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Eiji Seiun does not have his glasses yet since Danny mentioned on his website that he would like to release the smart doll on 24 december 2015. Since this is Eiji's birthday. He mentioned finishing the glasses would make that he would not reach that deadline. Maybe they still will add the beanie when the official sale starts?

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So what size Volks sets will he fit in?


I'm curious about this too, especially since it'll give at least a vague idea of what will fit from other companies as well (Dollheart, Freedom Teller, Nine9. . .). Mostly curious re: SD13B range versus SD17. (It's sounding like SD13B?)

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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So what size Volks sets will he fit in?


I'm curious about this too, especially since it'll give at least a vague idea of what will fit from other companies as well (Dollheart, Freedom Teller, Nine9. . .). Mostly curious re: SD13B range versus SD17. (It's sounding like SD13B?)


Indeed I would like to know too. the boy he will be has some clothing atm but I am not sure if it will fit.


From what I have see people wont say since the body's that are out there are for people to make and sell clothing =/ if they tell you what will fit then you wont buy there stuff..


I really hope to get one soon as I can so when I get one I am happy to try all the clothing I have and so on.

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From what I have see people wont say since the body's that are out there are for people to make and sell clothing =/ if they tell you what will fit then you wont buy there stuff..


Except that if something for one doll will fit SmDB, then there's a good chance SmDB stuff will fit the other. Or at least be reasonably close. Yay brand crossover!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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So what size Volks sets will he fit in?


I'm curious about this too, especially since it'll give at least a vague idea of what will fit from other companies as well (Dollheart, Freedom Teller, Nine9. . .). Mostly curious re: SD13B range versus SD17. (It's sounding like SD13B?)


Indeed I would like to know too. the boy he will be has some clothing atm but I am not sure if it will fit.


From what I have see people wont say since the body's that are out there are for people to make and sell clothing =/ if they tell you what will fit then you wont buy there stuff..


I really hope to get one soon as I can so when I get one I am happy to try all the clothing I have and so on.

What we know for sure is that Eiji uses the same frame as the girls (only one jeton higher), so I most of the girl-sized clothes will fit on him.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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From what I have see people wont say since the body's that are out there are for people to make and sell clothing =/ if they tell you what will fit then you wont buy there stuff..

It actually isn't as simple as that. It's not like the Devs are purposely being greedy just to think that their stuff is the *only* clothing that will fit. What we have is the dev version. There are differences between what Ralph's body is and what the final version of Eiji will be. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know for me that I really want to do the best work that I possibly can to make the highest quality of clothing that I'm capable of. Why? Because of you guys. I want to sell the stuff to my forum friends that isn't some half-assed attempt at making something look okay on the outside, be messy on the inside, or only looks like it fits good in pictures. I want to be what I make something worth your consideration and that would make you happy.


Well-fitted clothing is so much more difficult and time consuming to do. It's taken me 6 drafts to get the base fitted t-shirt to the point I'm mostly happy with it (and no velcro in the back so it looks like a real shirt...) I'm constantly thinking about all these minor details on how to tweak every pattern so the SmDB will look sharp, trying to guess what the majority of you would prefer in the specific cut and design. If I was just doing stuff for myself I'd take a lot of shortcuts and just not worry about it. In the last few months I've been forced to learn a ton about how to improve my pattern drafting, draping, the difference in cut, fit, and style in guy's clothes compared to girl's all the while spending a lot of time researching how to improve my sewing skills all for the purpose of being able to offer the highest quality clothing I'm able to.


I'm personally not trying to hide anything in some weird attempt to 'force' people to buy what I make. There is such a huge range of clothing styles possible even for guys that it would be silly to assume one person could do exactly what everyone is looking to buy. I've been as transparent as I've been able, even posting a pic with measurements so people could check for themselves even though there is the caveat that I won't know exact dimensions until I get my own version of the final Eiji. I could say "I've got the Dev version and that should be close enough..." but instead I've chosen to invest even more into this project and get the completed Eiji when I'd rather work on another DD just to make sure that the clothes I've designed fit him as best as my current skill level will allow.


I would make comparison pics with appropriate sized clothing from other companies if I had any to save everyone else the work. But all I have is loads of DD clothes and some MDD from Volks, and some MDD clothes from Alice Collections. Because I can sew I've never gone on a shopping spree like some collectors can because I always think that if I just make it myself then I'd be able to save that much more to get some of my waiting DD finished.


