfie wars the softer side of getting smashed by your opponents! 1 shot by plushy attack?


On a personal dream not though. I have only had one odd dream recently and that involved a name on a wall that I recall most of but not 100% sure what it was and a werebunny.


I'm the same on the damage bit. I'm fine if everything can be fixed with ease though. Dollfie fencing, Kendo, and nerf battles? That be amusing for both Dollfie and Busou Shinki scaled fun




Wanted to mention a few more dream I had of Varakitsu


1) One dream had Varakitsu being carried from a lobby full of people to another place. I later found her hidden away with other dolls in one of those old fashioned European stone BBQs being guarded by Nazis in a modern abandoned city in some park. Vara was later all so happy to be taken for a ride on my arm on some lady's motorbike (someone in her 20's or 30's) to safety in that proud arm-sitting fashion away from that pocket realm about to collapse.


2) Varakitsu waiting to be taken to a photoshoot in her carry bag at a place I went to a few times at a forested park. She stayed in the bag because of the heavy wind in the area.


3) I guess you can call this part day-dreaming in that nightly sense before bed. Right before I went to sleep I had this big sudden wave of Varakitsu flashing in my mind. She blinded me briefly with that image that I was ordered to take her out of her carrying bag before bed to pet her ears, her tail, and to just tend to her needs. I got sick the next day >_>. I'm sure I dreamed of her but forgot what it was. Maybe was #2 in another carrying bag scene *shrugs*

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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The only DD dream I have when there's a box under a Christmas tree and it was for me. It was very big and decorated with a cute wrapper and there's a note: given to the sweetest baby of ours, love mom and dad when it was time to open the gifts I was so surprised that I was given a Yukino!

I was just so happy and I was smiling. The time I opened her was the time I opened my eyes...it was just a dream


Well, that was like 4 years ago when there is only Aoi and Yukino (I think)

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My dolls appeared in my dreams a couple of times.


However it usually involved me either breaking, staining of losing them somewhere like on a bus after getting down!!! x.x

(my guess is i love them too much i'm subconsciously becoming paranoid)


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I had a dream last night that I was at a mall and found a store selling a couple DDs for like $120 each The store had everything on clearance or something and clearly didn't know how valuable DDs are. So I set them aside hoping to buy them XD though, obviously I couldn't

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I had a dream last night that I was at a mall and found a store selling a couple DDs for like $120 each The store had everything on clearance or something and clearly didn't know how valuable DDs are. So I set them aside hoping to buy them XD though, obviously I couldn't



I'm so glad I'm not the only one who dreams of finding DDs for cheap in weird places! In my dreams it's usually at thrift stores though, so sometimes they're clearly "rescues". And bizarrely, it's almost never one of my unicorns I find, but one of the ones one my "If I found her for a good price I'd consider getting her" list. (Does that make them pegasi? Dragons? Just really good horses?)

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Lady Ravenswood

Hehe, I actually just had a dream about my DD (a DD?) the other night...but I didn't realize it until later the next evening. It was actually the night just before I ordered her (she is my very first DD after years of wanting one and she is currently in the mail on her way to me! ). I suddenly realized I had a "memory" of putting a specific blonde, braided wig on her. Hehe, which obviously couldn't be real as she hasn't arrived yet. It felt odd to suddenly realize the memory was a) there, and b) false, but it made me smile anyway. I think I was just feeling quite desperate to order her! ^_~

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I suddenly realized I had a "memory" of putting a specific blonde, braided wig on her. Hehe, which obviously couldn't be real as she hasn't arrived yet. It felt odd to suddenly realize the memory was a) there, and b) false, but it made me smile anyway. I think I was just feeling quite desperate to order her! ^_~

Ah, my dreams do this to me quite often, remembering something during the day that could only have been a dream. Glad I'm not the only one @_@ It's always mundane things, like moving objects in my house.

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I had a dream this dream maybe a month ago and I still remember how disappointed I was when I woke up. In the dream, I was allowed to go to a Volks store to pick up my Miku in person. Once I got there, they allowed me into the backroom to see where they assembled the Mikus and that mine would be there. When I got into that room, there were no Miku DDs anywhere, instead there were Miku folders, bags and other Miku-themed merchandise and there were a few other people in there buying these things. I remember asking one of the staff to help me find my Miku DD and she just walked away. I left the store and outside was a courtyard with a large crowd of people (convention?). Suddenly I had Mint, my DDS Mayu, with me and I walked around with her until I found another person with a DD and we took pictures of our dolls together.


