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  1. Animaster888

    your dream doll

    I wanted to make an osomatsu san smart doll. what is your dream custom doll?
  2. Yuichan


    Heya! I'm Yui, but i'm fine with every Name. I love Vinyl BJD's, but i never really got into it because i was always on the Resin-Side of the Hobby. I dont really know much about Vinyl BJD's, and i want to Change that since i want to Customize my own Mini Dolfie Dream Wohoo! And i just feel like this is the right place for asking Question and Sharing my Journey. I also have a DOA Account, where i speak about my Resin Dolls, but i felt that Den Of Angels isnt the right place to speak about MDD's. I'm also collecting Anime Figures and Manga. After i get some Resin BJD's that are on my List i'll Hopefully get my First Smartdoll! I Actually would prefer buying my MMD before a Smart Doll, but like i said i dont really know much and im a little bi insecure about it. Anyways, Thank you for Reading! I always like to meet new People, especially in this hobby, since i dont have really Friends who share the Hobby with me, so feel free to Message me Anytime! Also, on a little Sidenote; Is it normal that the Profile Picture is blurry and pixilated? I tried it with some really High Res Pictures but nothing seems to work.
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