I hope I don't sound angry because I'm not. I'm just trying to be very clear about where things stand from my point of view. This has been as stressful and difficult for me as some of my college classes as I'm constantly reaching farther than I even thought I could just to learn the basics to do the type of work I'd be proud of. I've never had any formal fashion design experience, I was taught by my mother who still gets confused by commercial sewing patterns. Despite what it seems, I have no guarantee of breaking even on this entire project when everything is all said and done. All I do is hope all the time as I work my ass off that in the end I might earn something. It still feels like a pipe dream to me that maybe someday that the whole Naiomi's Closet might earn me enough so I can go on a DD clothing shopping spree instead of having to make everything myself all the time.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Can I just say again how amazing you are, Sister Kyoya? I mean it, your dedication and drive is really inspirational to me. I can't wait to see what you have for Eiji, but remember that it's perfectly fine not to have everything done in time for his release, after all not everyone will be able to buy him as soon as he's out (Like I said, I won't have him till February) so it should be fine to stagger your release dates on things. Of course I understand the need to have a decent selection in time for release, too.


I don't suppose Danny has told you anything else re: hair colours? I know I'm probably getting more and more annoying yelling for a suitable blue Kaito wig at every given opportunity, but it's so I'll know whether I'll be able to buy it together with Eiji or whether I'll need to commission somebody (that colour in that style is bloody hard to find and I'm not confident enough to buy a long blue one to cut and style myself). If it's the latter I'll need to do it sooner rather than later to ensure I have it in time.

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. . . I totally forgot about your measurement pic, SK. ^^; /memory of a goldfish But yeah, I knew you didn't have any resin boys to compare him with, nor would you have much in the way of other companies' clothes to try on him. (Since your other boys are such odd sizes, why would you ever bother buying clothes when you'd know they very likely wouldn't fit?)


I did find this: http://www.mintoncardinc.com/IMAGES/LARGE/FBCTFMUMDHsizeChart1.jpg Has several Volks doll measurements, including both SD13 and SD17.


It's weird, it looks like *height* wise SmDB is closest to SD13, but many other measurements are closer to SD17. :/ Except for the neck, which is like, super-skinny compared to both.


So. . . . effectively at least the dev version looks to be right in between the two, so what clothes fit is probably going to depend a lot on the individual item (oh joy). When the final starts shipping, those of you with other guy dolls (or at least other guy doll clothes) have to slap some stuff on him and let us know what fits, ya hear?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I did find this: http://www.mintoncardinc.com/IMAGES/LARGE/FBCTFMUMDHsizeChart1.jpg Has several Volks doll measurements, including both SD13 and SD17.


It's weird, it looks like *height* wise SmDB is closest to SD13, but many other measurements are closer to SD17. :/ Except for the neck, which is like, super-skinny compared to both.


So it seems like SD17 would be the safest bet if we weren't exactly sure then.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I did find this: http://www.mintoncardinc.com/IMAGES/LARGE/FBCTFMUMDHsizeChart1.jpg Has several Volks doll measurements, including both SD13 and SD17.


It's weird, it looks like *height* wise SmDB is closest to SD13, but many other measurements are closer to SD17. :/ Except for the neck, which is like, super-skinny compared to both.


So it seems like SD17 would be the safest bet if we weren't exactly sure then.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. . . Might have to take up pant and wrist cuffs, and maybe use some belts to take in the waists now and again, but frankly I already do stuff like that when putting SD16 clothes on Agatha, so I'm personally not too fussed about that. Besides, SD17 tends to be less "kiddy" or "young" than SD13, so that's a plus in my book.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. . . Might have to take up pant and wrist cuffs, and maybe use some belts to take in the waists now and again, but frankly I already do stuff like that when putting SD16 clothes on Agatha, so I'm personally not too fussed about that. Besides, SD17 tends to be less "kiddy" or "young" than SD13, so that's a plus in my book.


Yep. Sounds good to me too. I'm so excited to get him, but Ted will have to wait just a while. The Illyas are killing me and I'm not sure If I'll be able to find suitable wig and eyes for him. Miku also keeps nagging me for Gakupo.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I did find this: http://www.mintoncardinc.com/IMAGES/LARGE/FBCTFMUMDHsizeChart1.jpg Has several Volks doll measurements, including both SD13 and SD17.


It's weird, it looks like *height* wise SmDB is closest to SD13, but many other measurements are closer to SD17. :/ Except for the neck, which is like, super-skinny compared to both.


