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1 hour ago, bbotss said:

Should Smartdoll products be used on or hybridized with DDs, the creator's blood will turn to lava in his veins and he will be slowly consumed by flesh-eating bacteria until he expires in excruciating pain.

I wish someone would make a Smartdoll Lovers group where every photo MUST include BOTH a Smartdoll and a doll from another company.

I found her IG post:


Now that's just ridiculous. Why does he even have time to individually identify and email every person with a "suspicious" order? I saw her story and have to agree about how wildly unprofessional this is. It makes me feel bad for Smartdoll's talented designers, who have their work tainted by this behavior. 


And the kid thing still bothers me. He may post "empowering" photos of little girls enjoying his dolls, but at the same time he sexualizes his dolls and makes immature boob jokes. Pick one!

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2 hours ago, bbotss said:

Yes. They posted their blue girls on their IG. You can see their Plus girls on those accounts as well.


My point was I have one Blue too*

I don't own any Plus size. 


* I have the feeling that lately (and mostly here on this topic) everything is aimed toward Danny (not even his company) and that every comment is something aimed to be negative... 


Tbh that story about IG Macar00ni 

I don't know her but what was the content of her order ? 

If she ordered Chaos parts or other Stuffs where  it's clearly mentioned that is for "owners only" and I don't see why Danny (or someone from his team) couldn't check which SmD she owns and decide to cancel her order or not. It's a company and if they prefer to keep stock for owner where is the issue ? 


Reaction written "That's ridiculous,...' but does any one of you asked himself/ herself what did Macar00ni ordered ? 

No you basically dive into that negativism and keep going in circle that it's a bad decision blah, blah, blah,... 


There is always 2 side of a story, different version of the truth,... 

Why just not enjoy it as it is supposed to be (a Hobby) instead of aiming criticism and negativism.


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2 hours ago, AtelierMoe said:

Danny Choo cancelled a girl's order after asking her in DMs for which Smartdoll it was, to which she answered "MDD", he said "Sorry, our articles are only for Smartdolls"

Do you want to run your business into the ground? Because this is how you run your business into the ground.


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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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2 minutes ago, Dollphoshots said:

Why just not enjoy it as it is supposed to be (a Hobby) instead of aiming criticism and negativism.

Because everything is not a dance on roses. Sticking your head into the sand and pretending everything is fine and acceptable when it clearly is not, is not the way to go.
Criticism is not hating on the brand/person behind the brand. I think none of us go out and post to be outright negative about Smartdolls, just for the sake of it... There are reasons behind those feelings.

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My point was I have one Blue too*

I don't own any Plus size. 

Then maybe say so in your original post. You asked if I was sure if 2 blue dolls went to people who had Plus, so I answered you.

I can't know what is your point unless you tell me.

I am only stating what I know. I know for certain 2 people on IG with Plus girls also got the blue girls. That is a FACT, because they have owner photos that they posted on their IG. I did say in one of my posts that I can't be sure there are no additional blue girls out there. If you have a 3rd blue girl, then congratulations!

As for macar00ni... I personally feel that it is extreme to gatekeep products to the extent that you message every single customer to check on what they are planning to use their order on. Is Danny within his rights to do so? Sure he is. Sure, there is no issue with him choosing who to keep stock for. On the other hand, we have the right to voice our opinions on his business practices as well. It's not like we're going onto his social media to criticize him. We're just stating our opinions, on a forum that Danny doesn't own.

If you want both sides of the story, why not ask Danny? Pretty sure he'll be happy to release a doll with an essay on why it is not okay to buy Smartdoll products for dolls from other companies.


Why just not enjoy it as it is supposed to be (a Hobby) instead of aiming criticism and negativism.

Because most of the time the person talking about haters and complaining about past customers or other companies is Danny himself.

Edited by bbotss
Tried to add a quote, failed :(
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1 hour ago, Dollphoshots said:



Why just not enjoy it as it is supposed to be (a Hobby) instead of aiming criticism and negativism.


Criticism is inextricably linked to the growth and improvement of a brand, it is quite literally impossible for a company to be successful without listening to, and executing, the input and critique given by their customers- that includes criticism on the owner, their public image and their business practices. 

Danny can do whatever he wants, however that does not make him immune to being criticized.


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1 hour ago, Dollphoshots said:

I have the feeling that lately (and mostly here on this topic) everything is aimed toward Danny (not even his company) and that every comment is something aimed to be negative... 

Not everything in this thread is negative. There is positive stuff mixed in with constructive criticism.

People have been told not to post personal comments about Danny. Commentary on design & policy is fine, but since all of that flows through him, it's hard to disentangle that from Danny's name. I.e. it's ok to say his policy is bad, but it's not ok to say he smells bad.

