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Found 41 results

  1. Naoko2112

    Naokos corner

    Here you can see what Ruby, Nina and Mirai are up to... Hope you enjoy
  2. Naoko2112

    Naokos Doll Family

    We are a big family. The Smartdolls are just part of it. Maybe you'd like to see how things work for us. Every big one has a small one. Like a godmother, protector or something. This is me (Naoko, my avatar if you prefer) with the oldest Smartdoll in our family. Ruby came first. Of course she came to my side. Next came Nina (Resilient). She liked Élodie, so Élodie took care of her. Finally Mirai came. You see Mirai with Scarlett. We big ones are made of silicone (Dreamdolls, made in France) However, Miyu (left) is made of fabric. Miyu takes care of all of us. But it's better not to mess with Miyu, otherwise she'll freak out and become Kiko, a manga babe. Believe me, you don't want that hope you liked it
  3. UnderOrange

    Sewing Danny Choo's Free T-Shirt Pattern

    I've got a video up showing how I sew this t-shirt pattern! Link to the pattern is in the video's description.
  4. aminadolls

    Chubby Smartdoll bodies?

    I haven’t seen anyone post these here yet, it seems like a chubby Smartdoll body is in the works! Personally I’m very interested in getting one, I think these models look great so far https://smartdoll.imgix.net/mirai-watchtower-tools/production/stories-files/C02NU0TCABB/bb853793-9d53-444f-abb3-a670413338f1.png?auto=format&crop=center%2Ccenter&fit=max&h=2282&w=2282&s=8b17b17457c87b30614a31eaa783f033 https://smartdoll.imgix.net/mirai-watchtower-tools/production/stories-files/C02NU0TCABB/5ee24fd1-ece2-4f4d-bdc0-2cf8454b6cc6.jpg?au
  5. I was looking at Transcendence in cocoa potentially being my first smartdoll but her makeup looks really dusty/gray in the photos on cocoa skin compared to cinnamon or gray. I was wondering if it looks better IRL than in the photos from the site
  6. Ever since I received my 1/6 imomodoll tan and saw how it was so close to Smart Doll's tea skintone, I took it upon myself to see if it could be hybridized. I wasn't too fond of how tall my Chai (OG Chitose) was and wished she was on the 1/4 scale. I went ahead and ordered a 1/4 slim imomodoll tan body. I knew that the Smart Doll neck hole was a bit smaller than a Dollfie head so all it needed was a few seconds on the hair dryer, and the head easily fit in. Now I'm thinking if Smart Doll hands will fit the pegs, too.
  7. The_Folktale_Fox

    Smartdoll clothes for Angelphilia

    I am having a hard time finding Angel philia clothes that are not having to be shipped in from outside of EU. So I was wondering if smartdoll clothes fit angelphilias? I have a small busted girl coming in but she's quite hipy. Smartdoll clothes just seems to be easier to find? Anyone have thoughts or experiences on this? I'd love to know!
  8. Chocola

    Tea skin color match ?

    Bought a smart doll head to practice faceups, in color tea. If I end up liking her face I will probably want to get a body for her. But smartdoll doesn’t sell single bodies ! They sometimes do chaos things but under the conditions that you’ve bought 2 separate times from the site, and I haven’t bought anything from their site. Where can I find a body that will match smart doll color tea ? Any type is fine, even resin.
  9. Leparda


    From the album: Valerie

    © All rights belong to me

  10. From the album: Valerie

    Valerie is reading a spellbook

    © All rights belong to me

  11. Leparda

    Am I cute?

    From the album: Valerie

    Valerie looking so damn cute in the camera!

    © All rights belong to me

  12. Leparda

    Love has no limit!

    From the album: Valerie

    © All rights belong to me

  13. Leparda

    Look, over there!

    From the album: Valerie

    © All rights belong to me

  14. Hi. As the title writes, what is the difference between thoose two colors? Can you provide some photo comparisson? I may not realize the difference since I am litle bit colorblind. I can asume some specific tones and variatons of colors same unless two objects/pictures are next to each other for comparisson. I guess they are not same colors so not like in famous meme picture. I like both of the mentioned colors. Lets discuss. Thanks.
  15. Warning, this topic could be NSFW a little bit for some people. Finally my doll goal of the year is done. After A LOT of difficulties, months of waiting and of course, my wallets death, I finally got an Adykadoll flex body. After some hours of playing with it, I thought it may be useful to share my opinion in case you weren't sure on acquiring one. Something to notice before I begin is that this body fits both SmD and DD (for this you need some pegs you can buy in the official website for the neck), which means it has the same shape and posability for both brands. Unfortunately, afaik, adykadoll body is not available for the classic SmD skin tones anymore (at least for now) and it will only be available in blue in the future. So, if you're looking for one, right now you will only find DD bodies from the official site. Anyway, let's begin. For this topic I will need help of the most beautiful and angelic SmD that exists (IMO). Her name Is Entropy but she prefers to be called "Enty". She's the discontinued semi real style version 1 Entropy, released some time ago. As you can see, she's using her new body. Now, excluding the silicone, what's the difference between the SmD vynil body and this one? More posability for the legs and a curvier shape that (IMO) looks much better than the original body. For posability purposes, more photos below. Starting with the torso: No posability differences here compared with the original vynil body. Even the big gap that allows to see the inner frame between the bust and the torso is the same. Talking about the inner frame, the torso section is metal-made. I couldn't visually confirm this with the tighs or shins, but, judging by the feel when you squeze the silicone, I'm almost sure is made of metal as well. For the legs articulation, I still need to get used to the body so i can update this topic. For now that's all. Hope it helps you in some way and if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  16. Xenokitten

    Smartdoll Starlight Cinnamon Photos

    My newest doll arrived a few days ago. I turned 40 on May 22nd and wanted a new doll to mark a big birthday. Starlight was on the soon to be discontinued or low stock list so I grabbed her and she arrived on May 21st, just in time to celebrate my birthday with me.
  17. SylveonPaws

    Animal Crossing shirt?

    I was browsing Instagram and saw a Smart Doll wearing a fall-theme Animal Crossing shirt with Isabelle on it. I can't find the post again to refer to. Anyone know where to find some cute Animal Crossing clothes? I've picked up some Pokemon ones, would love some other Nintendo themes in general esp AC. Thanks!!
  18. DarkAvenger696

    Different faceups for your smartdoll?

    Hello, I've seen lots of smart dolls and there are a couple that I like but I'm worried about wiping a faceup has anyone done it? any issues problems etc? I'm looking at Coco skin, Tea skin and Cinnamon skin. I figure milk is probably the same as DD and can be changed easily but I'm concerned about what would happen if you wiped one of the darker skin tones. Let me know please! Any faceup artist etc I would love to see some samples before I jump on board and buy a girl I really am loving how Prowess and Genesis look but I am thinking I might want to change the face a bit any advice would be great!
  19. Starr


    From the album: Nell

  20. Starr


    From the album: Nell

  21. Starr


    From the album: Willow

  22. Starr


    From the album: Bellamy

  23. Starr

    Bee new hair

    From the album: Bellamy

  24. Starr

    Bee Pumpkins 2

    From the album: Bellamy

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