So it seems like SD17 would be the safest bet if we weren't exactly sure then.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. . . Might have to take up pant and wrist cuffs, and maybe use some belts to take in the waists now and again, but frankly I already do stuff like that when putting SD16 clothes on Agatha, so I'm personally not too fussed about that. Besides, SD17 tends to be less "kiddy" or "young" than SD13, so that's a plus in my book.



Cool so hes more of a sd17 guy. i will need to look at my clothing now. a lot of my SD13 clothing is really big and baggy so i think i might be able to get away with using them on him =o maybe have a bit of boxers showing but that wont be overly bad for El. I wish Danny would give a over all list of how many Dev he sold. would be a nice thing to know what shops have him in the work. I still only know of two out there atm.

1318456551_iconforum1.png.a269b0b1783180a9321ea1253e7030d0.png 660234961_iconforum2.png.59d2cd89863301d16c42e72437657af9.png

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So. . . . effectively at least the dev version looks to be right in between the two, so what clothes fit is probably going to depend a lot on the individual item (oh joy). When the final starts shipping, those of you with other guy dolls (or at least other guy doll clothes) have to slap some stuff on him and let us know what fits, ya hear?




I do have SD17 and SD13 boys, even Delf boys which is the reason why I will hopefully get Eiji because I won't need to buy clothes and shoes.


I will make sure to share pictures of what fits and where to get it.



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Bad news, his hands being redone means he's going to get delayed a few more weeks :c English twitter says 'a few weeks', japanese twitter says something like 'less than a month'... I hope that's the only delay because another one could mean that he might not be out by February 8th (the day I plan to go to Gotanda)


I didnt see anything wrong with his hands personally, so I wonder what he's changing?

No word on if this also affects the plans that he would be sold in advance at Comic Fiesta in Malaysia.

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Bad news, his hands being redone means he's going to get delayed a few more weeks :c English twitter says 'a few weeks', japanese twitter says something like 'less than a month'... I hope that's the only delay because another one could mean that he might not be out by February 8th (the day I plan to go to Gotanda)


I didnt see anything wrong with his hands personally, so I wonder what he's changing?

No word on if this also affects the plans that he would be sold in advance at Comic Fiesta in Malaysia.

I think that even if Eiji won't be release officially before you visiting Gotanda, you could always write to Danny describing your situation and asking if he could sell not final Eiji to you. It is not impossible that he would make an exception for you.


As for the hand - the pointing finger was really weird and in my opinion the new one is much better.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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Since Eiji is going to be delayed, it would be a good time to get his glasses done. Not that I would want them, but for those that do.


I also like the new version of his hands. They look better.


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Thank you Torino, I greatly appreciate the kind words. I try so hard to 'keep my best face forward' and do all I can to keep my motivation up as I continually tell myself that it isn't as hard as it seems. My list of things to do is so long that once I finish something I don't really have the time to acknowledge what personal accomplishments I've made before racing on to the next thing. With the work I've already done with the SmDB and how much my skills have increased over the last few months, it makes me painfully aware of the fact that I need to redraft all the DD shirts I already have patterns for (adding ones for the M & SS bust) because as they stand I'm just not happy with them. They were fine when that's what I was capable of doing a few years ago before I ever learned how to drape a pattern, but based on my current skill level they are nearly an embarrassment.


I still hope that my previous post didn't come across as mean/grouchy/bitchy because that was the last thing I was intending. I've been slammed with a severe head cold that just doesn't want to go away. Even taking time to 'rest' yesterday pretty much just means that instead of sewing or doing photos, I was bashing around the website to get it cleaned up and in proper order before the SmDB release. If I had the income, I'd hire about another 8 people to complete what I try to do by myself every week. Heck, I'd just be happy to break even every month instead of spending $250 to keep everything going, and that's before I even get paid. (perhaps the lesson here is if you love the hobby and having all the shiny stuff for your 'kiddos', don't start a hobby related business.) Most days I wonder why in the hell I'm doing this but I already know that without the motivation of attempting to make stuff for my DD that would please you guys as well, I wouldn't really be doing any of it. I'm really lazy about getting around to doing projects for myself, even if I think it would be something fun and interesting I just never manage to get around to it. One of the hardest (and majorly stressful) parts about all this is never knowing what are the right and wrong choices I'm making. That alone leaves me feeling very confused a lot of the time, nearly 90% of it is due to the lack of feedback.



A couple days latter...