Much of what is talked about here is his wabi-sabi rants on Instagram, attacks on his own customers over his personal war on Volks, and his attempts to gatekeep how his products are used after they are sold. He is the wellspring from which those things flow, so he only has himself to blame for the backlash.


1 hour ago, Dollphoshots said:

Reaction written "That's ridiculous,...' but does any one of you asked himself/ herself what did Macar00ni ordered ?

Or perhaps he just tracked down her Instagram, didn't see any SmartDolls, and decided to message her to shut down any attempt to use his products on Volks dolls.

This thread was started when he did something very similar in order to track down and ban members of a Facebook group from his store.

Notice that his own words in the DM are "our products are only made for SmartDoll" and not something along the lines of "You can only buy this product if you have bought a SmartDoll from our store."

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Tbh what probably happened is that she tried to order clothes or parts, and because her e-mail wasn't in the system, got a purity test. Except it's the "which smart doll do you have/where did you get it" one instead of the "why aren't you buying volks" one. :( Danny e-mails a lot, if not all, new customers.

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2 hours ago, Dollphoshots said:

There is always 2 side of a story, different version of the truth,... 

Why just not enjoy it as it is supposed to be (a Hobby) instead of aiming criticism and negativism.

Perhaps take some time to explore the rest of the website? There's a really friendly group of smart doll owners on here who would love to connect with you and see your pictures, especially of your blue girl! Give the community here a chance before you make a quick judgement.

As far as us, I don't think any of us wish ill on Danny. Personally I'm rooting for him, but some changes need to be made at the company for it to reach it's full potential. Furthermore, posts on here are good documentation for anyone considering the brand. I think Serena-Hime said it best:

1 hour ago, Serena-Hime said:

Criticism is inextricably linked to the growth and improvement of a brand, it is quite literally impossible for a company to be successful without listening to, and executing, the input and critique given by their customers- that includes criticism on the owner, their public image and their business practices.

Simple as that.

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I dread this attitude of his leaking over into his fans that are also makers.  There are quite a few shops that I frequent that make things for Smartdoll and are pretty outspoken about them being "made for Smartdoll", and I'd hate to have them start acting in this way too. I'm curious how this little purity check is going to work for him with the holiday season coming up, or can smartdoll gifts only be given by other owners?  

Out of curiosity, can anybody shed any light on why clothes production from Smartdoll has slowed way down, and he no longer offers wigs on the shop?  I heard a rumor, but I don't want to spread disinformation.  

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10 minutes ago, DesertPhantom51 said:

Out of curiosity, can anybody shed any light on why clothes production from Smartdoll has slowed way down, and he no longer offers wigs on the shop?  I heard a rumor, but I don't want to spread disinformation.  

I think awhile back on Instagram he said that production for wigs was slowed down because of the whole pandemic, and the ones produced are used for the pre-assembled dolls. (but I've heard some say that he doesn't want to deal with people "complaining" about the wig quality.)  

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4 minutes ago, Mame said:

 (but I've heard some say that he doesn't want to deal with people "complaining" about the wig quality.)  

Sounds about right tbh


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33 minutes ago, DesertPhantom51 said:

There are quite a few shops that I frequent that make things for Smartdoll and are pretty outspoken about them being "made for Smartdoll", and I'd hate to have them start acting in this way too

I think saying “Made for SmartDoll” is important for clothing, shoes, and wigs, because the fit is so different from Volks DD/SD. You can get away with some fits like shorts and skirts, but others will just be all wrong. 

If on the other had they’re making it an ideology thing, then I would probably shop elsewhere. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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19 minutes ago, Mame said:

I think awhile back on Instagram he said that production for wigs was slowed down because of the whole pandemic, and the ones produced are used for the pre-assembled dolls. (but I've heard some say that he doesn't want to deal with people "complaining" about the wig quality.)  

Ah, that is different from what I heard, and would make sense given everything else has slowed way down. (both parts make sense)

3 minutes ago, BeyondTime said:

I think saying “Made for SmartDoll” is important for clothing, shoes, and wigs, because the fit is so different from Volks DD/SD. You can get away with some fits like shorts and skirts, but others will just be all wrong. 

If on the other had they’re making it an ideology thing, then I would probably shop elsewhere. 

Oh yeah, I know about the fit differences, but I mainly just do things like skirts, shorts, or shirts that are meant to be tight and stretchy nothing tailored.  I wouldn't say it's crossed over into an ideology area yet (I'm really talking about two specific shops that I frequent, and won't name here), but it's definitely where their obsessions lie. 

