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Every time I put a new outfit on her, the cuteness overwhelms me.




That is the power of Yaya. She's been adorable in everything she wears.


... they all only barely squeezed into my suitcase.


If it helps you, you can send Bri my way. I'm sure she and Keiko would get along wonderfully (Poor Yaya will never know what hit her if those two team up.).

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Speaking of group pics I finally got to do one...I ended up bringing everyone into Volks today (all 7 of my Volks dolls, which includes Finn, my SDCute Renee) which ended up a huge undertaking and they all only barely squeezed into my suitcase.


Nice group. Is the SDCute that much smaller than even the MDD or is it just because she's sitting she looks that way? I'm not at all familiar with all the SD lines but I notice Volks seems to mostly rate the clothes as interchangeable with MDD.


How did I get this many in two years ._.

In about eight months I have one complete (Sheryl Nome), one that would be complete except I damaged much of her body by doing stain treatments wrong, two floating heads and a pretty reasonable wardrobe to cover them all. I never really intended to go beyond one doll. I'm mostly constrained from not going too far off the deep end because already-released dolls I like tend to be ones that are now expensive. (Takane )


Yaya's a real cutie too (and another no-longer affordable one).

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Is the SDCute that much smaller than even the MDD or is it just because she's sitting she looks that way? I'm not at all familiar with all the SD lines but I notice Volks seems to mostly rate the clothes as interchangeable with MDD.

SDCute is basically a SD in 1/4 scale. Height-wise they're basically the same as SDM/MSD/MDD, but the bodies look more like a teenager's than a young child's. Some of them also allegedly have much smaller heads than SDM, but this one (Renee) seems to have a head slightly on the bigger side. Although I have seen plenty of them in person I don't have a SDM so I have never been able to do a side-by-side comparison but I can probably do it this weekend when I meet some friends for photos cos I'm curious myself.

Anyway, since the bodies are a little slimmer and more adult, while the clothes will all technically fit, there are a few that look a bit baggy to me (ie that prince outfit I originally had my MDD in was much too baggy at the waist imo). I'm not sure if any of the tighter fitting clothes that come with SDCute fullsets are tight on MDD/SDM though, since Renee's fullset outfit is pretty lose (Tilo, my MDD, is wearing the shirt from it)


They're my favourite of the SD lines, although they're the ones Volks neglects the most for whatever reason 8') I voted for them every day of the poll though...


I forgot to include closeups of the DDS as well.





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Thanks for the info.


Haha, Mel looks so grumpy. What is it about Volks DD boys being grumpy? I think Subaru's faceup enhanced the grumpiness but Len already looks grumpy, and so does Kirito. They're surrounded by pretty DD girls, what's there to be grumpy about?


Is that the Dollpoint romantic wave Dream Wig on Miku? I ordered one of those from Mandarake. I like how you tied the wig into twintails.

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^Always love your girls and pictures.

@ramcoy: I've missed your girls! The group pics of them are always so colourful.




this my Sheryl with her new eyes (Volks type I 20mm)

42926262554_3329590c3c_z.jpgUntitled by R.Rama Adhypoetra, on Flickr



Sheryl trying eyes

28755063907_2f0f5d0558_z.jpgUntitled by R.Rama Adhypoetra, on Flickr

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@Di-chan : your photoshop is sooo cool and pretty for sakura !



41928426330_e62a3194ff_z.jpgSunset -Teaser by merry-chan, sur Flickr

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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Random photos huh? SFW? Doll related?


I got this.



9998639505_11b1c9550e_z.jpgDSC_0224 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr



Don't ask because I don't know.





  • Haha 1

I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I was worried about that too but I trust Volks


Yeah no. But it seems fine, Iori was sitting on it for several days and there's no hint of stain on her vinyl. The leather itself (if it is leather? feels like it) doesn't look like that richly dyed, glossy leather that would stain easily.


Thanks for your reply! That's good to know for the future. Right now I have a very simple couch for my dolls but at some point I'd like something more like that one.




Mei felt like being fancy today.


Clothes by Flower Doll Room/ Makeup miniatures by Didocat (her flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/didocat/)/ bag and wallet by 1pinfun/ pillows by 1pinfun and Ronronshuka/ glass animetic eyes from CoeurLapin


This really isn't the best photo and it does still have some of that phone camera distortion but I am trying to get back into taking more photos (and posting them...) It doesn't really do all the miniatures and clothes justice, sadly.

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At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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42231721040_4f300f5791_c.jpgIMG_0864 by rattbastard, on Flickr


Tana photobombing a shot i wanted of Yukiko!!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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@di-chan123 I love your pic! The candypop dress really does look like something perfect for Sakura to wear!

@merry-go-round: your 11 is lovely as always, she looks like she's daydreaming here.

@ramcoy: As always, I love your pics.

@baldylox: this honestly just looks like something out of a 'guess the context!' game.

@Ie-Aster: Mei is stylish and beautiful as always

@battrastard: Looks like she's just trying to remind you who the no.1 daughter is.


Anyway, the lighting in my house back at home is poop and ugly and incredibly dark/yellow which means taking photos inside is probably no longer a viable option unless I want to spend way too long on image editing, but on the plus side the garden is nice and big and private so outdoor photos are now easier. Luka went out for a stroll.



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@Torino Lovely Luka ! Garden pictures are beautiful, you are lucky to have one private to take pictures


My Miki with her new wig ^-^


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She looks so elegant and pretty.

@ramcoy: As always, I love your pics.



new random pic...

29258363357_647d5db06e_z.jpgUntitled by R.Rama Adhypoetra, on Flickr


I made this photo for the Adidas Pod shoes giveaway contest on Instagram

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Having time on my hands due to unemployment (Know anyone looking for a mechanical engineer? I'm good at SolidWorks.) I've been able to do some work on my other expensive hobby. It was Serena's turn to supervise today.



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Doing some more cleaning out in the Belfry... (moving again! sigh) Found some of the Kiddo's

"arsenal", so did a quick shot. (pun intended!)



43549680384_fd00ae2396_c.jpgMaiko and Merri home defenders! by rattbastard, on Flickr

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Doing some more cleaning out in the Belfry... (moving again! sigh) Found some of the Kiddo's

"arsenal", so did a quick shot. (pun intended!)

i really want those M4

but i never found one




got new toys...

43559441084_5f1b55c1f4_z.jpgUntitled by R.Rama Adhypoetra, on Flickr

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We Love Music by bodolza, on Flickr


A souvenir I picked up in Sapporo. The Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill has a souvenir shop... a very large souvenir shop which had a bunch of Snow Miku stuff. There's also the snow festival museum there with miniature displays of the snow festival sculptures over the years. I don't recommend going there unless there's an active event because there's absolutely nothing else to do there and it's a fair distance from the city so you can observe it through those binocular things. And the bus comes only every 30 minutes. Plenty of time to look at souvenirs.


And uh, a confession. I had Miku in the Deep Sea Girl outfit for like 9 months and never took a photo. I wanted to, and kinda tried, but the problem with that outfit is that it looks magically beautiful if she's sitting and posed as she is in the original artwork. If she's standing it looks kinda like a dumb skirt. I tried a few ways to get a good angle, setup, whatever but my mind's ambition was consistently greater than my available energy, so I did nothing.


It stained lightly. Given how long she was wearing it, it doesn't really stain.

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Foo, Miku looks beautiful! As always, I love the light in your photographs.


ramcoy, Momo looks really good in that outfit and wig. The colors are beautifully vivid and perfect for summer.

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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Foo, Miku looks beautiful! As always, I love the light in your photographs.

Thank you ^^

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