My cold is finally breaking, my shoulder is feeling a lot better but I haven't used it much so I'm hoping it will continue to feel fine once I start working more aggressively. I feel bad for everyone waiting that the release date has been pushed back, Danny always seems over optimistic with his time management and expectation when things should get done. Personally I'm really very, very happy to have the extra time. With the stupid stuff I've had to deal with recently I've been uber stressed about being 2-3 weeks behind. Plus, I'm relieved that Eiji's release isn't the day before a massive holiday. Some of us do want to be able to spend time with our families...


I also hope this means that his glasses might get finished in time before Eiji's release. When Danny said that he would essentially finish them later because it wouldn't be finished by his ideal release date, I really saw that as a very lazy move. I don't want to have to pay for shipping twice for something that is supposed to be part of his default character. Eiji is supposed to be a megane. I want to buy a megane. I asked about a Smart Doll boy back when Mirai was released first of all because he was a megane.


Not happy with Eiji's current hands so am redoing them (the gray ones) meaning release delay by couple weeks.




Working on more Eiji hands parts at the same time. Need fists for healthy Eiji.




Being in the Dev program... you'd think Danny would let us know first what's going on when the release date is pushed back, but I never find out before he posts it on Twitter or I directly ask him myself.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I'm definitely in support of you getting additional time, SK. (and I definitely didn't think you sounded mean or bitchy!) However...I feel like I'm the only one who hopes he doesn't come with glasses. Don't get me wrong, I would also love it if he did. It's because knowing how much of a perfectionist Danny can be, it'll mean that his release currently only delayed a few weeks will be delayed a few -months-. Danny's SmD accessories also have a reputation for being of remarkable quality and a price to match. Glasses would definitely be a lot more time and cost intensive than Mirai's extras like the beanie and hair clip...and this means it would affect his price. In the earlier stages Danny said he would try his best for Eiji to be the same price as the other dolls but that he can't guarantee it...which implies there's already the chance that Eiji will cost more. Glasses will almost definitely increase that.


This isn't going to phase a lot of, or even most people here, but for me it's going to be much tougher - I'm already spreading my finances as thin as possible to afford him in February - even planning to have some of my meals in Japan be conbini bento and instant ramen just to save as much money as possible for the inevitable shopping spree I plan to do for him in Akiba. And again, I know I probably sound selfish when I keep bringing up February and I really hope I don't, considering most other people getting him will have to pay shipping when I most likely wont. Being able to buy him when I'm there just means a lot to me right now and is one of the major things I have to look forward to. You know when you're in a major slump and you have that one thing pulling you through? I kind of feel like that right now, although I wish I didn't because I do need to set myself up for the possible chance of him not being released in time for that.


I think that the best case scenario would be him finishing those glasses on time but still keeping them as a separate item that can be added to the order, like extra hands/wigs. That way people who don't want to buy a whole Eiji just for the glasses will also be happy, and people who want Eiji with glasses don't have to pay shipping again, and people who are fine with him not having glasses won't have to pay that extra expense.


All that said in the end it's Danny's decision and if that means further delays and price increases, I'm just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it.


Edit- and huh, I also kind of assumed you'd get to be more 'in the know', being in the Dev program. I don't suppose you can get any more info out of him through email?

Edited by Guest

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I love the new hands, The old ones look wired and I'm also glad the release date has been pushed back a bit (more time to rase money lol) . With this extra time I hope he makes a buffer option part for ejji >

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'scuse me for a sec.


That's better

Now I can stop asking for it at every opportunity. But I'm still so happy!


Awesome! Let's hope red is a thing too! I'd love to not have to hunt a short dark red wig in the right style down.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Can someone with a twitter pester him about the Buff body xD i would do it but i don't understand how to use twitter

Wilhemina (WS 03 DDdy)

Jezebelle (DD Alice Kuonji custom DDdy)

Mariette (DD Mariko custom DDdy)

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Well, I caved and did a crappy photoshop recolor of what I had in mind. Seeing the right(ish?) hair style with the right colors for everything helps me see if The sculpt and faceup works and it does look pretty good. I think I will want a custom faceup because he still looks like Eiji. I like Eiji but Eiji is not Ted so, yeah. Also Danny answered almost the instant I tweeted about it asking about hair and eyes and he said he'd do it! But it might take a while which is fine with me. Tons of limiteds are calling my name at the moment @.@


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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@spookyboo I thought the buffer body option was already confirmed but would be released later on...although I could be wrong and thinking of something else;;

@mimiyo3 He looks so cute with red hair! That was my favourite style so far as well.

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