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6 hours ago, bbotss said:




Goodness sakes, this is so wrong and very concerning (to put it lightly). Bad enough that orders would be cancelled if new customers didn't answer that one questionaire box at the checkout screen correctly, but now he's directly emailing them to see if they have a Smart Doll!? And cancelling orders if they are buying clothes for a non-SmD?

What next, is he going to eventually start asking new customers to send in a picture of them with their SmD and have them hold a handwritten piece of paper with their name and or IG/Twitter/ect handle on it to prove it's actually their doll and not someone else's?

This is NOT how you treat a new customer or buyer. :(


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49 minutes ago, DesertPhantom51 said:

Oh yeah, I know about the fit differences, but I mainly just do things like skirts, shorts, or shirts that are meant to be tight and stretchy nothing tailored.  I wouldn't say it's crossed over into an ideology area yet (I'm really talking about two specific shops that I frequent, and won't name here), but it's definitely where their obsessions lie. 

Yeah... I recently had to cut contact with someone who makes Smart Doll patterns because she was legitimately upset that I was bothered by order cancellations — even though my own very first Smart Doll order would have been cancelled under new rules — and accused me of choosing sides + forcing her to pick between a company and friendship. While I have not seen her applying that ideology to the patterns + clothes she sells, it wouldn't surprise me if she started. Also, I want to be clear, my original message was just along the lines of "oof, looks like more CJ orders are being cancelled other than Chaos/OTB due to someone not owing a Smart Doll."

That said, anything that isn't super tailored can definitely be shared across brands. Both my Smart Doll and Dollfie Dream Sister share significant portions of their wardrobes, and most of the incompatibility comes from DDS using an SS bust. My DDS has several pieces of official Smart Doll clothing, my Smart Doll wears a bunch of Volks stuff, and both wear clothes made for SD resin girls made by peeps on Etsy. While some things may only fit a specific body, it is hardly everything. People should be able to own things by both brands!

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He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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30 minutes ago, HanaLuka said:

What next, is he going to eventually start asking new customers to send in a picture of them with their SmD and have them hold a handwritten piece of paper with their name and or IG/Twitter/ect handle on it to prove it's actually their doll and not someone else's?


Plus, drivers license number, proof of dental insurance, father’s maiden name, etc. 

(Sorry, snarkiness) @onion28@

31 minutes ago, RainbowNanaki said:

Both my Smart Doll and Dollfie Dream Sister share significant portions of their wardrobes, and most of the incompatibility comes from DDS using an SS bust.

My DDS wear older SmartDoll shorts that fit beautifully, but I don’t see any way they could wear SmartDoll jeans. I haven’t tried any of the super short shorts they sell now, but I did wonder if those new shorts were made to rule out fits on DD

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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12 minutes ago, BeyondTime said:

My DDS wear older SmartDoll shorts that fit beautifully, but I don’t see any way they could wear SmartDoll jeans. I haven’t tried any of the super short shorts they sell now, but I did wonder if those new shorts were made to rule out fits on DD

I can't comment on Smart Doll jeans as they are super out of my price range. But the pieces I do own (2 t-shirts, white denim shorts, long pleated skirt, socks, underwear, 2 pairs of shoes) all fit both my DDS and Smart Doll. Everything is from the summer of 2019 or earlier, though. Out of the current stuff, I would imagine that eyes and t-shirts could easily be shared.

My post was more directed to the sentiment that Smart Doll and DD/DDS bodies are too different and cannot share clothes, which simply is not true. They may not be able to share everything, but they can still share a lot. Like, if Volks stopped selling to Smart Doll owners in some bizarre alternate timeline, I'd be %@#&ed as my Mirai wears so much Volks!

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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16 minutes ago, RainbowNanaki said:

I can't comment on Smart Doll jeans as they are super out of my price range. But the pieces I do own (2 t-shirts, white denim shorts, long pleated skirt, socks, underwear, 2 pairs of shoes) all fit both my DDS and Smart Doll.

Those things all seem likely to fit, at least based on my own experience. I buy TTYA SmD T-Shirts are they work fine on DD. The only reason I have Mirai brand jeans is because they came with an Infinity I got on Mandarake. 

16 minutes ago, RainbowNanaki said:

My post was more directed to the sentiment that Smart Doll and DD/DDS bodies are too different and cannot share clothes, which simply is not true.

I didn’t say nothing would work, but the stuff that doesn’t work really doesn’t work. Thats why I think stores should call out the fit as being for DD or for SmD on some items. It’s potentially misleading if they treat the two as one and the same. The SmartDoll jeans are maybe an inch and a half too long for DDS, and I’ve tried SMD shoes on my DDs and can’t zip them up. Some DD shoes won’t fit SmD.  