And that was it. ._.

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I have wanted a Dollfie for a few years and before I got one I dreamed that I actually got the one I have been wanting for 3+ years. I was so happy to have her...

And then I woke up

I finally have her for real now though



I think I have also dreamed one time that my Asuna arrived with her face damaged, I was really happy when I woke up from that dream O.O.

My girls: Millhi, Asuna, Sinon

My guy: Kirito

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I had a dream about a new girl who was waiting for me at Billy's house (yep the Billy on here) Wearing a limited edition Volks outfit. Her name was Yukari.


And so I made her, she isn't wearing the outfit I dreamed about though I did buy it lol

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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I had a dream last night that Volks finally released a male Dollfie Dream.


. . . which for some reason was an anime-ized Elrond from Lord of the Rings.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I've finally had a dream (technically two now) about DDs.

One was about my Miu and I just had a dream last night about my future Ranka. 🙂

I can't remember much from my Miu dream but I swear that her face-up had been semi-wiped off and she looked horrendous. I almost starting crying in the dream since I went through so much to get her, clean her face, and send her out to get her face-up. I was so distraught in that dream! Haha.

The dream about Ranka, a bunch of other weird things happened in the dream first. But, at one point I ran into an big office area with a bunch of cubicles with people in them. I was trying to hide by sitting in one of the cubicles since I was running from something in the dream. I saw an empty one and I end up crawling to it or something and I see Ranka (as a real person but semi-anime-ified) next to the empty cubicle I was going to and she dropped something. She seemed to act like an adorable klutz, all awkward but so adorable. I actually said, "Ranka?" to her and she looked at me kind of smiling sweetly (kind of made my heart melt hehe ^^). I was so in shock and surprised. But, this just makes me more excited until I can get her next fall~ ^^ Her character is going to be so friggin' adorable! : D

And……those are the only dreams so far I've had about DDs. ^^"

Edited by Pickle

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Just had one last night actually. Maybe it is a sign I'm getting too obsessed.

In my dream I was trying to fix her hair and all her face up started smearing everywhere like wet makeup. It ended up looking like a cartoon doodle in the end, even the eyes for some reason.

It was more of a dollfie nightmare than a dollfie dream really.

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If I have a dream about my dolls, they're typically talking to me

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I dreamed that I owned and held a DD just a few days before I really got the chance to order my very first and long desired DD Saber.

At home: Yuna (DD Saber Extra) • Kaho (DDdy Miko)

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I had a dream the teal wig my girl was wearing left green stains all over her T_T I'm so glad that wasn't real. It was mostly on her neck and back, apparently the thought of stains on her face was too horrible even for a bad dream ^^;

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Old topic, but I'm bumping it.


Recently I had a dream about Dollfie Dreams again.

I was at some kind of event or meeting. Not sure if they only had dolls or anime related things too. I had to display my Yukino for the crowd. There was also someone who let me borrow his clothes. I didn't know who the clothes were from, but they were from some kind of creepy old guy who apparently has a Dollfie Dream too. I knew I had to be careful with the clothes. And in my head I was thinking it was funny that a grumpy guy like that owned a cute Dollfie Dream.

Seriously one of the weirdest dreams about dolls ever. But I laughed at it afterwards. Seems like I still had fun with my Dollfie Dream. I don't know why I'm sharing this, but I wanted to.


Let's bring this thread back! Share your experiences!

I just love to read about dreams that the people here get about Dollfie Dreams.

Japan 2016 memories



Hatsune Miku finally home!


Upcoming family member: Snow Miku


Playstation: MugenTenshinFRD

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/FerdieFB23

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/75674706@N06/


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The only one I had that actually had a plotline of some kind was where I dreamt that I went to some back alley store in Japan and found a DD Miku for a crazy low price. So I bought her and took her back to my hotel and I was so happy. The funniest part about that is that I've never seriously wanted a Miku(I like her, but just not enough to buy her for myself) but in the dream, I was so happy and impressed with her.


Then I woke up and was immediately sad that it wasn't real.


I think I dream about my Kaito fairly often, but the dreams he's in are never coherent. I know I had one last night. It was something about him seeming strangely small to me or something. And then his clothes didn't fit. Then I was peeved about that. It didn't make any sense.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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