If I compare my Kizuna to DD Luka, Kizuna is about 3/4 of an inch taller and her legs are about an inch longer. The difference is more pronounced when I compare Kizuna to DDS Sailor Moon. That said, Sailor Moon is wearing a Doll Delights top for SmD that fits her beautifully, and my Mirai shorts are my favorite shorts for DDS

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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7 minutes ago, BeyondTime said:

I didn’t say nothing would work, but the stuff that doesn’t work really doesn’t work. Thats why I think stores should call out the fit as being for DD or for SmD on some items. It’s potentially misleading if they treat the two as one and the same. The SmartDoll jeans are maybe an inch and a half too long for DDS, and I’ve tried SMD shoes on my DDs and can’t zip them up. Some DD shoes won’t fit SmD

I... never claimed you said nothing would work? I used the word "sentiment" as there are general, nonspecific groups of people that believe that the different brands cannot ever share clothes. I don't have a problem with stores labelling something as "tailored to fit the Smart Doll body" or otherwise making note of the intended doll(s), but that is very different from the "I will not allow you to purchase any of my products if you even think about using it on a different doll" thing that is happening. If something truly only fits a certain body, of course it should be labelled as such! Obviously the Volks clothes I buy are labelled as fitting certain bust sizes of the DD and DDS bodies. If something doesn't fit my Mirai bc of, for example, the difference in rib cage sizes, that's not Volks' fault, but it also shouldn't mean I can never buy anything from a brand for a different 1/3 doll than intended. I am very much aware that not every single thing will fit both DDs and Smart Dolls. I know this. But people should be allowed to do some personal risk assessment and decide for themselves if they want to mix and match clothing — especially for specific items that are a known compatible fit, such as eyes and t-shirts.

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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1 hour ago, RainbowNanaki said:

I... never claimed you said nothing would work? I used the word "sentiment" as there are general, nonspecific groups of people that believe that the different brands cannot ever share clothes.

Ok, sorry, my misunderstanding. 

1 hour ago, RainbowNanaki said:

If something doesn't fit my Mirai bc of, for example, the difference in rib cage sizes, that's not Volks' fault, but it also shouldn't mean I can never buy anything from a brand for a different 1/3 doll than intended.

Yeah, totally agreed there. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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3 hours ago, RainbowNanaki said:

"I will not allow you to purchase any of my products if you even think about using it on a different doll"

I wonder if there are people who collect doll clothes only/mainly...

I think many of us would jump at the chance of showing our dolls to the company who makes them, if asked. That is pretty much how Danny come out in his mail/message - "which one do you have?", instead of "do you own a smartdoll?", which would make people believe that he's interested in connecting with his customers/fans. But it's all just to police/gatekeep...

I wonder... would he cancel the order if you'd refrain from disclosing which doll you have/state that you don't feel comfortable answering, too? 🤔

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30 minutes ago, Yumeiro said:

I wonder... would he cancel the order if you'd refrain from disclosing which doll you have/state that you don't feel comfortable answering, too? 🤔

I think there's a bunch if posts earlier in this thread about that kind of situation. Where the guy got asked to confirm stuff and why he was buying the dolls, and because he didn't want to reply (thinking it was a bot) his order was cancelled, he got banned, and Danny cussed him out.

So not answering is not an option lol XD

(Lemme find the post and see if I  can link it)

Edit: here we go!


Edited by Katsudon
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18 hours ago, AtelierMoe said:

Danny Choo cancelled a girl's order after asking her in DMs for which Smartdoll it was, to which she answered "MDD", he said "Sorry, our articles are only for Smartdolls"

(since this is where this sparked) ...

I cant help but slip this here...



(and yes.. I've been watching maybe a few too many Thunderfoot videos recently...)

Edited by finnleo

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I feel like my perception of his actions are a bit different, because I owned a business for a few years. Smaller, of course, but I can understand his actions a bit. 

When selling something tailored for a specific doll- he have control how it fits their specific bodies. So next on pictures of his client - item looks good, not bagged etc. But if it's fitted on a different body - it will look different. Kind of like a picture of a garment in size XL on a person in size S. It can affect perception of the brand. If he wants to build a culture around perfectly fit fashion clothes for specific dolls - I'm not surprised that he don't want to have other brand tagged along on Instagram that makes similar dolls. Because clients will see it and might go for DD that have more options. 

On top of that, I believe that seller should always have right to refuse sales. For example when I had a customer who was a typical "Karen", i would rather refuse sales than deal with bs afterwards. 

I think, that it's as well the exclusivity of the item. Making a ideology around how you need to stay in brand, same as any apple products. It's not something that unusual, if brand want to be seen as not as easily obtainable - its more of a elite thing, and people love to be a part of some elites. To belong. 


I don't say that I support all of his actions, but some of them seem pretty normal from business side of view. 

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